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I research on EU border control, automated systems and principles of the rule of law.
Ph. D. in Science of Education, at the Department of applied educational science (TUV). "Excellent teacher" at Umeå university.
Senior Lecturer at the Unit of Police Work Unit, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Recognized and Distinguished teacher based on Umeå University's educational merit system
PhD in Public Health, PhD in Social Work
Postdoc at the Unit of Police Work
Associate professor, Ph.D. in pedagogy. "Excellent teacher" at Umeå University. Works mainly with research, teaching and pedagogical development.
Dzenan Sahovic is Associate Professor in Political Science doing research on peace and security and teaching crisis management and peacebuilding.
Elias Isaksson is a postdoc in Political Science and is doing research on environmental and transport politics.
Associate Professor in Police Work. Academic background in Disaster Medicine (PhD) and Crisis and Conflict Management (B.Sc., M.Sc.).
Communicator for the projects Digital Impact North and Support Office for Life Science and Health (SOLH) & at the Unit of Police Work.
Docent in Police Science. Researcher and lecturer. Former police officer. Research and Science Correspondent CEPOL. Conference Director LEPH2023Umeå.
My research primarily focuses on the police's trust-building work in encounters with victims of domestic violence, but I also examine how the police organization problematizes its mission.
My research and teaching are mainly within criminal procedure and criminal justice, with particular focus on the legal responsibilities and powers of police officers and prosecutors.
My education and research concerns above all procedural law in general and coercive measures in particular.
Researcher and teacher at the Unit of Police Work at Umeå University & IPA, Södertörns University. Phd in Public Health and Epidemiology. Former police and instructor in police conflict management.
My main fields of research and teaching is criminal law, men's violence against women and gender and law.
PhD student in psychology in collaboration with the Police Education Unit. My project focuses on investigative interviewing where I study skills important to establishing communication and rapport.