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Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine


Albin Dahlin Almevall
Alexander Shayesteh Afshar

Assistant Professor and Senior Consultant in Dermatology and Venereology


Alexandra Wermelin
Anders Blomberg

Professor and Senior Consultant in Internal and Respiratory Medicine.

Head of Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine.

Anders Själander
Andree Wennstig

General practitioner at Ånge Health Center and involved in medical education in the subject General Medicine. Researches lifestyle habits and how healthcare can help patients to a healthier lifestyle.

Anette Forsgren
Anna Bengtsson
Anna Myleus


Associate Professor and Resident Physician in Family Medicine.

Director of the National Research School in General Practice.  

Anna Nyfelt
Anna Strnadova

PhD student lead by Urban Hellman. My project focuses on the role of glucose metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Anna Södergren

Associate professor and Senior cunsultant in Rheumatology

Anna Wikner
Anna-Sara Molin
Anne Lindberg
Annelie Behndig


Associate Professor in Pulmonary Medicine


Bengt Wahlin
Björn Pilebro
Bo Carlberg
Camilla Sandberg

I am an Associate Professor in Physiotherapy and work as a university lecturer at the Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, at the Physiotherapy Program.

Elin Chorell

My research is focused on identifying mechanisms the underlie development and remission of typ 2 diabetes.

Elin Lindahl
Elisabet Nylander

Sexually transmitted infections (STI) from different points of view

Erosive Lichen Planus a generalized disease and not just a skin- and mucosal disease?

Eva-Lotta Glader

Senior lecturer and chief physician in internal medicine and specialist in clinical pharmacology.
Teaches and researches in the field of vascular diseases, obesity and drug epidemiology.

Frida Bergman

My research is about physical activity, sedentary behavior and associated health effects.

Gani Bajraktari
Helena Backman

Researcher and project leader within the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN)  Studies, an epidemiological research program ongoing since 1985.

Helena Karlsson
Heléne Andersson

I work as a communicator in the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention. 

Ina Asklund
Ina Danquah
Jenny Andersson
Joachim Ögren
Johan Ljungberg
Jonas Wallvik
Jonathan Wiklund
Josefin Sandström
Julia Goedecke
Julia Otten

Endocrinologist with research focus type 2 diabetes

Karin Björklund
Karin Sikström
Kristina Eriksson
Kristina Lindblom

I am a communications officer at Public Health and Clinical Medicine. I am also working as project administrator for VIPVIZA.

Lena Jakobsson
Linda Vidman
Linnea Hedman
Linnéa De La Motte

I work with HR-administration at the Department of public health and clinical medicine and Department of diagnostics and intervention.

Lotta Harnevik
Maja af Klinteberg
Malin Olsson
Malin Sjöström


Senior lecturer and general practitioner


Mante Hedman
Marcus Lind
Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf

• Real-world evidence, Societal impact of medicine, Lifestyle medicine, Ethics, Psoriasis & Melanoma

Maria Brännholm Syrjälä

The aim of my research is to investigate behavioral changes and health effects from a mHealth (mobile health) intervention focusing on reducing occupational sedentary behaviour in type 2 diabetes. 

Maria Friberg
Maria Nordendahl
Maria Wennberg

Senior research assistent. Leg. dietitian, PhD in Environmental medicine.

Maria Öström
Marie Eriksson

I am a professor in statistics with a special interest in statistical applications in medicine, including register studies, epidemiology and clinical trials.

Mattias Brunström

Assistant professor of cardiology
Associate professor of epidemiology

Melony Fortuin-De Smidt

My research focuses on the relationship between health outcomes and physical activity and sedentary behaviour. 

Michael Ott
Mikael Brink

MD, PhD.

Assistant professor of Rheumatology

Mikael Flockhart
Nikolai Stenfors

Senior lecturer and associate professor. Consultant respiratory physician at Östersund Hospital, Östersund.

Nils Andersson
Olivia Gästgivars
Olov Rolandsson

I am a Senior Professor, and Researcher, at Umeå University. My research focuses on diabetes; causes and consequences.

Patrik Wennberg

Professor, MD, PhD. Research focused on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Teaching in general practice.

Per Dahlqvist

Lecturer and consultant in internal medicine and endocrinology

Teaching and research in clinical endocrinology mainly pituitary and adrenal

Per Lindqvist

Professor in Clinical Physiology. Reserach focus on cardiac imaging in cardiac amyloidosis and exercise hemodynamics in heart failure

Per Liv

Statistician with special interest in epidemiology and clinical trials.  

Per Wester
Pontus Karling

Chief Physician in Medical Gastroenterology. Conducts patient-close research in the area of ​​functional bowel disease and inflammatory bowel disease where biobank studies are also conducted.

Rebecka Renklint
Rima Sulniute
Robert Buckland
Robin Henriksson
Sandra Arvidsson
Sara Själander
Stefan Söderberg

Professor in Internal Medicine and Senior Consultant in Cardiology

Sussi Mikaelsson

As part of my work, I act as Project Manager for two EU funded project within the Erarsmus+ programme:

1) XR-skills (https://xrskill.infoproject.eu/)

2) ClassTHIFA (https://www.classthifacoaching.eu/)

Thomas Mooe
Thomas Sandström
Thorbjörn Lundberg

Senior lecturer and general practitioner. Research focused on ear disease and new diagnostic methods using digital technique and artificial intelligence. Developing gamification as teaching aid.

Timotej Strmen
Tommy Olsson

Senior Professor of Endocrinology

Tova Eurén Magnusson
Ulf Näslund

Professor of Cardiology, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University.

Ulrika Andersson
Ulrika Morris

Head of Section at the Section of Biobank and Registry Support.  

Urban Hellman

My research interest is the metabolism of hyaluronan in inflammation and tissue growth.

Veronica Hellström