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Associate Professor and docent in Medical Biochemistry
Assistant Professor of Medical Biochemistry
Equal Opportunities Representative of the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Professor of Medical Biochemistry
dNTPs and maintenance of genome stability
Professor of Biomedicine
Associate Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine
I am a communications officer at Chemical Biological Centre (KBC, www.umu.se/en/kbc)
I am a postdoctor in Lars-Anders Carlsons group working on the structure of flavivirus proteins.
I am a postdoc in Ignacio Mir Sanchis lab.
Professor in medical biochemistry
Targeting the nucleotide metabolism of protozoan parasites.
Yeast geneticist. Using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae model to investigate segmental duplications of the genome in vivo.
Himanshu Sharma has been awarded the Marie SkÅodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowship to investigate the infection mechanisms of the intriguing parasites Microsporidia.
Antibiotic resistance is generally encoded in mobile genetic elements, pieces of DNA that can move from one bacteria to another. We study mobile elements in Methicillin Resistant S. aureus.
Protein physics and biophysics.
Chair of the Information Committee of the Faculty of Medicine.
I study the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes and other virulence factors between bacteria via Type 4 Secretion Systems.
My research area is biomolecular function from molecular scale to global scale.
Associate Professor in medical biochemistry
Amyloid formation - from molecular mechanisms to disease and novel nanomaterials
I am postdoc in Lars-Anders Carlson lab doing research on the structural and mechanistic basis of key intracellular steps of enterovirus infection.
Quadruplex Biochemistry and Dynamics Lab
Pallabi Sengupta is a Cancerfonden post-doctoral fellow in Nasim Sabouri's research group. She investigates the structural organization and biological implications of i-motif DNA in the cells.
I lead a research group that focuses on mitochondrial DNA and the molecular mechanisms that mediate the signaling of its instability.
Structural biology of Type 4 Secretion Systems from Gram-positive bacteria.
Molecular mechanism of DNA repair and replication in human mitochondria
The mediator complex and its function in transcriptional regulation at the molecular level
Protein-carbohydrate interactions during health and disease
I do reserach on extracellular matrix degrading proteases and their inhibitors.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and dynamics in health, senescence, and cancer.
I am a PhD student and study the machinery of enterovirus replication.