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Staff photo Per Bergling

Per Bergling

Per Bergling is appointed Director-General for the Family Law and Parental Support Authority (MFoF) and on leave of absence from Umeå University.

Research qualifications: Docent



Works at

Professor (on leave) at Department of Law
Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 5, Umeå universitet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Professor Per Bergling (LL.M., LL.D.) is Chairman of the Research Committee and responsible for strategically leading the research at the Department. Bergling also leads or is member of several research projects and teams, among them on the rights of victims of atrocity crimes and on the Rule of Law at the international, regional and national levels. Previously, Bergling worked as Senior Advisor on International Law at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and as Principal Legal Advisor at the Folke Bernadotte Academy - the Swedish government agency for peace, security, and development. In 1999-2001, Bergling served as the Rule of Law Advisor to the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bergling's teaching with Umeå University and several other universities in Sweden and internationally spans International Law, Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law, the Rule of Law, Genocide and Atrocity Prevention and related fields. Bergling is a frequently used expert instructor on various matters related to peace and state-building, rule of law promotion, and atrocity prevention at several professional training institutes and academies.

Bergling's research covers the fields of International Law, Rule of Law and Human Rights Law. He has authored a number of internationally available publications and reports.


Currently, Bergling leads or is a member of the following projects:

Rule of Law at the International, Regional and National Levels. This project, which is conducted together with colleagues from Uppsala University and other research institutions, focuses on how the Rule of Law is understood as a principle and policy area in the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe and among various Swedish entities. The project also addresses how the norms, definitions and applications at the various levels relate and influence each other.

Governments and the Difficult Truth: this project deals with how states and governments officially categorize mass atrocities and other serious violations of human rights, as well as the domestic and international legal and political implications of such categorizations.

Victims of Atrocity Crimes: this recent project focuses on the rights under International Law and Swedish law of victims of mass atrocity crimes (genocides, crimes against humanity, war crimes). The project addresses both the relevant norms and the supporting institutional framework.

Legal assistance to developing countries: Swedish perspectives on the rule of law, Brill Academic Publishers 2023 : 61-80
Bergling, Per
Festskrift till Örjan Edström, Umeå: Juridiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 2019 : 21-38
Bergling, Per
Washington International Law Journal, Vol. 24, (3) : 435-457
Bergling, Per; Jin, Sophie
Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB 2015
Naarttijärvi, Markus; Bergling, Per; Wimelius, Malin E.; et al.
Corruption and post-conflict peacebuilding: selling the peace?, London: Routledge 2012 : 114-125
Bergling, Per
Festskrift till Pär Hallström, Uppsala: Iustus förlag 2012 : 51-59
Bergling, Per
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, Vol. 4, (1) : 98-119
Bergling, Per; Wennerström, Erik; Sannerholm, Richard Zajac
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2012, Vol. 4, (Special Issue 01) : 98-119
Bergling, Per; Wennerström, Erik; Zajac Sannerholm, Richard
Utblick och inblick: Vänbok till Claes Sandgren, Uppsala: Iustus förlag 2011 : 43-56
Bergling, Per
Uppsala: Iustus förlag 2011
Madell, Tom; Bergling, Per; Edström, Örjan; et al.
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Cambridge UK: T.M.C.Asser/Cambridge University press 2010, Vol. 2, (2) : 171-202
Bergling, Per; Wennerström, Erik O; Zajac Sannerholm, Richard
Asian constitutionalism in transition: a comparative perspective, Milan: Giuffré Editore 2009 : 49-69
Bergling, Per
Skrifter från Juridiska institutionen vid Umeå universitet, 21
Bergling, Per
New directions in comperative law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2009 : 19-32
Bergling, Per
Umanizzare L'umanitarismo?: Limiti e potenzialitá della comunitá internazionale, Turin: Utet universitá 2009 : 201-210
Bergling, Per
International Peacekeeping, Oxon, UK: Routledge 2008, Vol. 15, (3) : 362-372
Bergling, Per
Folke Bernadotte Academy Publications, 5
Bergling, Per; Bejstam, Lars; Ederlöv, Jenny
State, social transformation and legal reform: International Symposium, 9-10 december 2006
Bergling, Per
Proceedings of the United States Pacific Command International Military Operations and Law Conference (MILOPS) 2006
Bergling, Per
PSI Asia-Pacific News, Vol. 17, (1)
Bergling, Per
Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2003, (4) : 469-498
Bergling, Per
Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm: Stiftelsen Stockholms juridiska fakultets tidskrift 2002, Vol. 14 (2002/2003), (3) : 778-797
Bergling, Per
Nordic Journal of International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2001, Vol. 70, (4) : 489-511
Bergling, Per
Umeå studies in law, 1
Bergling, Per
Hanoi: Hanoi Ministry of Justice 1998
Bergling, Per; Boström, Viola; Häggqvist, Erik; et al.
Vietnam: reform and transformation : conference proceedings, Stockholm: Centre for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University 1997 : 18pp-
Bergling, Per
Commercial laws of East Asia, Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell Asia 1997 : 609-650
Bergling, Per
Legal assistance to developing countries: Swedish perspectives on the rule of law, Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik AB 1997 : 61-80
Bergling, Per
Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, Scandinavian University Press 1996, Vol. 109, (4) : 662-702
Bergling, Per

Research groups

Group member