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Staff photo Ole Norberg

Ole Norberg

In my position as, Associate Professor in Media technology I do research and education in the field of Interaction Design. Most of my research activities are done in close cooperation with companies.

Works at

X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset, TEK.D.404 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

In my position as, Associate Professor in Media technology I do research and education in the field of Interaction Design. Most of my research activities are application driven with a close cooperation with companies and Industry.

Ever since I started my professional career I have been working with applied research in one way or another. I find it very rewarding, transforming academic research and innovative ideas into industrial processes and profitable products. Through the years I have been involved in many co-productive projects between academic institutions and industry partner, both as industry and academic representative. I enjoy multidisciplinary collaboration and find it many times to deliver innovative thinking and new innovations. I am passionate about science and technology and always curious and willing to learn more.

Before joining Umeå University I hade several positions at R&D of various companies such as:

2017 - 2019        

Senior Research and Development Engineer - Domsjö Fabriker AB, www.domsjo.adityabirla.com  

Research, Product and Process development in the field of dissolving pulp and viscose production



R&D Manager Functional Surfaces – BillerudKorsnäs, www.bilerudkorsnas.com  

Manage and develop the Function Surfaces research team. In order to support the development of tomorrows packaging solutions, initiate research project to find new materials and processes.



Senior Research Scientist – Mid Sweden University. www.miun.se

- Develop research area “Spectral Imaging”

- Teaching on Advanced level

- Supervising PhD students

- Coordination of industrial projects



CEO – Voxvil AB

- Founder of company 

- Develop products and services within colour imaging



PostDoc at STFI-Packforsk AB (RISE), Stockholm, Sweden

- Security printing applications in digital printing



Senior Research Scientist – M-real, Sweden.

- Technical expert, develop new/improved methods, processes and products

- Develop own competence area and end customer solutions

- Represent the company in external tasks e.g. research steering bodies, supplier and customer contacts

IVSP '23: proceedings of the 2023 5th international conference on image, video and signal processing, New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2023 : 183-190
Mejtoft, Thomas; Emma, Parsjö; Norberg, Ole; et al.
IVSP '23: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing, ACM Digital Library 2023 : 95-100
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lindahl, Håkan; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023
Mejtoft, Thomas; Vejbrink Starbrink, Nike; Roos Morales, Carla; et al.
36th Bled eConference – digital economy and society: the balancing actfor digital innovation in times of instability, Maribor: University of Maribor, University Press 2023 : 393-405
Rosenlind, Emma; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023 : responsible technology, community, culture, and sustainability
Söderström, Ulrik; Harlin, Olivia; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023
Tjärnhage, Anja; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '22: proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Söderström, Ulrik; Larsson, William; Lundqvist, Max; et al.
34th Bled eConference: Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change: conference proceedings, Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press 2021 : 397-408
Mejtoft, Thomas; Frängsmyr, Erik; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
34th Bled econference: digital support from crisis to progressive change: conference proceedings, Maribor: University of Maribor University Press 2021 : 405-416
Mejtoft, Thomas; Hedlund, Jonathan; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lagerhjelm, Linus; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 2 / 2021
Mejtoft, Thomas; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 2 / 2020
Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; Nordström, Tomas; et al.
Rahaman, G. M. Atiqur; Norberg, Ole; Edstrom, Per
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, Vol. 28, (4) : 596-601
Hägglund, Håkan; Norberg, Ole; Edström, Per

Research groups

Group member

I am teaching the following subjects:

-          Imaging and signal processing

-          Databases and Web Based Systems

-          Interaction design