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Faculty Office of Social Sciences


Ann-Louise Silfver

I am a senior lecturer in Education. My main research  and teaching interests are global knowledge relations and  processes of gendered socialisation in families and work life.

Anton Forsberg
Charlotte Ståhl

I work as a faculty communicator with a focus on research communication, education communication, and strategic communication support.

Edward Hansskog
Eva Stoianov
Gregory Neely

I am a professor in psychology and conduct research and teaching in cognitive and human factors psychology. I am currently the Pro Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 

Jenny Nilsson

Education coordinator at the Dean's Office, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Josefin Salomonsson
Karin Nilsson
Marie Olsson

HR-specialist at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå University.

Mathias Haglund
Mona Westman
Per Höglund
Ruth Mannelqvist

Professor of Law


Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Samuel Sandström
Thomas Pettersson

Thomas Pettersson is employed as a senior lecturer and obtained his PhD in economic history in 1999. In 2016 he was appointed Associate Professor.

Åsa Persson Isaksson