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Staff photo Marie Wiberg

Marie Wiberg

Research interest include educational measurement and psychometrics in general, especially test equating, parametric and nonparametric item response theory, and international large-scale assessments.

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher



Works as

Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Brief CV
Currently: Professor at the Department of Statistics, USBE, Umeå University.
2015- : Professor of Statistics with specialty in Psychometrics, USBE; Umeå University, Sweden.
2010-2015: Associate Professor at the Dept. of Statistics, USBE; Umeå University, Sweden.
2006-2010: Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.
2006 (spring): Post doc at University of Twente, the Netherlands.
2005 (fall): Visiting scholar at McGill University, Canada.
2004-2005: Lecturer at Dept. of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.
2003: PhD in Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.

Editor, editorial boards, academy membership and awards
Associate editor for Journal of Educational Measurement (2015-2016)
Editorial board for the International Journal of Testing (2015-
Coordinating editor of Behaviormetrika (2017-2018)
Editor of the proceedings of the International meeting of the Psychometric Society (2017-2022)
Active member of the young academy of Sweden (2014-2018)
Young researcher career award 2008
Royal Skyttean prize for young researchers 2008

Current and completed PhD studens
Gabriel Wallin (PhD 2020: Extensions of the kernel method of test score equating)
Jonathan Wedman (PhD, 2017: Theory and validity evidence for a large-scale test for selection to higher education)
Inga Laukityte (PhD, 2017: Statistical Modeling in International Large-scale Assessments)
Kenny Bränberg (PhD, 2010: Observed score equating with covariates)
Jannika Lindvall (PhD 2018: Critical features and impacts of mathematics teacher professional development programs: Comparing and characterizing programs implemented at scale) (co-supervisor)
Valentina Sansivieri (PhD 2017: Item response theory equating with the non-equivalent groups with covariates design) (co-supervisor)
Björn Andersson (PhD, 2014: Contributions to Kernel equating) (co-supervisor)
Jenny Häggström (PhD, 2011: Selection of smoothing parameters with application in causal inference) (co-supervisor)
Anna Sundström (PhD, 2009: Developing and validating self-report instruments) (co-supervisor)
Per-Erik Lyrén (PhD, 2009: A perfect score: Validity arguments for college admission tests) (co-supervisor)

Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Wiberg, Marie; González, Jorge; von Davier, Alina A.
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 15
Boman, Björn; Wiberg, Marie
European Journal of Psychology of Education, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2024, Vol. 39 : 2935-2951
Boman, Björn; Wiberg, Marie
Trends in Psychology, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 32 : 786-806
Franco, Víthor Rosa; Laros, Jacob Arie; Wiberg, Marie; et al.
Quantitative psychology: the 88th annual meeting of the psychometric society, Maryland, USA, 2023, Cham: Springer 2024 : 1-12
González, Jorge; Wiberg, Marie
Psychological methods
Heister, Hannah H.; Casper, Albers J.; Wiberg, Marie; et al.
Australian psychologist, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 59, (1) : 24-35
Henje Blom, Eva; Wiberg, Marie; Dennhag, Inga
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Taylor & Francis Group 2024, Vol. 78, (4) : 290-300
Jonasson, Maria; Wiberg, Marie; Dennhag, Inga
Frontiers in Education, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 9
Laukaityte, Inga; Rolfsman, Ewa; Wiberg, Marie
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, University of Massachusetts Press 2024, Vol. 29, (5)
Laukaityte, Inga; Wiberg, Marie
Applied psychological measurement
Ramsay, James O.; Li, Juan; Wallmark, Joakim; et al.
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 49, (5) : 753-779
Wallmark, Joakim; Ramsay, James O.; Li, Juan; et al.
Quantitative psychology, Springer Nature 2024 : v-v
Wiberg, Marie; Kim, Jee-Seon; Hwang, Heungsun; et al.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 452
Wiberg, Marie; Kim, Jee-Seon; Hwang, Heungsun; et al.
European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, Eurasian Society of Educational Research 2024, Vol. 5, (1) : 13-26
Wiberg, Marie; Laukaityte, Inga; Rolfsman, Ewa
Journal of mathematical psychology (Print), Academic Press 2023, Vol. 114
Franco, Vithor Rosa; Laros, Jacob Arie; Wiberg, Marie
Applied psychological measurement, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 47, (2) : 123-140
Leôncio, Waldir; Wiberg, Marie; Battauz, Michela
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 77, (5) : 421-431
Vestin, Magnus; Åsberg, Marie; Wiberg, Marie; et al.
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 48, (5) : 603-635
Wallin, Gabriel; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: The 87th annual meeting of the psychometric society, Bologna, Italy, 2022, Springer 2023 : 49-59
Wallmark, Joakim; Josefsson, Maria; Wiberg, Marie
Applied psychological measurement, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 47, (7-8) : 496-512
Wallmark, Joakim; Josefsson, Maria; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: The 87th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Bologna, Italy, 2022, Springer 2023 : v-v
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 422
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Quantitative psychology: the 87th annual meeting of the psychometric society, Bologna, Italy, 2022, Cham: Springer 2023 : 61-73
Wiberg, Marie; Ramsay, James O.; Li, Juan
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Routledge 2023, Vol. 67, (1) : 69-82
Wiberg, Marie; Rolfsman, Ewa
Quantitative and Computational Methods in Behavioral Sciences, PshycOpen 2022, Vol. 2, (1)
Franco, Vithor Rosa; Barros, Guilherme; Wiberg, Marie; et al.
Psychological methods, American Psychological Association (APA) 2022, Vol. 27, (6) : 917-929
Franco, Vithor Rosa; Wiberg, Marie; Laros, Jacob Arie
Methodology for multilevel modeling in educational research: concepts and applications, Singapore: Springer 2022 : 271-281
Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: the 86th annual meeting of the psychometric society, virtual, 2021, Cham: Springer 2022 : 39-49
Wiberg, Marie; Li, Juan; Lyrén, Per-Erik; et al.
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 393
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Quantitative psychology: the 86th annual meeting of the psychometric society, virtual, 2021, Cham: Springer 2022 : v-
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, Springer 2021, Vol. 5, (1)
Carlberg Rindestig, Frida; Wiberg, Marie; Chaplin, John Eric; et al.
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, Oxford University Press 2021, Vol. 6, (4) : 710-715
Handing, Elizabeth P.; Rapp, Stephen R.; Chen, Shyh-Huei; et al.
Applied psychological measurement, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 45, (7-8) : 518-535
Wallin, Gabriel; Häggström, Jenny; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: the 85th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, virtual, Cham: Springer 2021 : 187-197
Wallin, Gabriel; Wiberg, Marie
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, University of Massachusetts Press 2021, Vol. 26, (23)
Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: 85th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, virtual, 2020, Cham: Springer 2021 : 199-206
Wiberg, Marie; González, Jorge
Education Sciences, MDPI 2021, Vol. 11, (4)
Wiberg, Marie; Lyrén, Per-Erik; Lind Pantzare, Anna
Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics, 353
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Quantitative Psychology: The 85th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Virtual, Springer 2021 : v-
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Quantitative psychology: 84th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2019, New York: Springer 2020 : 1-17
Andersson, Carolyn J.; Embretson, Susan; Meulman, Jacqueline; et al.
Psych, MDPI 2020, Vol. 2, (4) : 347-369
Ramsay, James O.; Li, Juan; Wiberg, Marie
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 45, (3) : 297-315
Ramsay, James; Wiberg, Marie; Li, Juan
Quantitative psychology: 84th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2019, New York: Springer 2020 : 111-120
Wallin, Gabriel; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: 84th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, 2019, New York: Springer 2020 : 121-133
Wiberg, Marie; González, Jorge
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 322
Wiberg, Marie; Molenaar, Dylan; González, Jorge; et al.
Applied psychological measurement, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 43, (8) : 597-610
Albano, Anthony D.; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology: 83rd annual meeting of the psychometric society, New York, NY 2018, New York: Springer 2019 : 87-94
Li, Juan; Ramsay, James O.; Wiberg, Marie
National Council of Measurement in Education, 2019
Ramsay, James; Li, Juan; Wiberg, Marie