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Staff photo Nafsika Alexiadou

Nafsika Alexiadou

I am a professor in Educational Work at Umeå University with a research orientation in education policy and comparative studies.

Works at

Professor at Department of Applied Educational Science Section: Floor 4
Naturvetarhuset plan 4, huskropp NB, Johan Bures väg 16 Umeå universitet, 90187 Umeå

I am Professor of Educational Work in the Department of Applied Educational Science. I completed my doctorate degree as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, in 1999, after originally training as a primary school teacher in the Dimokritio University in Greece. I worked in the Universities of Keele (UK), and University of Macedonia (Greece) before coming to Sweden. You can read more about my research here.

My research is concerned with the analysis of education policy at national and transnational levels, and in comparative studies:

  • Education policy and governance in the European Union, its relationship with national policies & the Open Method of Coordination
  • Education policy, inclusion and equality, in national and transnational contexts
  • Higher education policies and internationalization
  • Marketisation and privatization of education - their contexts, processes and consequences

 Current projects

2018-2021: Internationalising Higher Education: Challenges and opportunities for Universities and academics in Sweden (Vetenskapsrådet, Projektledare)
2019-01-01 till 2021-12-31: Going global: Swedish school companies and their international operations (Vetenskaprådet. Project leader: Linda Rönnberg)
2017-2019: Education transitions of Roma students in Sweden and Europe: Success against the odds (Umeå School of Education)

Completed projects
2015-2017: Higher Education Internationalisation and Mobility (Horizon 2020. The EU Programme for Research and innovation Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. Project leader: Louise Morley)
2012-2015: Inclusive and Competitive? Working in the intersection between social inclusion and marketisation in upper secondary school. (Vetenskapsrådet. Project leader: Ulf Lundström)

Doctorate supervisions

  • Maria Lindgren – field of 'health and education policy in leisure time centers'
  • Johanna Sundström – field of 'early childhood education and care'
  • Maria Papakosma - field of 'diversity and interculturality in preschool'
  • Hanna Vretblom - field of 'Special educational documentation processes in preschool'

 Completed doctorate supervisions

  • Anders Norberg - From 'blended learning' to learning onlife, Umeå University, 2017
  • Trang Vu - Logics and politics of professionalism: the case of university English language teachers in Vietnam, (Second supervisor) Umeå University, 2017
  • Phil Rigby – Becoming a secondary English teacher: Men constructing professional identities, Keele University (UK), 2014
  • Ron Sargent – Design and Technology: disjuncture between policy and practice?, Keele University (UK), 2014
  • Matthew Cochrane - Pupils' choices in their educational and career trajectories, Keele University (UK), 2014
  • Wynne Thomas – Competency Based Curriculum: The Student Nurses' Perspective, Keele University (UK), 2011
  • Jackie Waterfield – Post-registration learning in physiotherapy: Practice and Policy, Keele University (UK), 2006


Introduction to the Educational Sciences (Introduktion till det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet) PhD course, 7.5 credits
Theories in Education Research (Teorier i utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning), PhD course, 7,5 credits
Education Policy and Practice in International Perspectives, Grundnivå/Magister, 7.5 hp

Other activities
Since 2012, I am co-Editor of the journal Education Inquiry, an International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access journal, published by the School of Education, Umeå University. I am also in the editorial board of two international journals: Research in Comparative and International Education, and Research in Education.

Since July 2018, I am responsible for the research area of Early Childhood Education and Care, and Leisure Time Centers.

