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Department of Epidemiology and Global Health


Albin Stjernbrandt

Senior consultant physician and associate professor, engaged in occupational and environmental research.

André Sjöberg

PhD student specializing in health economics and outcome research, engaging in research and teaching related to complex interventions, health technology assessments, and economic evaluations.

Andreas Hult

Researcher in Sports Medicine and Public Health with a special focus on how our lifestyle and more specifically our level of physical activity predicts our future health and risk of illness.

Andreas Tornevi

Andreas Tornevi - background in mathematical statistics, PhD in environmental medicine and works mainly with epidemiological studies. 

Angelica Johansson

Education administrator for the Programmes in Public Health. Secretary for the Programme council PRPH. Administration in Selma, student support & course administration.

Anna Oudin

Anna Oudin is an epidemiologist and statistician. Her research is about how air pollution and other environmental factors may affect the brain, eg dementia and mental health.

Anna Sundström
Anna-Karin Hurtig

Head of the Dept. of Epidemiology and Global Health. Areas of interest: international health policy and systems research, community based health systems and primary health care, and migrant health.

Anne Gotfredsen

Research interests includes youth mental health and leisure. Currently stationed at University of Newcastle, Australia as a postodoctoral fellow.

Anneli Ivarsson

Professor in Epidemiology and Public Health Sciences. MD with specialist training in Paediatrics and a PhD in Paediatrics.

Anni-Maria Pulkki-Brännström


Associate Professor in Health Economics

Bengt Järvholm

I am senior professor of occupational and environmental medicine. I have previously been a senior physician at Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the university hospital.

Bertil Forsberg

Senior Professor of Environmental Medicine 

Camilla Andersson

Doctoral student at Dep Epidemiology and Global health, with a background as a journalist.

Carina Luther
Carl Lundberg

PhD-candidate with a background in health economics & public health. Currently researching how society can better support young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs).

Catrine Odhiambo
Christofer Åström

I'm working with research on how high temperatures and air pollution can affect our health and who are most vulnerable. I'm also looking at how this could change as the climate is changing.

Curt Löfgren

Senior lecturer in Economics. PhD in Public Health, particularly issues on health financing in low and middle income countries, e.g. how to pro­tect households from cata­strophic health expenditure.

Dean Carson
Ella-Karin Blind
Erin Stafford

I am a postdoctoral fellow working in Henrik Sjödin's group in the Department of epidemiology and global health. My research is on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

Eva Selin

Education administrator and program councelor for the Master`s programme in public health. Student support and course administration.


Research fellow at the department of Epidemiology and Global Health

Contact person for the International Mukwege Chair

Fethi Mohammed Yusuf
Fredinah Namatovu

Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Public Health. Main area of interest: public health, disability, gender-based violence, reproductive health in Sweden and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Fredrik Norström

Docent in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Associate Professor in Health Economics. Work environment and fire safety representative at the department.

Frida Jonsson

Research fellow and docent in Public Health. Coordinator for courses in health promotion and public health evaluation.


Göran Lönnberg

Statistician, Data Scientist and IT responsible at the Department

Hanna Blåhed
Hans Orru
Hans Pettersson

The aim of my research is to investigate and improve the working environment. How cold, noise and vibrations from machines affect the health of workers and how to reduce the risk of ill health.

Hedi Katre Kriit
Helene Johansson

Teaching in health promotion, health promoting health services and qualitative methodology. Research areas are health promotion, prevention, implementation and collaboration/integration.

Henrik Holmberg
Henrik Olstrup
Henrik Sjödin

Researches on public health, global health and infectious epidemiology. Looking at the spreading dynamics of emerging infectious diseases using mathematical modeling.

Huzeifa Aweesha
Ida Linander

I do research on LGBTQ people's experiences of health and healthcare and also on broader questions about gender, sexual health and healthcare systems.

Ingrid Liljelind

My research and teaching is on occupational and environmental medicine.

Ingvar Bergdahl

Associate Professor and Lecturer in Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Inna Feldman
Isa Norvell Gustavsson

PhD, Postdoctoral fellow in public health research

Isabel Goicolea

Professor of Public Health

Responsible for Research Education

Jan Carlo Semenza
Javier Chai Rui Cheng
Jens Wahlström

My research focuses on how the work environment affects our health and productivity. Examples of areas in the work environment are ergonomics, organizational factors, cold and vibrations.

Jerry Öhlin

Researcher in physical activity, occupational health and geriatrics. 


Joacim Rocklöv

Epidemiologist and modeller focusing on studying the impacts of climate change on health and how climate information can be used for public health prevention.

Johan Nilsson Sommar

Associate professor in occupational and environmental medical research at Sustainable Health and conducts research in air pollution, physical activity and health.

