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Mattias Strandh
Research qualifications:
+46 90 786 51 95
Works at
Professor at
Department of Social Work
Samhällsvetarhuset, plan 5, Biblioteksgränd 4
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Does fear-of-failure mediate the relationship between educational expectations and stress-related complaints among Swedish adolescents?: A structural equation modelling approach
European Journal of Public Health
, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 34, (1) : 101-106
Cashman, Matthew R.; Strandh, Mattias; Högberg, Björn
Temporal trends and inequalities in school-related stress in three cohorts in compulsory school in Sweden
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias
Changes in the association between educational achievement, attainment and subsequent mental health: a survival analysis of 21 Swedish graduation cohorts
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Petersen, Solveig
Associations between academic achievement and internalizing disorders in Swedish students aged 16 years between 1990 and 2018
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Petersen, Solveig; et al.
Post-discharge pharmacological treatment discontinuation of forensic psychiatric patients in Sweden
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 15
Noland, Ebba; Virtanen, Suvi; Klötz Logan, Fia; et al.
Women and men physically abused by closely related perpetrators over a lifespan. Revictimization and associations to situational factors in childhood
Children and youth services review
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 167
Pettersson, Rickard; Strandh, Mattias; Lucas, Steven
Have performance-based educational reforms increased adolescent school-pressure in Sweden?: A synthetic control approach
International Journal of Educational Development
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 103
Cashman, Matthew; Strandh, Mattias; Högberg, Björn
Trends in adolescent psychosomatic complaints: a quantile regression analysis of Swedish HBSC data 1985–2017
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 51 : 619-624
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Johansson, Klara; et al.
What happens after forensic psychiatric care?: A latent class analysis of dimensions of welfare for former forensic psychiatric patients
BMC Psychiatry
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 23, (1)
Noland, Ebba; Klötz Logan, Fia; Sjöström, Stefan; et al.
Associations between children’s diagnosed mental disorders and educational achievements in Sweden
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 50, (8) : 1140-1147
Bortes, Cristian; Nilsson, Karina; Strandh, Mattias
The reconvictions of mentally disordered offenders: how, when, and where?
BMC Psychiatry
, BioMed Central 2022, Vol. 22, (1)
Noland, Ebba; Strandh, Mattias; Klötz Logan, Fia
When things go wrong with you, it hurts me too: The effects of partner’s employment status on health in comparative perspective
Journal of European Social Policy
, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 31, (2) : 143-160
Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; Strandh, Mattias
Health effects of unemployment in couples: does becoming unemployed affect a young partner’s health?
Social exclusion of youth in Europe: the multifaceted consequences of labour market insecurity
, Bristol: Policy Press 2021 : 58-80
Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; Strandh, Mattias
Psychotropic medication use and academic performance in adolescence: A cross-lagged path analysis
Journal of Adolescence
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 91 : 25-34
Bortes, Cristian; Landstedt, Evelina; Strandh, Mattias
The Bidirectional Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Academic Achievement in Adolescence
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
, Springer 2021, Vol. 50, (5) : 992-1002
Bortes, Cristian; Ragnarsson, Susanne; Strandh, Mattias; et al.
Consequences of school grading systems on adolescent health: evidence from a Swedish school reform
Journal of education policy
, Routledge 2021, Vol. 36, (1) : 84-106
Högberg, Björn; Lindgren, Joakim; Johansson, Klara; et al.
Determinants of Declining School Belonging 2000–2018: The Case of Sweden
Social Indicators Research
, Springer 2021, Vol. 157, (2) : 783-802
Högberg, Björn; Petersen, Solveig; Strandh, Mattias; et al.
Is there a social gradient in how youth with mental disorder perform academically? Findings from a Swedish longitudinal register-based study
BMC Psychiatry
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Landstedt, Evelina; Bortes, Cristian; Strandh, Mattias
Historical, clinical and situational risk factors for post-discharge recidivism in forensic psychiatric patients – A Swedish registry study
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 79
Noland, Ebba; Strandh, Mattias
Egalitarian Values and Sexual Behavior: The Role of Country Level Values in Shaping Individual Level Behaviors in Africa, South America and Asia
International Journal of Sexual Health
, Routledge 2021, Vol. 33, (3) : 396-409
Valverius, Anna; Arnell, Linda; Strandh, Mattias
When things go wrong with you, it hurts me too: The effects of partner’s employment status on health in comparative perspective
CEDAR Working Papers
, 2020:1
Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; Strandh, Mattias
Parental Illness and Young People's Education
Child Indicators Research
, Springer 2020, Vol. 13, (6) : 2069-2091
Bortes, Cristian; Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina
Sibling Ill-Health and Children's Educational Outcomes
Journal of School Health
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 90, (5) : 407-414
Bortes, Cristian; Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina
Gender and secular trends in adolescent mental health over 24 years – The role of school-related stress
Social Science and Medicine
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 250
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Hagquist, Curt
Decomposition of income-related inequality in upper secondary school completion in Sweden by mental health, family conditions and contextual characteristics.
SSM - Population Health
, Vol. 11
Vaezghasemi, Masoud; Mosquera, Paola; Gustafsson, Per E.; et al.
Gender inequality and adolescent suicide ideation across Africa, Asia, the South Pacific and Latin America: a cross-sectional study based on the Global School Health Survey (GSHS)
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 11
Assarsson, Rebecka; Petersen, Solveig; Högberg, Björn; et al.
