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Staff photo Mikaela Wikström Ruona

Mikaela Wikström Ruona

My research concerns media, journalism and sustainability, with a focus on media discourses about the so-called green reindustrialisation and societal transition of the Swedish North.


Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Culture and Media Studies Section: -
Humanisthuset, Biblioteksgränd 3 (huvudentré) Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as doctoral student at Arctic Centre at Umeå University Section: Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development
Universum, Arktiskt centrum vid Umeå universitet, A Working Lab, Universum, Universums gränd 8 907 36 UMEÅ Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a PhD student in Media and Communication Studies, and my research is about media discourses about the ongoing so-called green reindustrialisation and societal transition of the Swedish North.

News media is a widely used source of information about the climate and play an important democratic role in transition processes. In the wake of the climate crisis, there are ongoing processes of a so-called green reindustrialisation in the northern parts of Sweden. Billions SEK are to be invested in this reindustrialisation with an ambition of making basic industries fossil-free. The so-called green reindustrialisation and the societal transitions it entails are complex, and involves a multitude of challenges and issues, permeating multiple dimensions of society, if not all.

The aim of this PhD project is to study media discourses of the Swedish North, and the places, people and actors that are pointed out as centres in the ongoing so-called green industrial transition. Furthermore, a part of the aim of the project is about exploring the media industry’s role in contributing to transition processes when it comes to creating more sustainable and just communities. Important for the context of the project is consideration of the heterogeneity of the Swedish North, and stereotypical representations will be problematized.

I have a bachelor's degree in journalism, and a MA in Media and Communication Studies from Umeå university.