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Faculty Office of Medicine


Anette Humby
Ann Sörlin
Anna Fahlgren
Anna Lundberg
Anna Olson
Cecilia Elofsson

I work with research related questions (FON), support to the faculty management and introduction of newly employed administrative staff. I work as coordinator for the Information Committée.

Elin Sonning
Gunilla Mårald
Gunnar Tiger
Jenny Bagglund
Jenny Kurki
Johan Daunfeldt
Karin Jansson
Kristina Lejon

Professor of Immunology

Deputy Dean of Medical Faculty

Lena Åminne
Lina Häggkvist
Linda Wahlqvist
Lisa Berg
Madeleine Lindmark

Coordinator in The Hiring and Docent Board (ADN).

Malin Söderlund
Mari-Helen Kula
Nina Häggström
Nina Ohlson
Ola Nilsson

Communications Officer, mainly working with research news at the Faculty of Medicine.

Olov Olsson
Oskar Sandström
Patrik Danielson

M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Anatomy

Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Peter Forsgren
Petra Norqvist
Tomas Jacobsson
Wasif Ali

I am primarily involved in coordinating various research initiatives at the Faculty of Medicine.

Ylwa Wirtala
Åsa Audulv

I’m a nurse, teacher and researcher. My research area is self-management among people with long-term conditions, development of self-management measures and support tools.