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Areas of work:
-System administration for Primula / PASS
-Manager for the payroll administration's pages on the employee website.
-Manages salaries for mostly institutions within the administration.
I am HR Strategist at the Office for Human Resources. My main area is strategic competence supply in general and recruitment of researchers and teachers in particular.
I work with work environment and equal opportunities issues at the Human Resources Unit.
I study sustainable land use with a focus on reindeer husbandry and conflicts with other land users. I am also responsible for the research leadership program, ReaL, at Umeå University.
PhD in Social Science in 2006. Director of Human Resources at Umeå University since January 2016. Before that I was Head of department at the department of Social Work at Umeå University.
Works within HR for managers at the University Administration, Internal audit, Umeå School of education.
I support the departments, new international staff and accompanying partners during the recruitment, relocation and introduction phase (International Staff Support).