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Staff photo Oliver Larsson

Oliver Larsson

Researching autonomous distributed systems with a focus on memory subsystem optimization in cloud native environments. See also https://larssonoliver.com



Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Computing Science

My main topic of research is that of memory subsystem optimization, specifically in the context of cloud native environments.

I am a member of the student council at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). The student council is a grouping of both undergraduate and graduate students from higher education instances all over Sweden which serves to bring a younger perspective into national level discussions that shape the society of tomorrow.

I am also a student representative in the Research Committee at the Facilty of Science and Technology, and a student representative in the vice-chancellor recruitment consultative assembly.

The 38th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
Nguyen, Chanh Le Tan; Seo, Eunil; Zahid, Muhammad; et al.
2023 IEEE international conference on service-oriented system engineering (SOSE): proceedings, IEEE 2023 : 81-90
Larsson, Oliver; Klein, Cristian; Elmroth, Erik

Research groups

Group member

I lecture and tutor students on both bachelor and master level courses. Such courses include, but are not limited to:

  • 5DV088 - C programming and Unix (Bachelor Level)
  • 5DV192 - Cloud computing (Master Level)
  • 5DV171 - Operating systems (Bachelor Level)
  • 5DV186 - Distributed systems (Master Level)

I additionally supervise both B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis projects.