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Research Support and Collaboration Office


I strive to contribute to increasing Umeå University's funding from the EU. I am also head of unit for the Research Support Office (RSO).

Anna Tillas
Annika Nordstrand
Bodil Formark

Currently, I work in the Department of Computing Science. 

Camilla Viklund

I am the director of the Innovation Office and the CEO of Umeå University Holding.

Elena Glotova
Erika Sörensson

As a research coordinator, I support researchers in matters concerning research funding, collaboration and ethics in the research process.

Ewa Lantz
Johanna Gardeström

As coordinator, I provide support and tools to facilitate collaboration between academia and other sectors in society. I also support researchers in matters concerning research funding.

Jonas Rosenqvist
Julia Bergsten

I am responsible for communication and administration at the North Sweden European Office in Brussels.

Lars Sundqvist
Lena Holmberg

I provide information about various collaboration opportunities, research support, and funding. For example, on Umeå University's website, the intranet Aurora, through events, and newsletters.

Maria Königsson
Marie Honn
Martin Englund
Mats Falck

Leave of absence to carry out assignments for the Innovation Office at Umeå University and Umeå University Holding.

Mats Reinhold

I am a doctoral student at the Dep. of Psychology, and I am affiliated with the Gender Research School at the Umeå Center for Gender Studies. My research is about destructive leadership and gender.

Sanna Bränström
Simone Wenkel
Sofia Granberg