Julia Schröders

Researcher in Social Epidemiology, background in Medical Anthropology, Epidemiology & Global Health. Interested in social networks and the construction of vulnerabilities across the life course.

Junwen Guo

One Health researcher. Research on climate change impacts on infectious/zoonosis disease epidemiology and Manages several Horizon EU projects. 

Karin Johansson

I am the administrative coordinator at the department.

My duties consist of staff issues and overall administration at the department. I also participate in the management team's work.

Kaspar Meili

Health economist, working on CALY-SWE for measuring capability-related quality of life. Expertise in statistical software R, systematic reviews & open science. CALY-SWE questionnaire: www.caly.se

Klas-Göran Sahlen

Research mainly in health economics and health-related preventive actions.

Kristina Lindvall

Researcher. PhD in Public Health at Umeå University in 2013. Lecture in Qualitative Methodology and Nutrition. Research on Weight maintenance, Risk communication and Interventions.

Lars Lindholm

Professor in Health eco­nomics. Studies on equity in health economic evaluation and the use of epidemiological data in the distribu­tion of health care resources.

Lars Weinehall

Senior Professor in Epidemi­ology and Family Medicine.

Lena Maria Nilsson

Doctor of Public Health. Member of the research group Lávvuo – Research and Education for Sámi Health. Since 2013, I also work on research strategy at the Arctic Centre.

Lisbeth Lundahl

Professor in educational work, visiting professor at University of Gothenburg 2022-23. Research on education politics, young people´s trajectories in policy, institutional and individual perspectives.

Lisbeth Slunga Järvholm

My research is about how we create sustainable workplaces with good work environment and enable work up to old age. I am also involved in research on the health effects of natural environments.

Maria Emmelin
Maria Lindström
Maria Nilsson

I´m a professor of public health with the orientation climate change and health, my main interest is climate adaptation, climate communication and policy development.


Marie Lindkvist

Director of Studies. Associate professor in epidemiology and biostatistics. Appointed as “Distinguished" UmU teacher. Research mainly in conditions for childrens health.

Marina Treskova
Martin Andersson

Senior consultant physician, associate professor. Main research area is occupational and environmental lung disease.

Mary Luwedde
Masoud Vaezghasemi

MSc Public Health, MSc Food & Nutrition

PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health

Research fellow in Social Epidemiology 

Docent in Global Health 

Mazen Baroudi

M.D, MSc, PhD in Public Health

Professor in public health. Main areas of interest: teaching, supervision and research on socioeconomic inequalities of health and health systems strengthening

Mikael Emsing

Researcher and teacher at the Unit of Police Work at Umeå University & IPA, Södertörns University. Phd in Public Health and Epidemiology. Former police and instructor in police conflict management. 


Monica Nyström

Research about implementation, development and learning processes in organisations

Osvaldo Fonseca

I do research on:

1. Quantifying the risk of complications in COVID-19 patients

2. Assessing the effect of weather types on health outcomes


Paola Mosquera Mendez

Researcher and lecturer in epidemiology and social epidemiology.

Per Gustafsson

Professor of Epidemiology with focus on Social Epidemiology

Docent of Public Health

Assistant and Deputy Head of Department of Epidemiology and Global Health

Petter Stoor

Staff scientist

Licensed psychologist

Coordinator, Lávvuo - Research and Education for Sámi Health

Raman Preet

A global public health professional, scientific research manager, and coordinator. Expert in coordinating European Union funded health research projects.


Rebecca Tapper

My PhD project looks at the health effects of cold exposure in arctic climates with a focus on a sustainable working life. The project is part of the Arctic research school.

Sai San Moon Lu

My postdoctoral research centers on epidemiological studies identifying environmental risk factors for mental illness. I also investigate the impact of antibiotics on cancer risk and prognosis. 

Sara Forsberg

Financial coordinator, works with budgeting, economic planning and accounting

Solveig Petersen

Associate Professor in Epidemiology and Public Health.

Sun Sun

Researcher in Health Economics & Outcomes Researcher (HEOR) and Real-World Evidence (RWE). As a SHEA and EuroQol member, she is comitted to research on both national and international scale.

Susanne Walther

Financial administrator, responsible for supplier and customer invoices, payments, project reporting and follow-up.

Ulrika Harju

PhD research education administrator.

Verah Nafula Luande

I am a PhD student in Henrik Sjödin's  lab researching the feasibility of ecosystem restoration to achieve nature-based solutions to battle vector-borne disease transmission.

Viktoria Wahlström

My research focuses on work environment and health in office environments, but also ergonomics and physical strain at work.

Wolfgang Lohr
Zia Farooq

Zia is post-doc in Henrik Sjödin lab and is conducting research on predictive modelling of the spread of various infectious diseases using advanced machine learning and AI.