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Department of Diagnostics and Intervention


Adam Rosenbaum
Afroditi Lalou
Ahmad Abdullah Nasir
Albin Wedholm
Amanda Östensson
Amir Sherif
Anastasia Knyazeva

Postdoctoral researcher in Öhlund lab.

Anders Eklund

Eklund is a professor of medical engineering with a research focus on biofluid mechanical applications in clinical neuroscience and ophthalmology.

Anders Garpebring

Associate professor in radiation physics combined with employment as MR-physicist. My research is in imaging with focus on quantitative MRI, AI and radiotherapy applications.

Anders Wanhainen
Andreas Josefsson

I am a urologist and researches on biomarkers for individualised treatment and treatable mechanisms for disseminated prostate cancer.

Anette Berglund
Anna Dahlin

I am a researcher in oncology. The aim of my research is to get a better understanding of why some children develop brain tumors.

Anna Winkvist
Anna-Maria Eriksson

Works as a administrator at the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention.

Anneli Nilsson
Annika Holmberg
Anton Westman
Attila Simko
Axel Andersson
Axel Vikström

Studying prediction of cerebral perfusion.

Beatrice Melin

Brain tumor researcher. Head project leader PREDICT case cohort. 

Bengt Johansson
Bethany van Guelpen
Birendra Singh

I am a protein chemist working on the macromolecular interactions and their biological functions. 

Björn Knutsson
Britta Söderkvist
Camilla Brorsson
Carl Herdenberg
Carl Wibom

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging

Cedric Patthey
Christer Grönlund

My research focus is on medical ultrasound imaging with vascular and neuromuscular applications.

Christina Ljungberg
Daniel Rinnström
Daniel Öhlund

M.D, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Consultant Oncologist

Docent in oncology

Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow

Wallenberg Clinical Fellow

David Eriksson

Works as an economist in the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention.

Erik Lundgren
Erik Nilsson
Fanny Gustafsson
Francesco Di Feola
Fredrik Öhberg

I work with biomechanical studies of body movements and of the respiratory system. As well as with diagnostic methods based on artificial intelligence (AI).

Gjergji Cobani
Gustav Andersson
Gustav Jönsson
Hanna Nyström
Helena Grip

Hospital engineer, assoc. prof. in biomedical engineering and adjunct university lecturer. Research and development within biomedical engineering, motor control and movement analysis. 

Heléne Andersson

I work as a communicator in the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention. 

Håkan Hedman


Adjunct Professor of Molecular Oncology

Director of Research Laboratory at the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention

Idah Sandqvist

Works as a administrator at the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention.

Jakob Walldén

M.D. Ph.D.
Associate professor in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine.
Assistant head of department for education at the Department of diagnostics and intervention

Jarkko Johansson
Jessica Edlund
Joakim Hennings
Johan Styrke
Johan Wänman
Johanna Björnstig
Jonas Andersson
Jonas Nilsson

Our group have an approach driving projects to personalize cancer medicine and decipher tumor information into actionable knowledge.

Jonna Wilén

Associate professor in radiophysics and medical physicist

Research focus: non-ionizing radiation and health effects.

Teaching in radiophysics

Ass. head of dep., responsible of postgraduate education

Josefine Grefve
Karin Strigård

Adj. Professor of Surgery
Teacher of the medical programme T7, and T10 project
Chief physician Kirurgcentrum Region Västerbotten 
Research Group Leader for the Research Group Clister (www.clister.se)

Karl-Johan Lundström
Katrine Riklund

Acting Vice-Chancellor for the period 31 January 2025 to 1 April 2025.

Klara Mogensen
Kristina Lindblom

I am a communications officer at Public Health and Clinical Medicine. I am also working as project administrator for VIPVIZA.

Lars Nyberg

Lars Nyberg serves as Professor of Neuroscience and director of Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging (UFBI). He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Linda Forsell
Linda Vidman
Linnéa De La Motte

I work with HR-administration at the Department of public health and clinical medicine and Department of diagnostics and intervention.

