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Staff photo Philip Buckland

Philip Buckland

Vice Dean of Arts and Humanities. Director of The National Infrastructure for Archaeological Science and Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. Senior Lecturer in Environmental Archaeology.

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Section: Archaeology

Vice Dean at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, responsible for research, postgraduate (PhD) education and research infrastructure.

Director of ArchLab: The National Infrastructure for Archaeological Science.

Note: From January 2024 Ivanka Hristova is director of The Environmental Archaeology Lab.

I run the Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD), an interdisciplinary research infrastructure for studies on past environmental change, climate change and human activity. From 2022, SEAD is part of The Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology (SweDigArch).

My research interests parallel the concept and scope of the database and includes the use of biological proxies, particularly fossil insects, to reconstruct past environmental and climate change, especially when related to past human activities. I am also interested in the use of palaeoentomology, the study of fossil insects, in the study of past biodiversity, and in relation to modern conservation policy and activities. I co-authored the BugsCEP database and software, and am interested in the development and study of research data infrastructures, in particular the use of big data in and beyond archaeology and palaeoecology, as well as the broader adoption of FAIR principles for open data access.

More recently I have become interested in research concerning the adaptation of cultural heritage to climate change, and am working with the Swedish Transport Authority, Swedish National Heritage Board and private companies to push these issues.

I am a Fellow of The Royal Entomological Society and active in a number of national and international organisations.

For contract archaeology see the websites for The Environmental Archaeology Lab and Research Consultancy.

I am also a participant or partner in the following research infrastructures:

ARIADNEplus - The European Infrastructure for Archaeological Data (3rd party)

ESPADON - French Heritage Sciences infrastructure on the Dynamic Analysis of Ancient and Digital Objects (Strategic Orientation Committee)

HSS - Heritage Science Sverige (Steering committee)

Humlab - Humanities laboratory, Umeå (Chair of Scientific Advisory Board)

IPERION-HS - Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science (3rd party)

Neotoma - Neotoma Paleoecology Database and Community (Leadership group)

Old Wood in a New Light - Swedish national research data infrastructure for dendrochronology (Co-PI)

SBDI - Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (Partner)

URDAR - A research infrastructure for archaeological excavation data (Co-PI)

Recently completed infrastructure projects:

DataARC - Enabling Scientific Research on the Long-Term Human Ecodynamics of the North Atlantic (Co-PI)

SLW - Swedish LifeWatch (Partner) (merged with SBDI)

VISEAD - Pushing the cutting edge of the Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database SEAD: new research areas and users for interdisciplinary studies of global challenges (PI)

