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Professor in Science Education, and PhD in Plant Physiology. Many of the on-going projects build on teacher-researcher collaborations and include both development of teaching and research.
Teacher and researcher, also active at Curiosum. Research related to formative assessment and how students’ problem-solving processes in mathematics can be effectively supported.
Associate professor (Sw: docent) in mathematics education with research interests regarding language, communication and mathematics learning/teaching.
PhD Student in Education with a focus on Mathematics Didactics
I'm associate professor (docent) of discrete mathematics and director of studies at the department of mathematics and mathematical statistics.
I am a teacher and researcher in mathematics education. My research interest is in formative assessment and language and mathematics.
Professor of Mathematics Education. Primary research area: The role of language and communication in the learning and teaching of mathematics.
I have a project called Royal Road to Calculus about how school mathematics has developed, with focus on 1880-1920.
I am working as the director of studies at our department. I also teach mathematics education for primary and secondary school pre-service teachers. My research mainly regards mathematical reasoning.
I'm an associate professor in education with a broad educational and professional background: education policy, behavioural science, child and adolescent psychiatry, sports and health, maths.
Associate Professor in pedagogical work. Research area: Mathematics education, focusing on mathematical reasoning and the relationship between language and mathematics.
Professor of educational work with a focus on formative assessment, director of Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre, and a licensed teacher.
Postdoc in mathematics education