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Staff photo Mia Lind

Mia Lind


Works at

Doctoral student (on leave) at Department of Sociology
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset & Norra beteendevetarhuset Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as doctoral student at Unit of Police Work
Polisutbildningshuset, Humanioragränd 3 Umeå universitet, 907 36 Umeå

I´m a doctoral student affiliated with the Department of Sociology and the Unit of Police Work at Umeå University, Sweden. My research stems from my criminology background and focuses on police crime prevention work. The main focus of my dissertation is how police officers and police students understand and perceive crime prevention efforts. Previous research has been conducted in the areas of risk assessment, crime prevention, and evaluation.

Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing, Universitetsforlaget 2024, Vol. 11, (1) : 1-24
Lind, Mia

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