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Department of Physics


Adrian Hjältén
Aitor De Andres Gonzalez

PhD in experimental physics. Interested in photonics and materials science. Currently developing infrastructure for ultrashort laser laboratories and conducting research in plasmonics.

Head of the Optical Frequency Comb Spectroscopy Group


Alexander Vergara

Network Biology and plant responses to stress. 

Alexandr Talyzin

My research group works with graphene related materials both as fundamental research and for energy storage applications.  We are partners in EU Graphene Flagship.

Alice Kuzhikandathil Mohamed
Andrea Rosina
Anja Möslinger
Ann Céline Zimmermann

 PhD studies: Light-matter interactions in nanoscale materials at femtosecond time scales

Anton Kirch
Antón Carcedo Martinez

Modeling DNA methylation and gene regulation, exploring its role in aging and diseases. Outside the lab, he is skiing, hiking, or practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Arvid Fälldin
Audrey Schillings
Carita Tobiasson
Carl Johansson
Carol Norberg

Lecturer in Space Physics

Carolina Näslund
Christian Larsen

I am doing research on the fabrication and operation of printed organic electronics, mainly light-emitting electrochemical cells. 

Claude Dion

Researcher in atomic and molecular physics as well as computational physics.

Daniel Edler
Daniel Nilsson

Daniel is a PhD student in Biophysics and Biophotonics group supervised by Professor Magnus Andersson. Magnus develops new techniques for measuring biological systems, for example bacteria.

Dmitry Malyshev

Biophysicist at the interface of microbiology and physics. Combines microbiology - mainly pathogenic bacterial spores - with  optical tweezers, microwave systems and multiphysics modelling.

Eduardo Gracia

I am leading a research group dedicated to study and control the surface and electronic properties of functional nanomaterials.

Elin Säfvenberg
Erik Ledström Edin
Erik Zäll
Eva Krämer
Eva-Maria Schröder
Fritz Schnur
Gabriella Nordin
Gabrielle Beans Picón

Staff Scientist, Research communication and coordination at Integrated Science Lab (icelab.se) and Curiosum. 

Gui Li
Hannes Kempf

I am a postdoc working on the ultrafast spectroscopy of magneto-optical effects.

Hannes Marklund
Hans Forsman
Hektor Rosenberg
Herbert Gunell

I am a space physicist, and my research interests include Earth's magnetosphere, auroral research, other planets, and comets.

Hinduja Bhuvanendran

PhD in Nicolò Maccaferri's research group.

Isak Silander
Jakub Vaverka
Jelena Smiljanic
Jenny Johansson
Jens Zamanian

My research is about quantum effects in plasmas. 
I am also the Director of Internationalisation at our department, and Programme Director of the Master's Programme in Physics. 

Jia Wang

My research interest is the low-dimensional semiconductor materials, including organic, inorganic and hybrid materials, and their applications in various energy-conversion processes.

Joan Ràfols Ribé

Researcher in the Organic Photonic and Electronics Group at the Physics department, see www.opeg-umu.se for more information.


Johan Jonsson

I'm a Ph.D. student at the Industrial Doctorial School studying biophysics and biophotonics in Magnus Andersson Lab


Johan Zakrisson
Jonas Segervald
Katarina Hassler
Krister Wiklund
Kumar Saumya
László Veisz

I am the head of RElativistic Attosecond physics Laboratory, REAL.

Lucas Hedström

I work on stochastic processes, chromatin folding, computational biology, as well as gene regulation and mechanisms of DNA-protein interaction.

Ludvig Edman

I am leading a research group that develops advanced photonic and electronic devices and materials for functional and sustainable applications.

For more information, please visit: opeg-umu.com

Ludvig Lizana

I work at the intersection of cell biology and physics, focusing on gene regulation, epigenetics, aging, and the 3D folding of chromosomes in the cell nucleus. More information: www.lizanalab.org.

Magnus Andersson

Head of the Biophysics and Biophotonics group. More information is found here: https://sites.google.com/view/biophysicsphotonics/

Magnus Neuman
Maria Hamrin

I am a researcher in space plasma physics and I am also director for the engineering programme in physics.

Martin Rosvall

I am interested in understanding how the flow of information through social and biological systems affects their function.

Martin Servin

I am devoted to digital physics, with a particular focus on computational modelling and simulation of granular materials, robots and vehicles - essential for AI-based control and perception.

Mikael Lundbäck
Mouna Rafei
Nicolò Maccaferri

Head of the Ultrafast Nanoscience Unit and Wallenberg Academy Fellow

Nils Blix
Nils Henriksson

PhD-student in the Ultrafast Nanoscience group led by Nicolò Maccaferri.

Ove Andersson
Ove Axner

I work with the development of laser-based measurement technqies for sensitive detection of atoms and molecules in gas phase, primarily analytical laser spectroscopy and refractometry.

Parvin Howaida
Patrik Norqvist
Peter Olsson

I do research using computer simulations about jamming - when a granular material changes from being in a loose liquid state to a solid "jamming" state.

Philip Semrén
Piotr Matyba
Rasmus Öberg

I am a PhD student at the Industrial Doctoral School studying biophysics and biophotonics in Magnus Andersson Lab.

Roushdey Salh
Sajjad Vardast
Sara Nesbit-Östman
Shahab Fatemi

I lead the Computational Space Physics research group, studying plasma interaction with planetary bodies using simulations and spacecraft data.

Shi Tang

I am a researcher in organic photonic and electronic group, focusing on the development of light-emitting electrochemical cells. You can find more information on our web page: www.opeg-umu.se

Shohruh Tohirov
Sikha Sanjay Menon
Sreehari Kaniyeri
Sune Pettersson

I teach courses in Physics and coordinate physics courses in the teacher programme.
I do research in Physics Education with a focus on group work in physics. 

Susu Bi
Theodor Ringius
Thomas Wågberg

I am head of the Department of physics and group leader of "Nano for Energy", an interdisciplinary research group focusing on nanomaterials and their applications in renewable energy.

Tlek Tapani

Tlek is a PhD student in the Ultrafast Nanophotonics research group led by Nicolò Maccaferri.

William Strömberg
Xiaoying Zhang
Xueen Jia

I am a researcher in the nanoscience group. My research mainly focus on developing novel nanomaterials and device for biomedical and renewable energy application.

Yuntao Qiu