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Department of Medical Biosciences


Agneta Öberg
Alexej Schmidt
Ani Minasian
Athar Alam
Aurore Amrit

PhD Student at the Erdem Lab


Caitlin Henne
Carina Ahlgren
Cemal Erdem

SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) Fellow

Multi-omics data integration, machine learning, and large-scale mechanistic modelling

Clara Olsson
Elin Thysell
Irina Golovleva
Jan Sandström
Jennifer Ödeen
Jie Song
Johan Hultdin

Associate professor, senior consultant in Clinical Chemistry

Julius Semenas
Karin Forsberg

Neurologist and researcher focusing on neurodegenerative diseases and ALS in particular.

Karin Nylander

Karin Nylander, professor in pathology, focus the research on tongue cancer trying to understand why the disease increases among young people, and by using AI trying to predict the risk of relapse.

Kristina Stefansson

Assistant professor and specialist doctor in Clinical Chemistry.

Laura Leykam

PhD student and scientist, investigating the role of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Focussing on SOD1 protein aggregation in the pathological context.

Linda Köhn
Linnéa Fagertun
Lixiao Wang
Magnus Hultdin

Associate Professor and Senior Consultant in Pathology

Head of Department - Department of Medical Biosciences

Maïwenn Kerdreux
Malin Mickelsson
Maréne Landström

Professor of Pathology.

Our research is aiming to develop new, better cancer drugs and predictive biomarkers for aggressive cancers. Among other things, we use the CRISPR / Cas9 method.

Marie Lundholm
Marina Rubio Garcia
Mona Shirdel
Nina Refhagen
Olivia Carlund
Per Flodbring Larsson
Per Zetterström
Pia Osterman
Rabia Sen
Richard Palmqvist

Research about the importance of the intestinal microflora and tumour molecular characteristics in prognosis and therapy of colorectal cancer.

Sa Chen
Sara Rimpi

Research engineer in the Section of Pathology. Web manager for ALS Research Umeå and the Department of Medical Biosciences.

Sofia Edin
Sofie Degerman

Professor in Biomedical Laboratory Science.

Susanne Gidlund
Terry Persson
Thomas Brännström
Torbjörn Nilsson

PhD thesis 1982, Research Fellow (Sw. docent) and Senior Consultant 1991, Professor of Biomedicine (Örebro) 2001, Professor and Senior Consultant in Clinical Chemistry, Umeå University 2013.

Vicky Bronnec

Investigating the role of the microbiome and the intestinal mucosa in colorectal cancer.

William Rosenbaum
Xiaolian Gu
Yabing Mu
Åsa Stenberg