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Department of Political Science


Abrak Saati

Abrak Saati is an Associate Professor and researcher at the Department of Political Science.

Anna Rantala

Anna Rantala serves as a university lecturer at the Center for School Leader Development within the Department of Political Science. She holds a doctoral degree in educational work.

Anna Zachrisson

Anna Zachrisson is an Associate Professor in Political Science and her research deals with natural resource and environmental policy and management, in particular in regards to peripheral regions.

Auvikki de Boon

Auvikki de Boon's research interests include environmental governance and sustainability transition governance, with a focus on justice, social acceptability and policy design and implementation.

Björn Ahlström
Cecilia Burck
Charlotte Sedholm
David Feltenius

My general research interests concerns 'the politics of aging', central-local government relations and privatizations in the welfare municipality. For a full presentation, please see below!

Dzenan Sahovic

Dzenan Sahovic is Associate Professor in Political Science doing research on peace and security and teaching crisis management and peacebuilding. 

Elias Isaksson

Elias Isaksson is a postdoc in Political Science and is doing research on environmental and transport politics.

Elin Stark

Elin Stark is associate professor in educational leadership at the Centre for Principal Development.

Elisabeth Olivius

Elisabeth Olivius is an Associate Professor in political science, whose research focuses on gender and power in processes of peace and peacebuilding. 

Elsa Reimerson

Associate Professor in Political Science. My research interests lie in environmental politics and policy, with a focus on collaborative governance, conservation, and the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Emil Olofsson
Emma Lindström
Eva Sundström
Ewa Morén

Administrator, finance and education

Frida Grimm

PhD in Education. Lecturer at the Centre for principal development. My research interests are leadership for learning, professional development and school development. 

Gudrun Svedberg
Helene Ärlestig

Helene Ƅrlestig is professor in educational administration and director for Centre for Principal Development

Irina Mancheva
Jessika Wide

Jessika Wide is Associate Professor and appointed as Qualified Teacher. Her research interests mainly deal with politics and administration in Swedish municipalities and regions.

Joakim Wising
Johan Hellström

Johan Hellström is a Docent (Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor) in Political Science and researching on political parties and governments in Europe.

Katarina Roos
Kristina Ödmark
Lars Norqvist

Senior lecturer and temporary substitute head of the Centre for Principal Development (CPD), Department of Political science

Linn Antonsson
Louise Skoog

Assistant Professor in Political Science. Interested in multi-level governance, location of public services, political conflicts, local democracy, and the center-periphery divide.

Magnus Blomgren

Magnus Blomgren is associated professor in Political Science

Magnus Larsson
Malin Benerdal
Malin Nygren
Malin Åkebo
Malin Österlind
Malin E Wimelius
Maria Wester

Pedagogic developer, Ph D in Educational Work.

Matheus de Abreu Costa Souza

Matheus Souza is a doctoral student in Political Science/Peace and Conflict studies at the Department of Political Science at Umeå University.

Misharch Kwadwo Osei

Misharch is a doctoral candidate in Political Science with a research focus on environmental and natural resource policy. 

Patrik Johansson

Patrik Johansson is a teacher and researcher in peace and conflict studies, and coordinator of the Program for International Crisis and Conflict Management.

Paul Schmidt
Rika Rostika

I conduct research on the work of school principals in understanding multilingualism and navigating the challenges and opportunities of leading schools with multilingual environments in Sweden.

Rolf Hugoson

I have done research on Cultural policy; Diplomacy & armed conflict; Urban history and Life Science Collaboration. In the fall of 2021 I am Principal Investigator in the EU Project SOLH.

Therese Bjärstig
Tina Bröms
Ulf Leo
Veronica Strandh