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Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre (UMERC)


Anneli Dyrvold
Christina Ottander

Professor in Science Education, and PhD in Plant Physiology. Many of the on-going projects build on teacher-researcher collaborations and include both development of teaching and research.

Erika Boström
Ewa Bergqvist

Associate professor (Sw: docent) in mathematics education with research interests regarding language and mathematics. Head of department at the Department of science and mathematics education.

Karoline Holmgren
Kristoffer Arvidsson

PhD Student in Education with a focus on Mathematics Didactics

Lars-Daniel Öhman

I'm associate professor (docent) of discrete mathematics and director of studies at the department of mathematics and mathematical statistics.

Lisa Hed
Lotta Vingsle

I am a teacher and researcher in mathematics education. My research interest is in formative assessment and language and mathematics.

Lotta Wedman
Magnus Österholm

Professor of Mathematics Education. Deputy head of department, with responsibility for research and research education.

Malin Norberg
Manya Sundström

I have a project called Royal Road to Calculus about how school mathematics has developed, with focus on 1880-1920.


Mathias Norqvist

I am working as the director of studies at our department. I also teach mathematics education for primary and secondary school pre-service teachers. My research mainly regards mathematical reasoning.

Mikaela Nyroos

I'm an associate professor in education with a broad educational and professional background: education policy, behavioural science, child and adolescent psychiatry, sports and health, maths.

Muhammad Zuhair Zahid
Tomas Bergqvist

Associate Professor in pedagogical work. Research area: Mathematics education, focusing on mathematical reasoning and the relationship between language and mathematics.