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Maria Nordin
Research qualifications:
+46 90 786 99 24
Works as
Associate professor at
Department of Psychology
Role: Assistant head of department
Beteendevetarhuset, Beteendevetarhuset, Vindarns torg, Mediagränd 14, D-117
Umeå universitet, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå
Health benefits of leisure-time physical activity by socioeconomic status, lifestyle risk, and mental health: a multicohort study
The Lancet Public Health
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 10, (2) : e124-e135
Nyberg, Solja T; Frank, Philipp; Pentti, Jaana; et al.
Dimensionality, sensitivity and specificity of different versions of the Shirom-Melamed burnout questionnaire/measure in clinical and non-clinical populations
Stress and Health
, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 41, (1)
Sundström, Anna; Nordin, Maria; Nordin, Steven; et al.
Self-rated health and its bidirectional relationship with burnout, sleep quality and somatic symptoms in a general adult population
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Nordin, Maria; Sundström, Anna; Hakelind, Camilla; et al.
Coping, perceived environmental exposure control and mental distress in persons with symptoms attributed to environmental factors in a general population survey
Cogent Psychology
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 11, (1)
Nordin, Steven; Finell, Eerika; Nordin, Maria
Overcommitment and employee outcomes in Swedish eldercare: the buffering effects of role clarity and leader support
International Journal of Care and Caring
Westerberg, Kristina; Lundmark, Robert; Nordin, Maria; et al.
and dementia in a low exposure setting: the influence of odor identification ability and
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
, IOS Press 2023, Vol. 92, (2) : 679-689
Andersson, John; Sundström, Anna; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Stress, mental ill-health and functional somatic syndromes in incident and chronic sleep disturbance in a general adult population
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 11, (1)
Enkvist, Hampus; Öhman, Albin; Pitkänen, Matias; et al.
Risk factors for insomnia and burnout: a longitudinal population-based cohort study
Stress and Health
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 39, (4) : 798-812
Höglund, Per; Hakelind, Camilla; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Associations between emotional support and cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical atherosclerosis in middle-age
Psychology and Health
Nordin, Steven; Norberg, Margareta; Braf, Irma; et al.
The influence of job crafting on the quality of care provided by nursing home employees: the moderating effect of organizational identification
Current Psychology
, Springer 2023, Vol. 42 : 10613-10628
Romeo, Marina; Yepes-Baldó, Montserrat; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Construct validation and normative data for different versions of the Shirom-Melamed burnout questionnaire/measure in a Swedish population sample
Stress and Health
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 39, (3) : 499-515
Sundström, Anna; Söderholm, Anna; Nordin, Maria; et al.
exposure and olfactory functions
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
, Taylor & Francis Group 2022, Vol. 32, (11) : 2484-2495
Andersson, John; Oudin, Anna; Nordin, Steven; et al.
Cardiovascular Disease and Mental Distress Among Ethnic Groups in Kyrgyzstan
Frontiers in Public Health
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2021, Vol. 9
Azfar, Hossain Syed; Dzhusupov, Kenesh O.; Orru, Hans; et al.
Understanding the Interpersonal Space of Online Meetings: An Exploratory Study of "We-ness"
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW
, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2021 : 79-83
Kaptelinin, Victor; Danielsson, Karin; Kaiser, Niclas; et al.
Cold wind of change: associations between organizational change, turnover intention, overcommitment and quality of care in Spanish and Swedish eldercare organizations
Nursing Open
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 8, (1) : 163-170
Lundmark, Robert; Nordin, Maria; Yepes-Baldó, Montserrat; et al.
Traffic-Related air pollution as a risk factor for dementia: no clear modifying effects of apoe ɛ4 in the betula cohort
Alzheimer's disease and air pollution: the development and progression of a fatal disease from childhood and the opportunities for early prevention
, Amsterdam: IOS Press 2021 : 357-364
Oudin, Anna; Andersson, John; Sundström, Anna; et al.
Technostress operationalised as information and communication technology (ICT) demands among managers and other occupational groups: results from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH)
Computers in human behavior
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 114
Stadin, Magdalena; Nordin, Maria; Broström, Anders; et al.