Is the effect of ill health on school achievement among Swedish adolescents gendered?
SSM - Population Health
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 8
Bortes, Cristian; Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina
Transitions from temporary employment to permanent employment among young adults: The role of labour law and education systems
Journal of Sociology
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 55, (4) : 689-707
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Baranowska-Rataj, Anna
Education system stratification and health complaints among school-aged children
Social Science and Medicine
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 220 : 159-166
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Petersen, Solveig; et al.
Unemployment, well-being, and the moderating role of education policies: A multilevel study
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 60, (4) : 269-291
Högberg, Björn; Vossemer, Jonas; Gebel, Michael; et al.
The interplay between national and parental unemployment in relation to adolescent life satisfaction in 27 countries: analyses of repeated cross-sectional school surveys
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19
Johansson, Klara; Petersen, Solveig; Högberg, Björn; et al.
Health problems during childhood and school achievement: Exploring associations between hospitalization exposures, gender, timing, and compulsory school grades
, Public Library of Science 2018, Vol. 13, (12) : 1-14
Bortes, Cristian; Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina
Ageing, health inequalities and the welfare state: a multilevel analysis
Journal of European Social Policy
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 28, (4) : 311-325
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; et al.
Effect of childhood coeliac disease on ninth grade school performance: evidence from a population-based study
Archives of Disease in Childhood
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2018, Vol. 103, (2) : 143-148
Namatovu, Fredinah; Strandh, Mattias; Ivarsson, Anneli; et al.
The effects of unemployment and insecure jobs on well-being and health: the moderating role of labor market policies
Social Indicators Research
, Dordrecht: Springer 2018, Vol. 138, (3) : 1229-1257
Vossemer, Jonas; Gebel, Michael; Täht, Kadri; et al.
Mental-health and educational achievement: the link between poor mental-health and upper secondary school completion and grades
Journal of Mental Health
, Vol. 26, (4) : 318-325
Brännlund, Annica; Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina
The relationship between work and family preferences and behaviors: a longitudinal study of gender differences in Sweden
Acta Sociologica
, Vol. 60, (2) : 120-133
Nilsson, Karina; Hammarström, Anne; Strandh, Mattias
Results from EU-SILC Longitudinal Analysis: The Relationship between Labour Law, Education Systems and the Transition Probability from Temporary Employment to Permanent Employment among Youth
Strandh, Mattias; Högberg, Björn
Report on the impact of the institutional setting and policies on the well-being and health of youth in insecure labour market positions in EU-28 and Ukraine
EXCEPT Working Papers
, 7
Athanasiades, Christina; Figgou, Lia; Flouli, Anastasia; et al.
Spillover Effects of Job Separations: Does Becoming Unemployed Among Youth Affect Health of Their Family Members?
Baranowska Rataj, Anna; Strandh, Mattias
Subjective well-being and job satisfaction among self-employed and regular employees: does personality matter differently?
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
, Vol. 28, (1) : 55-73
Berglund, Victor; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Strandh, Mattias
The prevalence, characteristics and well-being of 'necessity' self-employed and 'latent' entrepreneurs: findings from Sweden
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
, Vol. 28, (1) : 58-77
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Larsson, Daniel; Strandh, Mattias
Subjective well-being among the self-employed in Europe: macroeconomy, gender and immigrant status
Small Business Economics
, Springer-Verlag New York 2016, Vol. 46, (2) : 239-253
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Vinberg, Stig; Nordenmark, Mikael; et al.
Youth unemployment and functional somatic symptoms in adulthood: results from the Northern Swedish cohort
European Journal of Public Health
, Oxford University Press 2015, Vol. 25, (5) : 796-800
Brydsten, Anna; Hammarström, Anne; Strandh, Mattias; et al.
Life course models of economic stress and poor mental health in mid-adulthood: results from the prospective Northern Swedish Cohort
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 43, (8) : 833-840
Elwér, Sofia; Hammarström, Anne; Strandh, Mattias; et al.
What does class origin and education mean for the capabilities of agency and voice?
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, Taylor & Francis 2015, Vol. 36, (2) : 291-312
Nordlander, Erica; Strandh, Mattias; Brännlund, Annica
Second Chance Education Matters!: Income trajectories of poorly educated non-Nordics in Sweden
Journal of Education and Work
, Taylor & Francis 2015, Vol. 28, (5) : 528-550
Nordlund, Madelene; Bonfanti, Sara; Strandh, Mattias
Do open youth unemployment and youth programs leave the same mental health scars?: Evidence from a Swedish 27-year cohort study
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 15
Strandh, Mattias; Nilsson, Karina; Nordlund, Madelene; et al.
The relation between economic and non-economic incentives to work and employment chances among the unemployed
, 2014:23
Nordlund, Madelene; Strandh, Mattias
Selektivitet och jobbchanser bland arbetslösa
Rapport / Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering
, 2014:21
Nordlund, Madelene; Strandh, Mattias
View publications in DiVA
Research groups
Head of research
Social Perspectives on School and Education
Group member
Health and Illness
The welfare of children, youth and families
Work, Inequality, and Integration
Research projects
1 March 2019 until 31 December 2025
1 February 2016 until 31 December 2019
Adolescent mental health in relation to macroeconomic factors: protective and risk factors
1 May 2015 until 1 April 2018
Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer
1 July 2007 until 30 June 2012
Welfare and Work in an Ageing Society
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