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Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation


Adam Grinberg

In my research, I study sensorimotor function following ACL injury. My current work aims to better understand re-injury fear and anxiety by implementing functional neurophysiological techniques.

Andre Nyberg

My research is about developing new strategies for the assessment and management of extrapulmonary manifestations among people with COPD.

Andreas Hult

Researcher in Sports Medicine and Public Health with a special focus on how our lifestyle and more specifically our level of physical activity predicts our future health and risk of illness.

Andrew Strong
Ann Ekdahl
Anna Olofsson
Anna Sondell

Associate Professor in Physiotherapy, Registered Physiotherapist, VFU koordinator.

Annika Toots

Associate Professor and Docent of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapist at the Geriatric Centre, University Hospital of Umeå

Anton Edlund
Apostolos Theos

Associate Professor Sports Medicine

Deputy Head of Department of Community Medicine & Rehabilitation

Head of Section of Sports Medicine

Teaching and Researching in the field of Exercise Physiology.

Börje Rehn

I conduct research and teach in the field of physiotherapy, which I further want to develop, as tailored physical activity have shown significant health effects.

Camilla Sandberg

I am an Associate Professor in Physiotherapy and work as a university lecturer at the Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, at the Physiotherapy Program.

Caroline Bigey

PhD student - Occupational therapy

Charlotte Häger

Professor of Physiotherapy. My research addresses human motor control, how the brain is involved and how to understand movements in normal conditions and after injury/disease to guide treatment.

Christer Malm

I represent the University in Sports Medicine and Precision Medicine for Exercise and Health. Research includes physical activity, performance, anti-doping and children's sports.

Director of Studies at Sports Medicine and Occupational Therapy. University Lecturer. Research focuses on work health and life balance in male-dominated workplaces. Other merits: Recognised teacher

Emilia Viklund
Emma Simonsson
Erik Frykholm
Erik Rosendahl

Professor of Physiotherapy. Works with research and teaching. The research is mainly about physical activity and exercise for older people, including people who have dementia or live in nursing homes.

Eva Tengman
Evelina Sund
Frida Degerstedt
Gudrun Johansson


Adjunct Associate Professor

Physiotherapist Specialist, County Council of Västerbotten

Gunilla Stenberg

Associate professor, combined with clinical employment, teaches at the Physiotherapy Program.

Heidi Nedergård
Helena Andersson

I have a doctoral degree in medicine/phyiology. I'm currently a senior lecturer in Umeå teaching, supervising students and my research areas are recovery processes, football, women.   

Helena Fridberg
Hugo Lövheim
Ingeborg Nilsson


Professor of Occupational Therapy

Head of Academic Discipline, Occupational Therapy

Jesper Andersson

Lecturer at the Occupational Therapy programme.

Ji-Guo Yu
Johan Asplund
Johan Jakobsson

I am a doctoral student in medicine, within the project COPD-HIIT. Examining feasibility and effects of supramaximal HIIT in people with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Johan Niklasson

Associate professor and senior consultant (attending) physician

Docent in geriatrics

Jonas Markström


My research focuses on human sensorimotor control during sports-relevant situations, mainly among persons with a history of anterior cruciate ligament injury.

Jonas Sandlund
Jonas Selling
Jonas Westman
Julia Hallin

PhD student Occupational therapy. 

Junhong Li
Kajsa Gilenstam

I teach exercise physiology at the bachelor and master's levels and I am also responsible for our master's programme.
Sex/gender in exercise physiology is my main area of interest in research.


Karin Wadell

In our research on the development and evaluation of e-health tools for people with lung disease, we use various AI solutions, such as feedback from reported physical activity or symptoms.

Katarina Tomic
Kristina Larsson
Lars Berglund


Associate professor in physiotherapy

Reg. physiotherapist

Linda Sandqvist
Linda Widar
Ludvig Backman

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Functional Anatomy

Magnus Zingmark

My research is focused on how active ageing can be promoted through the development and implementation of health promotion, preventive and rehabilitation interventions in municipality contexts.

Margarita Mondaca
Maria Berglind

I work as a study administrator for the subjects of History and Archaeolgy.

Maria Boström
Maria Strömbäck
Maria Wiklund

lecturer and docent, with interdisciplinary research focus on public health science, medical sociology, as well as gender-theoretical and socio-cultural perspectives on the body, movement and health.

Marlene Sandlund

My research centers on developing and evaluating innovative methods to improve the accessibility and attractiveness of strength and balance exercises for older adults using digital technology.

Martin Björklund

Associate professor.

Responsible for the doctoral education at the department and represents the department at The Council for Doctoral Education of the Faculty of Medicine.

Mattias Hedlund
Mattias Höglund
Michael Svensson

PhD, ass professor in Sports medicine. Teaching:exercise physiology, metabolism, and nutrition. Research:exercise-training, muscle biology, metabolism, nutrition, iron and metabolic syndrome.

Nina Lindelöf
Oscar Bergens
Pontus Öhrner
Qingfan An

Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD Fellow, ESR13 Health CASCADE

Rita Sjöström
Samuel Öberg
Sanna Mikko
Sara Lundell

Associate professor in physiotherapy. Research focus on how stigma-related emotions affect self-management in people with COPD, and support for self-management for different groups.

Sofia Björkbacka

PhD student in Rehabilitation Medicin, Physiotherapist

Therese Eskilsson

Therese Eskilsson is the Head of the Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå university and an associate professor, physiotherapy. 

Therese Nordin

My thesis concerns social participation and togetherness among older adults in a home care context, within the research project STAY-IN-TOUCH. 

Tobias Stenlund

My research area is eHealth and how digital elements with AI can make people with a diagnosis more independent.

Ulla Nygren
Xiaolei Hu


Associate professor and Senior Consultant PRM Physician
Head of academic discipline of rehabilitation medicine

Joint clical position, Region Västerbotten


Åsa Svedmark

Associated professor in physiotherapy, combined with clinical employment 

Md in physiotherapi

Work environment representative