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I am a postdoc in Barbara Sixt's group investigating in vivo efficacy and mode of action of novel antimicrobials acting against intracellular bacteria.
I am a PhD student in Aftab Nadeem's research group.
Research fellow at the Department of Molecular Biology investigating the role of bacterial pore-forming toxins in the pathogenesis of the host.
Albina's research interest is in post-transcriptional gene regulation and is currently a postdoc at the Oliver Billker lab.
Professor in Molecular Biology, PhD, DVM
Study counsellor for Bachelor's Programme in Life Science and Master's Programme in Molecular Biology (studycounsellor.molbiol@umu.se)
Postdoc working on identifying sORF encoded microproteins during infection and exploring their molecular function.
I am doing PhD in molecular biology and PhD thesis is focused on predicting experimental evolution of biofilm mutants for different Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains.
PhD student in Peter Lind's research group
My research focuses on cell-autonomous immunity and bacterial evasion strategies
My research focuses on the interaction between diet, gut microbiota and mucosal barrier function.
PhD in Andrea Puhar’s research group.
I am the national director for the National Doctoral Programme in Infections and Antibiotics, NDPIA, and I am a group leader studying infection biology at the Department of Molecular Biology.
MiMS group leader and malaria researcher interested in parasite-host interactions.
I study adaptations of pathogenic bacteria to adverse environments.
I am Manager of Umeå Hypoxic Research Facility, UHRF.
I am Senior Research Assistant in Sun Nyunt Wai’s research group. My research focuses on molecular mechanisms of bacteria-host interactions.
I am a group leader at MIMS and researching the cell walls of bacteria.
I am Director of Umeå Hypoxic Research Facility, UHRF.
My research is about RNA-based gene regulation of cell fate and breast cancer.
Molecular microbiologist working in Felipe Cava lab, received an 'EC' postdoctoral fellowship to investigate bacterial cell wall biology.
Postdoc in Maria Fällman's research group.
Focus on understanding of the molecular mechanism behind the translational reprogramming occurring upon virulence induction in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
Exploring the microproteome in innate immune cells
I am a professor of genetics and my research is focused on understanding the meaning and function of chromosomes to organize the genome and to make it function properly.
Our study is focused on studying cancer metastasis and developing targeted drugs.
I am a researcher in T-cell biology and development of new methods (bioinformatics algorithms and wet lab protocols), with special emphasis on immunotherapy and CAR T cells.
Our research is focused on neuroblastoma, a form of cancer that predominantly affects young children.
Excellence by Choice postdoc in Kemal Avican lab. His research focuses on deciphering heterogeneous populations of infecting bacteria using single-cell RNA sequencing.
How can bacteria understand where they are and coordinate their ability to cause disease? To understand this, Professor Jörgen Johansson is studying the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.
I am a staff scientist working in research groups of Jörgen Johansson and Jan Larsson.
My main areas of interest are RNA or RNA-protein biology, and associated interactions and regulation.
Katharina Wulff studies the physiological mechanisms of mammalian timing behaviour from infancy to adulthood and the way in which biological clocks exploit daylight to entrain to the environment.
Systems biology approach to study bacterial infections at population and single cell level.
Director of µNordic Single Cell Hub (µNiSCH), providing technology to Umeå University researchers.
PhD student in the Barbara Sixt group at the Department of Molecular Biology and MIMS.
Research: How tumor cells manipulate LFA-1 signaling pathways in immune cells to evade the immune system
Education: Programme manager for the MSc in Biotechnology
Deputy head of department
PhD Student in Molecular Biology with a focus on structural and biochemical principles for enzymatic adaptation. Shared PhD in the groups of Magnus Wolf-Watz and Andre Mateus.
I am a PhD student in Lena Svensson's research group. My primary focus lies in unravelling the intricate molecular dynamics of LFA-1 signaling, transport, and surface re-expression in T lymphocytes.
Leyden is bioinformatician and postdoc in Maria Fällman's group. Her research focuses on deciphering adaptation strategies in pathogenic bacteria aiming to identifying novel antimicrobial targets.
Lingyu Li is working as a postdoctoral fellow in the group Sun Nyunt Wai and group Saskia Erttmann.
PhD student in André Mateus lab since September 2022. Focused on identifying protein function and drug targets in gut microbiome species using functional proteomics and structural approaches.
Our research aims at understanding molecular mechanisms behind the ability of bacteria to adapt to different environments.
I am a postdoc in molecular biology working on host-pathogen interaction.
Marta Nieckarz is a postdoctor in Felipe Cava's group focusing on cell wall biology and environmental adaptation strategies of pathogens capable of residing inside eukaryotic cells.
Research: Understanding the physiology and pathogenesis of bacteria
Education: Director of undergraduate education at the Department of Molecular Biology
(she/they) Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Design and Molecular Biology at Umeå Institute of Design, Department of Molecular Biology & Um...Arts
Science manager for The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden, MIMS, and project- and communications coordinator for the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
My research is about genome scale approaches to understand the biology of malaria parasites and how they interact with the mosquitoes that transmit them.
I am a PhD student in the Sun Nyunt Wai group. My research focuses on understanding the role of outer membrane vesicle-associated proteases in bacterial pathogenesis.
Forecasting experimental evolution of biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance
PhD student in Björn Schröder's research group
Sandra is a PhD student in Björn Schröder's research group.
Assistant professor
Focus: Researches on molecular mechanisms during the microbial-driven onset and resolution of inflammation.
Project coordinator at The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS)
My PhD work focuses on characterizing exported proteins (single gene approach) and developing tools to study essential exported proteins at scale in the Plasmodium berghei blood stage.
Sun Nyunt Wai is Professor of Medical Microbial Pathogenesis and conducts research on the properties of pathogenic bacteria at the molecular level.
I am a postdoctoral researcher in Björn O. Schröder group with a focus on gut microbiota and intestinal mucosal barrier function.
Teresa Frisan, PhD, is Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology at Umeå University, actively involved in research and in teaching within the frame of undergraduate programs.
I’m a staff scientist in µNordic Single Cell Hub (µNiSCH). My research mainly focuses on infection biology and transcriptome analysis.
I am a staff scientist in Maria Fällman's group working on in vivo transcriptomics of Salmonella Typhimurium.
Assistant professor in Molecular Biology
I am full professor and studying environmental signal sensing and integration.
Vishnu Prasoodanan is postdoc in Björn Schröder lab. He analyzes sequence data obtained from gut microbiomes within the context of dietary patterns and their influence on mucus function.
Postdoc in Maria Fällman research group. Zhuang Zhu is working on investigating the adaption mechanisms of Yersinia pesudotuberculosis against human neutrophils.