Äldreomsorgens ständiga förändringar: om organisation, arbetsmiljö och ledarskap
Vård och omsorg i det 21:a århundradet, Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle
Westerberg, Kristina; Nordin, Maria
Organizational change and commitment: Effects on well-being, turnover intent and quality of care in Spanish and Swedish eldercare
Economic and Industrial Democracy
, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 42, (4) : 899-916
Westerberg, Kristina; Pienaar, Jacobus; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Productivity, Satisfaction, Work Environment and Health after Relocation to an Activity-Based Flex Office: The Active Office Design Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
, MDPI 2021, Vol. 18, (14)
Öhrn, Maria; Wahlström, Viktoria; Harder, Mette S.; et al.
Hopeful struggling for health: Experiences of participating in computerized cognitive training and aerobic training for persons with stress-related exhaustion disorder
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 61, (3) : 361-368
Eskilsson, Therese; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Ek Malmer, Elin; et al.
Health literacy is independently and inversely associated with carotid artery plaques and cardiovascular risk
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 209-215
Lindahl, Bernt; Norberg, Margareta; Johansson, Helene; et al.
Association of Healthy Lifestyle With Years Lived Without Major Chronic Diseases
JAMA Internal Medicine
, American Medical Association 2020, Vol. 180, (5) : 760-768
Nyberg, Solja T.; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Pentti, Jaana; et al.
Cognitive job crafting as mediator between behavioral job crafting and quality of care in residential homes for the elderly
, Public Library of Science 2020, Vol. 15, (12)
Romeo, Marina; Yepes-Baldo, Montserrat; Westerberg, Kristina; et al.
Healthcare managers' experiences of technostress and the actions they take to handle it - a critical incident analysis
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Stadin, Magdalena; Nordin, Maria; Fransson, Eleonor I.; et al.
Loneliness increases the risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
, Oxford University Press 2020, Vol. 75, (5) : 919-926
Sundström, Anna; Nordin Adolfsson, Annelie; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Long working hours and change in body weight: analysis of individual-participant data from 19 cohort studies
International Journal of Obesity
, Nature Publishing Group 2020, Vol. 44, (6) : 1368-1375
Virtanen, Marianna; Jokela, Markus; Lallukka, Tea; et al.
Physical inactivity, cardiometabolic disease, and risk of dementia: an individual-participant meta-analysis
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2019, Vol. 365
Kivimaki, Mika; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Pentti, Jaana; et al.
Visualization of asymptomatic atherosclerotic disease for optimum cardiovascular prevention (VIPVIZA): a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial
The Lancet
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 393, (10167) : 133-142
Näslund, Ulf; Ng, Nawi; Lundgren, Anna; et al.
Traffic-Related Air Pollution as a Risk Factor for Dementia: No Clear Modifying Effects of
4 in the Betula Cohort
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
, IOS Press 2019, Vol. 71, (3) : 733-740
Oudin, Anna; Andersson, John; Sundström, Anna; et al.
Associations between hyperacusis and psychosocial work factors in the general population
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Springer 2019, Vol. 92, (1) : 59-65
Paulin, Johan; Nordin, Maria; Nyback, Maj-Helen; et al.
Job crafting and well-being in the elderly care sector: the effect of over-commitment
Employee relations
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019, Vol. 41, (3) : 358-373
Romeo, Marina; Yepes-Baldó, Montserrat; Ángel Piñeiro, Miguel; et al.
Repeated exposure to high ICT demands at work, and development of suboptimal self-rated health: findings from a 4-year follow-up of the SLOSH study
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Springer 2019, Vol. 92, (5) : 717-728
Stadin, Magdalena; Nordin, Maria; Broström, Anders; et al.
Road traffic noise, air pollution, and risk of dementia: results from the Betula project
Environmental Research
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 166 : 334-339
Andersson, John; Oudin, Anna; Sundström, Anna; et al.
Work overcommitment: Is it a trait or a state?
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Vol. 91, (1) : 1-11
du Prel, Jean-Baptist; Runeson-Broberg, Roma; Westerholm, Peter; et al.
Job strain and atrial fibrillation: results from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health and meta-analysis of three studies
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 25, (11) : 1142-1149
Fransson, Eleonor I.; Nordin, Maria; Magnusson Hanson, Linda L.; et al.
Psykologi för vårdprofessioner
Natur och kultur 2018
Kaiser, Niclas; Lundberg, Mattias; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Body mass index and risk of dementia: Analysis of individual-level data from 1.3 million individuals
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 14, (5) : 601-609
Kivimäki, Mika; Luukkonen, Ritva; Batty, G. David; et al.
