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My research investigates processes linking labour market inequalities, family life and wellbeing using methods for causal inference.
Professor in ethnology. Research areas include rural studies, ageing identities and loneliness, hormonal narratives, and green industrialisation.
My current research investigates the importance of schools for the wellbeing of pupils, as well as the effects of parental unemployment on the health of children.
I am associate Professor in Human Geography. I am also Head of Department at Department of Geography. My main reserach interrest is interregional migration in Sweden.
Researching the area of population mobility, such as commuting and migration, and teaches courses in spatial planning, GIS and quantitative methods.
I am a statistician and associate professor with a focus on demographic studies, including historical populations, genetic genealogy, and the effects of disabilities.
Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Public Health. Main area of interest: public health, disability, gender-based violence, reproductive health in Sweden and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Glenn Sandström is a Docent/Associate Professor researching family dynamics from a historical and contemporary perspective.
Professor of Human Geography. Research on migration and population ageing.
Researcher at CEDAR. Working with SHARE on ageing populations. Research focus: living conditions, life strategies and experiences of ageing among older migrants in Sweden
Associate professor who studies the relationship between demographic processes and social networks such as voluntary associations in Sweden.
Lars Fredrik is an associate professor in economic history and works on economic development and structural change, human well-being and social welfare, demography, and economic geography
I am Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Sociology, and Head of unit at Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research (CEDAR).
Associate professor in Economic History. Research interests: public and private insurance, historical morbidity patterns and historical alcohol regulations.
Within my project funded by my Wallenberg Scholar Grant (2020-30) I lead a cross-disciplinary team researching how disabilities affect people's ageing and health in Swedish society across time.
I am an associate professor (senior lecturer) and docent in Statistics. My research mainly involves methods for studying age-related cognitive change.
Research Analyst and Data Retrieval Coordinator at CEDAR, with a PhD in history with a focus on historical demography.
Analyst and assistant director for the Demographic Data Base (infrastructure) at CEDAR.
Mojgan Padyab is an associate professor (Docent) in social work and assistant director at CEDAR.
Associate professor in history.
Teacher representative, Umeå University board.
Scientific member of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority
PhD in history. my reserach primarily deals with demographic rural history. Predominantly long-term changes in migration dynamics.
I am a doctoral student working at the intersection of human geography and gender studies. My research project focuses on informal elder care workers in Sweden.
research interest: Mental Health, Substance Use, and Aging
Methods: Register based study; Latent variables; Longitudinal analysis