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Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies


Chelsea Elissa Budd
David Loeffler
Ivanka Hristova

Director of the Environmental Archaeology Lab. Archaeobotanist.

Johan Linderholm
Mats Eriksson

I am a doctoreal resercher in environmental archaeology, studying how we with the use of kemometric methods, can trace the movement patterns of Neolithic people of Västerbotten, Swedens inland.

Mattias Sjölander

Doctor in environmental archaeology with interest in interdisciplinary approaches to prehistoric cultural development. Working as project assistant in the SEAD and Swedigarch infrastructures.

Peter Holmblad
Philip Buckland

Vice Dean of Arts and Humanities. Director of The National Infrastructure for Archaeological Science and Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. Senior Lecturer in Environmental Archaeology.

Philip Jerand

Staff scientist in archaeology, specialized in geoarchaeology.

Samuel Ericson
Sofi Östman

Assistant director, administrative project coordinator and archaeobotanist at the Environmental archaeology laboratory (MAL)

Yasemin Menemenli

Ph.D. student in archaeology.