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Umeå Institute of Design (UID)


Adrian Löwander

Department administrator at Umeå Institute of Design with responsibility for study administration and admission to the Bachelor programme in Industrial Design and the PhD programme.

Ambra Trotto

Ambra Trotto is Director of Design and Research at d.centre (RISE), Associate Professor at Umeå Institute of Design and Guest Researcher at TU/e.

Anders Hellström

I take care of logistics and the premises of the house here at UID.

Anja Neidhardt-Mokoena

Doctoral student at the UID and the Centre for Gender Studies.

Birgitta Sundberg

Working primarily with education and study administration issues related to programmes and courses at Umeå Institute of Design

Brendon Clark

I am Associate Professor in design anthropology Umeå Institute of Design. 

Carl Papworth

As lecturer in communication design I teach graphic design, typography, UX/UI-design as well as storytelling and graphic communication. 

Catharina Henje

Lecturer at Umeå Institute of Design within Industrial design, Interaction design, Service design and Human factors. Research focus on inclusion within design. 

Cindy Kohtala

Professor in Design for Sustainability. Programme director, MFA in Interaction Design. Research interest in grassroots participatory processes exploring sustainability and localizing design.

Clara Häggström Germann
Danielle Wilde

My research and teaching raise questions around the social, ecological and material sustainability of human action, and the role of design therein.

David Risberg

Reserach Engineer with the workshop as main area of responsibility. Consult me when you need help with modelmaking och prototyping, or with other technical question (but not IT).

Demian Horst

As head of department I am responsible for managing and securing the institute’s operations, and leading the staff by promoting development and collaboration connected to the goals and visions of UID.

Elin Kolterjahn

I work as the Visual Coordinator at Umeå Institute of Design.

Eva-Lena Bäckström

Industrial designer, associate professor on artistic ground and programme director for the Bachelor programme in Industrial Design.

Gustav Skoogh
Heather Wiltse

I am associate professor in design for the data-intensive society at Umeå Institute of Design, where I am currently leading a project called “Design Philosophy for Things That Change”.

Irma Svenningsson
Jens Mann
Jens Persson

I strive to make Umeå Institute of Design visible to prospective students, society, industry, and researchers. I oversee the development and implementation of communications strategies.

Johan Redström

Johan Redström joined UID as professor of design in 2012, and has been responsible for the PhD programme and research direction at UID. Between 2015 and 2018, he was Rector of UID. 

Jonas Sandström
Karey Helms

Associate professor of design at Umeå Institute of Design and postdoctoral researcher at Stockholm University

Lars Johansson

Lecturer at Umeå Institute of Design, teaching basic methods and skills for industrial design and interaction design.

Leena Naqvi

I am a practising artist and responsible for the part time life drawing courses taught at UID. 



Maria Göransdotter

I am associate professor in design history and design theory at Umeå Institute of Design, and Director of PhD studies in industrial design. 

Max Westergård
Monica Lindh-Karlsson
Natarsha Bates

(she/they) Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Design and Molecular Biology at Umeå Institute of Design, Department of Molecular Biology & Um...Arts


Niklas Andersson

Lecturer at Umeå Intitute of Design teaching Interaction Design, Design Methods, Graphic Design, Sustainable Development and Presentation Techniques.

Rickard Åström

Research engineer running UID's interaction lab. I teach electronics and programming on a practical level for the students that wants to use it in their design. I also lend gadgets and equipment.

Robert Collins

Robert Collins is investigating Agonistic Design as a way to exist with and have ongoing agency over AI and algorithmic decision systems.

Seda Özçetin

Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellow of DCODE Network working towards designing alternatives for the Terms of Service.

Silvester Kössler
Susanne Jonsson
Thomas Degn

Associate Professor in Industrial Design. Degree of Master of Arts in Advanced Product Design. Director for the MFA programme in Advanced Product Design.

Tomas Lindehell

Lecturer Design College. Teaches and communicates processes, workflows, and computer-aided tools, to design students, to create 3D models and visualisations.

Tord Berggren

Lecturer in Industrial design

William Andersson
Ylva Fernaeus

Deputy Director of Umarts and Associate Professor at Umeå Insitute of Design.
Also part-time Associate Professor in Interaction Design at KTH in Stockholm.

Ylva Johansson
Young Suk Lee