Compare, Routledge 2024, Vol. 54, (2) : 185-202
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Hjelmér, Carina; Laiho, Anne; et al.
European Journal of Higher Education, Routledge 2024, Vol. 14, (2) : 249-266
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Kefala, Zoi; Rönnberg, Linda
European Journal of Education, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 59, (4)
Rambla, Xavier; Alexiadou, Nafsika
Educational review (Birmingham)
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Holm, Ann-Sofie; Rönnberg, Linda; et al.
European Educational Research Journal, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 22, (6) : 852-869
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Rambla, Xavier
Higher Education Policy, Springer 2023, Vol. 36, (2) : 351-369
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Rönnberg, Linda
European Educational Research Journal, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 21, (3) : 504-519
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Rönnberg, Linda
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 8, (1) : 9-19
Rönnberg, Linda; Alexiadou, Nafsika; Benerdal, Malin; et al.
Journal of Studies in International Education, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 25, (4) : 443-460
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Kefala, Zoi; Rönnberg, Linda
International Journal of Inclusive Education, Taylor & Francis Group 2021, Vol. 25, (12) : 1425-1442
Essex, Jane; Alexiadou, Nafsika; Zwozdiak-Myers, Paula
Ämnet som blev: rapporter från den fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete, Umeå: Umeå Universitet 2021 : 37-52
Kefala, Zoi; Alexiadou, Nafsika; Rönnberg, Linda
Ämnet som blev: rapporter från den fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete, Umeå: Umeå Universitet 2021 : 125-141
Rönnberg, Linda; Alexiadou, Nafsika; Benerdal, Malin; et al.
Education Inquiry, Taylor & Francis Group 2020, Vol. 11, (2) : 89-93
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Stadler Altmann, Ulrike
Comparative Education, Routledge 2019, Vol. 55, (3) : 422-442
Alexiadou, Nafsika
Comparative Education, Vol. 55, (3) : 297-307
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Helgøy, Ingrid; Homme, Anne
Early years: making it count: abstract book, European Early Childhood Education Research Association 2019 : 215-216
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Hjelmér, Carina; Pihlaja, Päivi; et al.
Austerity and the remaking of European education, London: Bloomsbury Academic 2019 : 29-52
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Jones, Ken
Beyond erziehungswissenschaftlicher Grenzen: Diskurse zu Entgrenzungen der Disziplin, Opladen: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH 2019 : 63-77
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lundahl, Lisbeth
Challenges for public education: reconceptualising educational leadership, policy and social justice as resources for hope, Abingdon: Routledge 2019 : 116-131
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lundahl, Lisbeth; Rönnberg, Linda
Austerity and the remaking of European education, London: Bloomsbury Academic 2019 : 93-116
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Rönnberg, Linda
Higher Education, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands 2018, Vol. 76, (3) : 537-554
Morley, Louise; Alexiadou, Nafsika; Garaz, Stela; et al.
Policy and inequality in education, Singapore: Springer 2017 : 111-131
Alexiadou, Nafsika
European Education: Issues and Studies, Taylor & Francis Group 2017, Vol. 49, (1) : 36-55
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Norberg, Anders
Research in education (Manchester), Sage Publications 2016, Vol. 96, (1) : 23-30
Alexiadou, Nafsika
Research in Comparative and International Education, London: Sage Publications 2016, Vol. 11, (1) : 13-33
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Dovemark, Marianne; Erixon-Arreman, Inger; et al.
European Journal of Teacher Education, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 39, (1) : 5-19
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Essex, Jane
New public management and the reform of education: European lessons for policy and practice, Abdingon, Oxon: Routledge 2016 : 66-80
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lundahl, Lisbeth
International Journal of Public Administration, Taylor & Francis Group 2015, Vol. 38, (3) : 157-166
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lange, Bettina
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange, Grant agreement No 643739
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Norberg, Anders
Transnational policy flows in European education: the making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field, Oxford: Symposium Books 2014 : 123-140
Alexiadou, Nafsika
Educational research (Windsor. Print), Vol. 56, (1) : 111-113
Alexiadou, Nafsika
Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, Slovenia: 2014, Vol. 24, (3) : 371-382
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Findlow, Sally
European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul 10-13 September.
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Erixon Arreman, Inger; Lundström, Ulf
Journal of European Integration, Routledge 2013, Vol. 35, (1) : 37-52
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lange, Bettina
Comparative Education, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2013, Vol. 49, (3) : 344-360
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Van de Bunt-Kokhuis, Sylvia
London: Bloomsbury Academic 2013
Brock, Colin; Alexiadou, Nafsika
Education Inquiry, Umeå University: Umeå School of Education 2011, Vol. 2, (4) : 581-600
Alexiadou, Nafsika
European Educational Research Journal, Oxford, UK: Symposium Journals, Ltd 2010, Vol. 9, (3) : 346-359
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Fink-Hafner, Danica; Lange, Bettina
Criminology - Searching for Answers: Essays in Honour of Professor Stergios Alexiadis, Thessaloniki, Greece: Sakkoula 2010 : 23-48
Alexiadou, Nafsika; Lange, Bettina
Journal of education policy, Taylor & Francis Group 2010, Vol. 25, (4) : 443-463
Lange, Bettina; Alexiadou, Nafsika
Promoting solidarity in the European Union : an emerging constitutional paradigm?, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010 : 235-261
Lange, Bettina; Alexiadou, Nafsika
Improving Schools, Sage Publications 2009, Vol. 12, (1) : 43-57
Thomson, Pat; McGregor, Jane; Sanders, Ethel; et al.
Research in Comparative and International Education, Oxford, UK: Symposium Journals, Ltd. 2007, Vol. 2, (2) : 102-116
Alexiadou, Nafsika
The Education Systems of Europe, Dordrecht: Springer Publishing Company 2007 : 826-851
Brock, Colin; Alexiadou, Nafsika
Comparative study of education problems and policies in the world: contemporary trends and the role of tradition
Brock, Colin; Alexiadou, Nafsika
European Educational Research Journal, Oxford, United Kingdom: Symposium Journals Ltd 2007, Vol. 6, (4) : 321-335
Lange, Bettina; Alexiadou, Nafsika
European Educational Research Journal, Oxford, UK: Symposium Journals Ltd 2006, Vol. 5, (1) : 71-76
Alexiadou, Nafsika
World Yearbook of Education 2005: Globalisation and nationalism in education, London: Falmer Routledge 2005 : 128-146
Alexiadou, Nafsika
Globalisation, Societies and Education, Taylor & Francis Group 2005, Vol. 3, (1) : 101-125
Alexiadou, Nafsika