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I am research engineer at Plant Physiology / UPSC and take care of confocal microscopy (CLSM), work environment issues, organization of lab, booking of personal space at UPSC, AMO, AO.
Head of Facility at Swedish Metabolomics Centre (www.swedishmetabolomicscentre.se).
I do research on plant defense – from molecular mechanisms and ecological interactions, to evolutionary consequences.
I am PhD student of plant genomics at the Department of Plant Physiology in the Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC; www.upsc.se).
We investigate how plants modify their translation and metabolism to optimize growth in the ever changing environment.
Asst. Prof. Laura Bacete leads a research group exploring plant cell wall dynamics to understand integrity & response to stress, benefiting agriculture & sustainability.www.cellwalldynamics.com
I work on the flowering process in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. I want to understand which environmental factors are influencing the plant's decision to flower and how this is regulated.
We perform genomics research in forest trees to understand how the genome determines phenotypic traits.
Exploring photoprotection mechanisms in plants using chlorophyll fluorescence and electron microscopy methods.
Mechanics and Dynamics of Cell-Cell Adhesion in Plants