EGU General Assebly 2024: Programme
Gholamrezaie, Ershad; Buckland, Philip I.; Mähler, Roger; et al.
Den komplekse jernalderbosetningen på Dilling: hus – gård – grend – landsby?, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2024 : 275-294
Hristova, Ivanka; Östman, Sofi; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Den komplekse jernalderbosetningen på Dilling: hus – gård – grend – landsby?, Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2024 : 295-323
Macphail, Richard I.; Linderholm, Johan; Gjerpe, Lars Erik; et al.
SBDI Days 2024 Towards Data-driven Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-25 January, 2024.
Pilotto, Francesca; Gholamrezaie, Ershad; Weegar, Rebecka; et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 53
Sjölander, Mattias; Linderholm, Johan; Geladi, Paul; et al.
The Naturalist, Yorkshire Naturalists' Union 2023, Vol. 148 : 81-98
Allen, Derek; Bateman, Mark; Buckland, Paul C.; et al.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology, Oslo: Norwegian Entomological Society 2023, Vol. 70, (2) : 158-169
Buckland, Philip I.; Buckland, Paul C.
International Journal of Wood Culture, Brill Academic Publishers 2023, Vol. 3, (1-3) : 442-463
Edvardsson, Johannes; Hansson, Anton; Sjölander, Mattias; et al.
Anglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history 23, Oxford: Archaeopress 2023 : 167-205
Hey, David; Buckland, Paul C.; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Archeologica data, Sesto Fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio 2023, Vol. 3 : 85-104
Stilborg, Ole; Sjölander, Mattias; Buckland, Philip I.
Miljöarkeologiska Laboratoriets Rapporter, 2023-035
Östman, Sofi; Linderholm, Johan; Buckland, Philip; et al.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 19, Oxbow Books 2022 : 44-146
Buckland, Paul C.; Magilton, John R.; Dolby, Malcolm J.
Digital heritage and archaeology in practice: data, ethics, and professionalism, University Press of Florida 2022 : 109-134
Buckland, Philip I.; Sjölander, Mattias
ArcheoLogica Data, Sesto Fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio 2022, Vol. 2 : 15-29
Buckland, Philip I.; Sjölander, Mattias; von Boer, Johan; et al.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 19, Oxbow Books 2022 : 147-164
Buckland, Philip I.; Steers, Andy; Buckland, Paul C.
Yrfän, Sverige: Sveriges entomologiska förening 2022, (1) : 25-27
Lemdahl, Geoffrey; Fägerström, Christoffer
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences, Royal Society Publishing 2022, Vol. 289, (1977)
Pilotto, Francesca; Rojas, Alexis; Buckland, Philip I.
Miljöarkeologiska Laboratoriets Rapporter, 2022-017
Östman, Sofi; Hristova, Ivanka; Eriksson, Samuel; et al.
Climate, MDPI 2021, Vol. 9, (10)
Antonson, Hans; Buckland, Philip I.; Blomqvist, Göran
KMV forum AB:s (Norconsult) rapporter, 5
Antonson, Hans; Buckland, Philip I.; Fröjmark Svanström, Karin; et al.
KMV forum AB:s rapporter, 2021:4
Antonson, Hans; Buckland, Philip I.; Nyqvist, Roger; et al.
Routledge international handbook of research methods in digital humanities, Oxon & New York: Routledge 2021 : 203-217
Foka, Anna; Cocq, Coppélie; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Jaunsen, Andreas O.; Alaterä, Tuomas J.; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science 2021, Vol. 16, (4)
Morrison, Kathleen D.; Hammer, Emily; Boles, Oliver; et al.
Internet Archaeology, Vol. 56
Opitz, Rachel; Strawhacker, Colleen; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Biological Conservation, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 260
Pilotto, Francesca; Dynesius, Mats; Lemdahl, Geoffrey; et al.
Frontiers of Biogeography, International Biogeography Society 2021, Vol. 13, (2)
Uhen, Mark D.; Buckland, Philip I.; Goring, Simon J.; et al.
Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society, Sheffield: The Hunter Archaeological Society 2020, Vol. 29 : 84-101
Buckland, Paul; Buckland, Philip I.; Prosser, Tim
Quaternary Science Reviews, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 232
Farjon, Aljos; Horne, David J.; Parfitt, Simon A.; et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 31
Fägerström, Christoffer; Buckland, Philip I.; Lemdahl, Geoffrey; et al.
Miljöarkeologiska Laboratoriets Rapporter, 2020-030
Hristova, Ivanka; Östman, Sofi; Buckland, Philip I.
Kastell Dambach am Raetischen Limes: Ausgrabungen im Vicus am Rand des Moosgrabentals (2008), Kallmünz: Verlag Michael Lassleben 2020 : 240-256
Lemdahl, Geoffrey; Buckland, Philip I.
Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science, Stockholm: Stockholm University 2020, Vol. 19 : 49-61
Tranberg, Annemari; Alenius, Teija Helena; Kallio-Seppä, Titta; et al.
Buckland, Paul C.; Buckland, Philip I.; G. Russell, Coope; et al.
Royal Society Open Science, Royal Society Publishing 2019, Vol. 6, (7)
Buckland, Philip I.; Bateman, Mark D.; Bennike, Ole; et al.
Archaeometry, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 61, (4) : 977-990
Buckland, Philip I.; Buckland, Paul C.
Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC–AD 1250, Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing (NOASP) 2019 : 107-134
Linderholm, Johan; Macphail, Richard; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2019, Vol. 365, (6456) : 897-902
Stephens, Lucas; Fuller, Dorian; Boivin, Nicole; et al.
Miljöarkeologiska Laboratoriets Rapporter, 2019-007
Östman, Sofi; Hristova, Ivanka; Buckland, Philip I.; et al.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Springer 2018, Vol. 10, (1) : 125-140
Buckland, Paul C.; Buckland, Philip I.; Panagiotakopulu, Eva
Checklist of beetles of the British Isles: with a chapter on fossil beetles, Iver: Pemberley Books 2018 : 171-174
Buckland, Philip I.; Buckland, Paul C.
Encyclopedia of global archaeology
Buckland, Philip I.; Buckland, Paul C.; Olsson, Fredrik
Digital Humanities Quarterly, The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) 2018, Vol. 12, (3)
Buckland, Philip I.; Dell'Unto, Nicolo; Pálsson, Gísli
Encyclopedia of global archaeology
Buckland, Philip I.; Sjölander, Mattias; Eriksson, Erik J.
PAGES Magazine, Bern: PAGES International 2018, Vol. 26, (2) : 68-69
Kohler, Timothy A.; Buckland, Philip I.; Kintigh, K. W.; et al.
Quaternary Research, Cambridge University Press 2018, Vol. 89, (1) : 156-177
Williams, John W.; Grimm, Eric C.; Blois, Jessica L.; et al.
Wood Wise, Woodland Trust 2017 : 22-27
Buckland, Philip
Populär Arkeologi, Vetenskapsmedia i Sverige AB 2017, (3)
Buckland, Philip I.

Primarily teaching in the Environmental Archaeology Master's program (in English) and the Archaeology Program (in Swedish) in Umeå. I provide guest lectures in other courses internationally and nationally over in various research fields.

Current courses

Master's in landscape archaeology/environmental archaeology

Supervision of thesis work at the undergraduate and Master's levels - contact me for essay topics!

Previous and occasional courses

Environmental archaeological field and lab methodology, archaeology, Archaeology and GIS, Theory and Method in Archaeology and Environmental Archaeology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Archaeology, Communicating Popular Science, Presentation Techniques, Environmental Archaeology - Sustainability and Cultural Heritage, Environmental humanities

Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database

SEAD is an interdisciplinary national research data infrastructure for environmental archaeology data.

The Environmental Archaeology Laboratory

A national resource focused at concultancy, research and development within environmental archaeology.