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Marwan Hariz
Works at
Affiliated as professor at
Department of Clinical Sciences
Section: Neurosciences
Norrlands universitetssjukhus, Umeå universitet, Klinisk vetenskap
Umeå universitet, Klinisk vetenskap, 901 85 Umeå
Alternative deep brain stimulation targets in the treatment of isolated dystonic syndromes: a multicenter experience-based survey
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
Cif, Laura; Limousin, Patricia; Souei, Zohra; et al.
A frugal suggestion from a functional neurosurgeon to the german guidelines on treatment of the "DBS withdrawal syndrome"
Journal of Neurology
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 271 : 7323-7324
Hariz, Marwan
Radiofrequency ablation: how to ensure worldwide availability of surgery for Parkinson's disease
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 11, (2) : 114-118
Merello, Marcelo; Hariz, Marwan
Bilateral focused ultrasound thalamotomy for tremor: is it really safe?
JAMA Neurology
, American Medical Association (AMA) 2024, Vol. 81, (9) : 914-915
Sheth, Sameer A.; Ostrem, Jill L.; Hariz, Marwan
Awake versus asleep deep brain stimulation targeting the caudal zona incerta for essential tremor
npj Parkinson's Disease
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 10, (1)
Stenmark Persson, Rasmus; Blomstedt, Yulia; Fytagoridis, Anders; et al.
Clinical outcomes after MRI connectivity-guided radiofrequency thalamotomy for tremor
Journal of Neurosurgery
, American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2024, Vol. 140, (4) : 1148-1154
Wirth, Thomas; Goedemans, Taco; Rajabian, Ali; et al.
10 years follow-up of deep brain stimulation in the caudal zona incerta/posterior subthalamic area for essential tremor
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 10, (5) : 783-793
Blomstedt, Yulia; Stenmark Persson, Rasmus; Awad, Amar; et al.
Anthropology of deep brain stimulation; the 30th anniversary of STN DBS in 2023
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 10, (9) : 1285-1292
Hariz, Marwan; Blomstedt, Yulia; Blomstedt, Patric; et al.
Concerns about the European Academy's recommendations and guidelines regarding pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease
European Journal of Neurology
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 30, (6) : 1831-1833
Hariz, Marwan; Bronstein, Jeff M.; Cosgrove, G. Rees; et al.
Concerns about the European academy's recommendations and guidelines regarding pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease
European Journal of Neurology
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 30, (6) : 1831-1833
Hariz, Marwan; Bronstein, Jeff M.; Cosgrove, G. Rees; et al.
European academy of neurology/movement disorder society–european section guidelines on pallidotomy for parkinson's disease
Movement Disorders
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 38, (3) : 509-511
Hariz, Marwan; Bronstein, Jeff M.; Cosgrove, G. Rees; et al.
Thirty years of global deep brain stimulation: "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"?
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2023, Vol. 101, (6) : 395-406
Hariz, Marwan; Cif, Laura; Blomstedt, Patric
Focused ultrasound ablation in Parkinson's disease
New England Journal of Medicine
, Massachusetts Medical Society 2023, Vol. 388, (19) : 1822-1823
Hariz, Marwan; Okun, Michael S.; Vitek, Jerrold L.
Deep brain stimulation in the ALIC-BNST region targeting the bed nucleus of stria terminalis in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder: effects on cognition after 12 months
Acta Neurochirurgica
, Springer 2023, Vol. 165, (5) : 1201-1214
Philipson, Johanna; Naesström, Matilda; Johansson, Johannes D.; et al.
Accuracy, precision, and safety of stereotactic, frame-based, intraoperative MRI-guided and MRI-verified deep brain stimulation in 650 consecutive procedures
Journal of Neurosurgery
, Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG) 2023, Vol. 138 : 1702-1711
Rajabian, Ali; Vinke, Saman; Candelario-Mckeown, Joseph; et al.
Advances in technical aspects of deep brain stimulation surgery
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2023, Vol. 101, (2) : 112-134
Schulder, Michael; Mishra, Akash; Mammis, Antonios; et al.
Long-term follow-up of unilateral deep brain stimulation targeting the caudal zona incerta in 13 patients with parkinsonian tremor
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2023, Vol. 101, (6) : 369-379
Stenmark Persson, Rasmus; Fytagoridis, Anders; Ryzhkov, Maxim; et al.
Neurosurgical lesioning for Tourette syndrome
Lancet Neurology
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 22, (4) : 292-
Tuleasca, Constantin; Régis, Jean; Martinez-Alvarez, Roberto; et al.
Parkinson's disease tremor differentially responds to levodopa and subthalamic stimulation
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 10, (11) : 1639-1649
Wirth, Thomas; Ferreira, Francisca; Vijiaratnam, Nirosen; et al.
Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert for Parkinson's Disease Dementia: A 36 Months Follow Up Study
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 9, (6) : 765-774
Cappon, Davide; Gratwicke, James; Zrinzo, Ludvic; et al.
Renaissance for anterior capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2022, Vol. 93, (3) : 229-229
Hariz, Marwan
Stereotactic Ablative Surgery in Autism: A Cocktail of Lesioned Brain Targets?
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2022, Vol. 100, (4) : 264-265
Hariz, Marwan
Pallidotomy: A “Phoenix the Bird” of Surgery for Parkinson's Disease?
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 9, (2) : 170-172
Hariz, Marwan
Leksell's posteroventral pallidotomy 1992-2022: quo vadis?
