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Staff photo Paul Townend

Paul Townend

Head of Green Distributed Computing group, Scientific Coordinator for Horizon Europe COGNIT, Co-PI to WASP WARA-Ops, Research Leader in ADSLab, member of WASP Graduate School Management.

Research qualifications: Docent



Works as

Associate professor at Department of Computing Science
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.C.229 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Head of the Green Distributed Computing group, I'm interested in energy efficient and sustainable / low-carbon distributed systems, with a current focus on Edge-Cloud! See my personal website.

I am Scientific Coordinator of the Horizon Europe COGNIT project, Co-Manager and Scientific Advisor of the WASP WARA-Ops research area, and a member of the WASP Graduate School Management team. I am also a Research Leader within the Autonomous Distributed Systems lab and a member of the Department’s Committee for Research (CORE).

I supervise 5 PhD students and 2 post-docs, and I coordinate and teach the Level 5 Cloud Computing course. My Google Scholar information is here.