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Staff photo Petter Fjällström

Petter Fjällström

I am a PhD candidate and explore how the adoption of CPP influence the primary care organization and access to cancer care. I am also a licensed specialist nurse in dementia care.

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Doctoral student at Department of Nursing
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3. Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå


Our research group explore how the adoption of Cancer Patient Pathways (CPP) influence access to cancer care and the organization itself in primary care within northern Sweden. The plan is to explore how the organization is influenced from different perspectives: How actors on different organizational levels adopt CPPs into the health system;  how primary healthcare units adjust their organizational routines by using CPPs; what primary healthcare nurses and physicans experience of handling potential cancer symptoms after the introduction of CPPs; and if time to diagnosis for patients with colorectal cancer differs before and after the introduction of CPPs

Health Research Policy and Systems, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 21, (1)
Fjällström, Petter; Coe, Anna-Britt; Lilja, Mikael; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 41, (3) : 287-296
Fjällström, Petter; Hörnsten, Carl; Lilja, Mikael; et al.
BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central (BMC) 2022, Vol. 22, (1)
Fjällström, Petter; Coe, Anna-Britt; Lilja, Mikael; et al.
European Journal of Cancer Care, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 31, (6)
Hultstrand Ahlin, Cecilia; Hörnsten, Carl; Lilja, Mikael; et al.
Ca-PRI Online Conference 2021: Abstracts : 55-55
Fjällström, Petter; Hajdarevic, Senada; Coe, Anna-Britt; et al.
Annals of Oncology, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 32, (Supplement 5) : S1277-S1277
Fjällström, Petter; Hajdarevic, Senada; Coe, Anna-Britt; et al.

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