Projekt Norräng 2.0 Arbetsmiljö i skolan efter införande av klassmentorer: Delrapport I: Resultat från baslinjemätning, ettårsuppföljning och fokusgruppsintervjuer.
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2018
Nordin, Maria; Pettersson-Strömbäck, Anita
Spanish and Swedish eldercare managers' influence on employees
International Journal of Workplace Health Management
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2018, Vol. 11, (5) : 294-304
Nordin, Maria; Romeo, Marina; Yepes-Baldo, Montserrat; et al.
Obesity and loss of disease-free years owing to major non-communicable diseases: a multicohort study
The Lancet Public Health
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 3, (10) : E490-E497
Nyberg, Solja T.; Batty, G. David; Pentti, Jaana; et al.
Slutrapport från AKTIKON-PROJEKTET i Örnsköldsviks kommun: Arbetsmiljö, fysisk aktivitet, hälsa och produktivitet i aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö – en kontrollerad studie i Örnsköldsviks kommun
Yrkes- och miljömedicin rapporterar
, 2018:2
Pettersson-Strömbäck, Anita; Bodin Danielsson, Christina; Nordin, Maria; et al.
Impact of Job Crafting on Quality of Care: The Moderating Effect of Commitment
, Scientific Research Publishing 2018, Vol. 09, (12) : 2649-2661
Romeo, Marina; Yepes-Baldó, Montserrat; Westerberg, Kristina; et al.
Job crafting, employee well-being, and quality of care
Western Journal of Nursing Research
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 40, (1) : 52-66
Yepes-Baldó, Montserrat; Romeo, Marina; Westerberg, Kristina; et al.
Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease A Multicohort Study of 90,164 Individuals
, Vol. 28, (4) : 619-626
Dragano, Nico; Siegrist, Johannes; Nyberg, Solja T.; et al.
Overweight, obesity, and risk of cardiometabolic multimorbidity: pooled analysis of individual-level data for 120 813 adults from 16 cohort studies from the USA and Europe
, ELSEVIER SCI LTD 2017, Vol. 2, (6) : E277-E285
Kivimaki, Mika; Kuosma, Eeva; Ferrie, Jane E.; et al.
Long working hours as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation: a multi-cohort study
European Heart Journal
, Oxford University Press 2017, Vol. 38, (34) : 2621-2628
Kivimäki, Mika; Nyberg, Solja T.; Batty, G. David; et al.
Job strain as a risk factor for clinical depression: systematic review and meta-analysis with additional individual participant data
Psychological Medicine
, Vol. 47, (8) : 1342-1356
Madsen, I. E. H.; Nyberg, S. T.; Hanson, L. L. Magnusson; et al.
Is long-term exposure to air pollution associated with episodic memory?: a longitudinal study from northern Sweden
Scientific Reports
, Nature Publishing Group 2017, Vol. 7
Oudin, Anna; Forsberg, Bertil; Lind, Nina; et al.
Age-related associations between work over-commitment and zest for work among Swedish employees from a cross-sectional and longitudinal perspective
Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation
, IOS Press 2017, Vol. 57, (2) : 269-279
Runeson-Broberg, Roma; du Prel, Jean-Baptist; Westerholm, Peter; et al.
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Health and Environment
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1 March 2023
From cell and flex offices to hybrid offices: how are the work environment, health and productivity affected?
1 September 2021 until 31 August 2026
Stress and sleep schools - Student-led and cost-effective treatment of stress and sleep problems through E-health (HUSS-E)
1 January 2020 until 31 December 2022
Stress and sleep schools - Student-led and cost-effective treatment of stress and sleep problems (HUSS-I)
1 January 2020 until 31 December 2023
Explanatory models for stress and sleep problems (HUSS-F)
1 January 2016 until 31 December 2022
Effect of air pollutants on dementia and cognition
1 January 2015 until 31 December 2019
Organization identification, commitment and over-commitment among leaders and employees in Swedish and Spanish elder care organizations
1 January 2014 until 31 December 2019
A Longitudinal Study of the Development and Changes in Environmental Intolerance
1 January 2010 until 31 December 2024
The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study
Published: 17 Oct, 2024
Managing the northern darkness
Published: 09 Nov, 2022
How the body is affected by sleep deprivation and darkness
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