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Project administrator for TAIGA since April 2024
I am an Assistant Professor with focus in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. I also do research in Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Science.
I study the use of IT from a pedagogical perspective with technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Researching Digital/AI Transformation, Innov. Ecosystems, Global Strategy
Co-ordinator of the AI seminars at the Centre for Transdisciplinary AI and the Professional Programme in Service Management
Jonny Holmström is the director and co-founder of Swedish Center for Digital Innovation. His research interests are digital innovation, digital transformation and digital entrepreneurship.
Researcher & teacher. TAIGA co-director
Primary focus: Anxiety-Sensitive Artificial Intelligence
General interests: simulation, responsible AI, pedagogy and transdisciplinarity
Markus Hällgren (markus.hallgren@umu.se) is a professor of management and organization at Umeå School of Business and Economics. More information; www.markushallgren.com & www.tripleed.com
My research revolves around constitutional rights and rule of law, in particular the intersection of technology, security and human rights.
My research interest is on the process of intersubjectivity, implicit shared intentionality, systemic processes and its evolutionary and biological underpinning including its meaning.
I do research on robotics and artificial intelligence, AI.
Coordinator and communications officer at TAIGA - Centre for Transdisciplinary AI, a cross-faculty centre at Umeå University.