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Staff photo Rebecka Weegar

Rebecka Weegar

I work as a systems developer within research and infrastructure projects at Humlab, eg. Swedigarch and SweDeb. I also work with course development and teaching.

Works at

System developer at Humlab
Samhällsvetarhuset, Humlab är beläget under UB Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I participate as a systems developer in the infrastructures SweDigArch, Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology, and SweDeb - an interface for analyzing Swedish parlamentary debates. I also work with digitalization of historical materials, and with course development and teaching in cooperation with Uppsala University and Lund University within WASP-ED.


EGU General Assebly 2024: Programme
Gholamrezaie, Ershad; Buckland, Philip I.; Mähler, Roger; et al.
SBDI Days 2024 Towards Data-driven Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-25 January, 2024.
Pilotto, Francesca; Gholamrezaie, Ershad; Weegar, Rebecka; et al.