Lotta Skåtar
Magnus Hultin

Associate Professor in Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine

Associate Dean for Cooperation in Clinical Research and Education

Chair of the Proficiency test for International Medical Graduates


Malin Sund
Mara Blanco Arauzo
Maria Sandström

Senior lecturer and senior consultant in oncology. 

Maria Wing

Manages the institution's invoices, research projects, budget and prognosis. And the finances for the department's teaching, as well as UFBI (Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging)

Marie Eriksson

I am working as HR Coordinator for the Department of Diagnostics and Intervention.

Markku Haapamäki
Martin Rutegård

Colorectal surgeon and researcher. Conducts epidemiological, clinical and translational projects in colorectal cancer surgery.

Maryam Zarei
Matilda Rentoft

Subproject leader within the research platform PREDICT with a focus on biomarker analysis


Max Hellström
Michael Dahlberg
Michael Haney

Michael Haney, MD, PhD, MSc

Academic head and Professor, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Senior consultant, University Hospital of Umeå


Mikael Johansson
Minh Hoang Vu
Miriam Rutegård
Mitesh Dongre
Nimisha Tiwari
Nina Sundström

Head of dept. CIMT, Umu Hospital. Biomed. Engineer, Docent and adj. Ass. Prof. in Biomed. Eng., Umu. Research areas: Movement analysis, AI, pressure and flow dynamics and quality registries. 

Ola Billing
Oskar Hemmingsson

Assistant professor and senior physician in surgery conducting clinical and translational cancer research and teaches at the medical program.

Paolo Soda

Paolo is an expert in AI: his research interests include multimodal (deep) learning, generative approaches, eXplainable AI, and resilience of AI algorithms.

Parniyan Maneshi
Per Fransson

Professor in Nursing with a combined position as an oncology nurse at Cancercentrum, NUS.

Per Lindqvist

Professor in Clinical Physiology. Reserach focus on cardiac imaging in cardiac amyloidosis and exercise hemodynamics in heart failure

Per Morberg
Pia Grahn
Przemyslaw Paradowski
Quan Wen
Rebecca Wiberg
Robin Rohlén

I develop and use electrophysiological and ultrasonic methods to study the neural control of motor neurons

Roman A'roch
Sandra Arvidsson
Sara Strandberg

Associate Professor and Senior Consultant in Diagnostic Radiology. 

Director of Studies and Head of Diagnostic Radiology, Medical Programme (MP).

Course Coordinator, Clinical Sciences 2, MP.


Sead Crnalic

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Shayan Kolah Kaj
Simone Ruiter

I am a doctoral candidate in Biomedical Engineering focussing on ultrasound imaging of muscle tissue.

Sofi Sandström
Sofia Behndig

I’m a medical doctor, employed as a PhD-Student at the department of diagnostics and intervention. My reaserch utilize PET and MRI for diagnostics of normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Sofia Erelund
Sofia Karlsson
Sophia Harlid

My research addresses the connection between our environment, our genes and our health.

Tobias Tengström

Project administrator for the research group Clister (www.clister.se). 

Tomi Myrberg
Tommy Lidström

I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Jonas Nilsson group, which focuses on the development of precision medicine and individualized cancer vaccines using lipid nanoparticles.

Torbjörn Näsmark

PhD student in medical physics focusing on DECT-based methods for tissue characterization in preparation for proton therapy treatment planning. I also work with radiation protection. 

Tufve Nyholm

Professor in radiation physics with applications to radiotherapy. The research is focused on radiotherapy with focus on imaging, prostate cancer, AI and decision support. 

Urban Arnelo
Urban Wiklund

Associate professor in Biomedical Engineering. Adjunct professor at Department of Radiation Sciences. Employed at the Department of Biomedical engineering, R&D, Umeå University Hospital.

William Holmlund

PhD student in medical physics with focus on external radiotherapy of prostate cancer.

I also work with questions regarding radiation protection.

Yousef Baroudi
Yücel Cengiz
Yvonne Jonsson
Zara Hansson