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2022, Vol. 100, (4) : 259-263
Hariz, Marwan; Blomstedt, Patric
Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease
Journal of Internal Medicine
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 292, (5) : 764-778
Hariz, Marwan; Blomstedt, Patric
Judith Balkányi-Lepintre (1912–1982): first woman neurosurgeon, first woman war neurosurgeon, and first woman pediatric neurosurgeon in France
Journal of Neurosurgery
, American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2022, Vol. 136, (5) : 1465-1469
Hariz, Marwan; Eröss, Loránd; Hariz, Gun-Marie; et al.
Serendipity and Observations in Functional Neurosurgery: From James Parkinson's Stroke to Hamani's & Lozano's Flashbacks
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2022, Vol. 100, (4) : 201-209
Hariz, Marwan; Lees, Andrew J.; Blomstedt, Yulia; et al.
Deep Brain Stimulation for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of the Experimental and Clinical Literature
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2022, Vol. 100 : 143-155
Meeres, Jennifer; Hariz, Marwan
Distribution of electric field in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder treated with deep brain stimulation of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis
Acta Neurochirurgica
, Springer 2022, Vol. 164 : 193-202
Naesström, Matilda; Johansson, Johannes; Hariz, Marwan; et al.
Deep Brain Stimulation of Caudal Zona Incerta for Parkinson's Disease: One-Year Follow-Up and Electric Field Simulations
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 25, (6) : 935-944
Stenmark Persson, Rasmus; Nordin, Teresa; Hariz, Gun-Marie; et al.
A randomized trial directly comparing ventral capsule and anteromedial subthalamic nucleus stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Clinical and imaging evidence for dissociable effects
, American Psychiatric Association Publishing 2022, Vol. 20, (1) : 160-169
Tyagi, Himanshu; Apergis-Schoute, Annemieke M.; Akram, Harith; et al.
Deep Brain Stimulation: Emerging Tools for Simulation, Data Analysis, and Visualization
Frontiers in Neuroscience
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2022, Vol. 16
Wårdell, Karin; Nordin, Teresa; Vogel, Dorian; et al.
Pedunculopontine nucleus deep brain stimulation for parkinsonian disorders: a case series
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2021, Vol. 99, (4) : 287-294
Dayal, Viswas; Rajabian, Ali; Jahanshahi, Marjan; et al.
Blinded Versus Unblinded Evaluations of Motor Scores in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Randomized to Deep Brain Stimulation or Best Medical Therapy
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 8, (2) : 285-287
Hariz, Gun-Marie; Fredricks, Anna; Stenmark Persson, Rasmus; et al.
Pallidotomy for Dystonia: A Neglected Procedure?
Movement Disorders
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 36, (3) : 533-534
Hariz, Marwan
Oh, Georges! What Have They Done to Your Beautiful Name?
Movement Disorders
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 36, (10) : 2441-2442
Hariz, Marwan; Blomstedt, Patric
Longevity of Deep Brain Stimulation Batteries; a Global Survey of Neurosurgeons and Neurologists
Movement Disorders
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 36, (5) : 1273-1274
Hariz, Marwan; Hariz, Gun-Marie; Blomstedt, Patric
Basal Ganglia Pathways Associated With Therapeutic Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 6, (10) : 961-972
Johnson, Kara A.; Duffley, Gordon; Foltynie, Thomas; et al.
Technology of deep brain stimulation: current status and future directions
Nature Reviews Neurology
, Springer Nature 2021, Vol. 17, (2) : 75-87
Krauss, Joachim K.; Lipsman, Nir; Aziz, Tipu; et al.
Deep Brain Stimulation in the Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: 1-Year Follow-up
World Neurosurgery
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 149 : e794-e802
Naesström, Matilda; Hariz, Marwan; Strömsten, Lotta; et al.
Cortical connectivity of the nucleus basalis of Meynert in Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementias
, Oxford University Press 2021, Vol. 144, (3) : 781-788
Oswal, Ashwini; Gratwicke, James; Akram, Harith; et al.
Short- and long-term cognitive effects of deep brain stimulation in the caudal zona incerta versus best medical treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease
Journal of Neurosurgery
, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) 2021, Vol. 134, (2) : 357-365
Philipson, Johanna; Blomstedt, Patric; Fredricks, Anna; et al.
Deep brain stimulation in the caudal zona incerta in patients with essential tremor: effects on cognition 1 year after surgery
Journal of Neurosurgery
, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) 2021, Vol. 134, (1) : 208-215
Philipson, Johanna; Blomstedt, Patric; Hariz, Marwan; et al.
Deep brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): emerging or established therapy?
Molecular Psychiatry
, Springer Nature 2021, Vol. 26 : 60-65
Wu, Hemmings; Hariz, Marwan; Visser-Vandewalle, Veerle; et al.
Short Versus Conventional Pulse-Width Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Crossover Comparison
Movement Disorders
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 35, (1) : 101-108
Dayal, Viswas; Grover, Timothy; Tripoliti, Elina; et al.
Resting state activity and connectivity of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and globus pallidus in Lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease dementia
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 221
Gratwicke, James; Oswal, Ashwini; Akram, Harith; et al.
Structural connectivity predicts clinical outcomes of deep brain stimulation for Tourette syndrome
, Oxford University Press 2020, Vol. 143 : 2607-2623
Johnson, Kara A.; Duffley, Gordon; Anderson, Daria Nesterovich; et al.
Bjorn Meyerson 1933-2019 OBITUARY
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 23, (1) : 1-2
Linderoth, Bengt; Lind, Goran; Hariz, Marwan
Anterior capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a review of old and new literature
Journal of Neurosurgery
, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) 2020, Vol. 133, (5) : 1595-1604
Pepper, Joshua; Zrinzo, Ludvic; Hariz, Marwan
Psychosurgery in the History of Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
, S. Karger 2020, Vol. 98, (4) : 241-247
Rzesnitzek, Lara; Hariz, Marwan; Krauss, Joachim K.
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