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Staff photo Maria Luna Nobile

Maria Luna Nobile

I am an Associate Professor in Architecture at Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå University, Sweden, since 2019. I am currently Head of Research at the department.



Works at

Associate professor at Umeå School of Architecture
Arkitekthögskolan, Östra Strandgatan 30c Umeå universitet, Arkitekthögskolan, SE-90187 Umeå

I am an Associate Professor in Architecture at Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå University, Sweden, since 2019. I am currently Head of Research at the department and chair of the Research Committee. At UMA I lead the research group Designing the Contemporary City, and I am responsible for the architectural design studio 3 “A Laboratory in the City”.
My research focuses on the design of the contemporary city across the urban and the architectural scale. The scientific field of competence of my research is architectural and urban design. My research focus on the discipline of urban studies in relation to the many transformations cities are facing, in particular I am interested in the topic of reuse of abandoned areas and buildings and in studying and testing innovative methods for the reading of the current contextual situation and intervening within the existing context. This includes, for example, studies on the use of public spaces though participatory methods and practices. I have also been looking into the role that housing research has played in the development and transformation of dwelling types and residential rooms in Sweden, with a special focus on the interdependency between spatial configuration, tectonics, and material culture. Research methods are related to investigating through practical experiments in the city, case studies observation, qualitative interviews, studies of archival sources, comparative studies on different cities in Europe.
I am currently responsible of the Agreement of research collaboration between Umeå School of Architecture and the University of Naples Federico II. In this framework I conduct research within the research group “The Short Term City. Digital Platforms and Spatial Justice” a Research Project of National Relevance funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, on the effect of turism on the transformation of historical centres.

I am currently member of the EURAU – European Research in architecture and Urbanism Symposium Scientific Committee and I will chair the next EURAU Symposium in Umeå in 2026 on the theme “LATITUDES. Situated reflection on architectural research”.
I graduated as an architect at the University Federico II in Naples, where I also earned my PhD in Urban Studies in 2010. My dissertation “Recintare/Delimitare”, focused on the design of former industrial areas based on urban regeneration processes and focusing on the role of enclosures as a material for the urban composition and the potential of translating a mosaic of enclosures into a textile. The dissertation has been awarded at the University of Parma and at the IUAV in Venice. 
Before coming to Umeå, I was an adjunct professor and postdoctoral researcher at the University Federico II in Naples (2006-2019) and consultant for the Municipality of Naples in the framework of the URBACT Programme and of the UNESCO Project of urban regeneration of Naples historical centre. During this period, I have conducted my research in direct relationship with Municipalities and Schools of Architecture across Europe.
In 2024, I published the book Regenerate, Reuse, Reactivate. Strategies for the Contemporary Cities, published in Italian by Edizioni Caracol. The book reflects on the experience within the URBACT programme and on European cities used as case studies. I am currently Editorial director and co-funder of the UOU Scientific Journal in architecture, a peer reviewed scientific journal based on the experience of the University of Universities project, a collaboration among 46 Schools of Architecture in Europe.  As Guest Editor of the first issue, I had the chance to curate “COMMONS” a journal focusing on the notion for urban commons in architecture research and contemporary practices. Recent peer-reviewed publications includes “Kiruna, lost and found: identity and memory in the streetspace of the Arctic town” a chapter in the book Everyday streets: inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets, UCL press (2023), “Transitory vs permanent: Cultural explorations in Naples’ heritage” in Between Sense of Time and Sense of Place: Designing Heritage Tourism, Lettera Ventidue (2021), or “Global change: actions for the composite cities of Europe” in  Rethinking, reinterpreting and restructuring composite cities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2017).

UOU Scientific Journal, Alicante: Alicante University 2023, Vol. 1, (5) : 24-29
Alvado Bañón, Joaquín; Carrillo Andrada, José Antonio; Nobile, Maria Luna; et al.
UOU Scientific Journal, Alicante: University of Alicante 2023, (06) : 20-23
Alvado Bañón, Joaquín; Devereux, Mike; Łątka, Jerzy; et al.
Everyday streets: inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets, London: UCL Press 2023 : 181-192
Nobile, Maria Luna
Across the Giant: dal progetto di una ricerca alla ricerca di un progetto: [Across the Giant: from the project of a research to the search for a project], Napoli: CLEAN 2023 : 40-46
Nobile, Maria Luna
As found international colloquium on adaptive reuse: book of abstracts : 93-94
Nobile, Maria Luna
20 Architectural Experiences. International conference of architectural design, Bucharest, Romania, October 30-31, 2023
Nobile, Maria Luna; Sanchez Merina, Javier
UOU scientific journal, Alicante: Universidad de Alicante 2022, Vol. 2, (4) : 26-29
Alvado Bañón, Joaquín; Nobile, Maria Luna; Devereux, Mike; et al.
Charrette, Association of architectual educators 2022, Vol. 8, (2) : 84-99
Nobile, Maria Luna; Sánchez Merina, Javier
UOU scientific journal, Alicante: Alicante University 2021, (2) : 122-124
Aleixo, Sofia; Nobile, Maria Luna
UOU scientific journal, Alicante: Alicante University 2021, (2) : 26-33
Alvado Bañón, Joaquín; Nobile, Maria Luna; Devereux, Mike; et al.
Between Sense of Time and Sense of Place: Designing Heritage Tourism, Siracusa: 2021 : 400-410
Fatigato, Orfina; Nobile, Maria Luna
Multiple Identities: refelctions on the European cities: Eurau 2020 : 72-72
Fatigato, Orfina; Nobile, Maria Luna
UOU scientific journal, Alicante University: 2021, Vol. 1, (1) : 14-21
Nobile, Maria Luna
UOU scientific journal, 1
Nobile, Maria Luna
UOU scientific journal
Nobile, Maria Luna; Kraft, Marie
Multiple Identities: Reflections on the Europen Cities: Eurau 2020, Birmingham: Birmingham City University 2021 : 64-64
Nobile, Maria Luna; Kraft, Marie
Multiple Identities: Reflections on the Europen Cities: Eurau 2020, Birmingham: Birmingham City University 2021 : 69-69
Nobile, Maria Luna; Sigillo, Bruna; Tricarico, Rossella
UMA Works 2020, Umeå: Umeå University 2020 : 32-33
Collevecchio, Carla; Conway, Richard; Van Toorn, Roemer; et al.
ZEMCH international design workshop 2019, Seoul: Soul City - Seoul Urban Regeneration Research Centre 2020 : 252-263
Nobile, Maria Luna
Costruire l'abitare contemporaneo: Nuovi temi e metodi del progetto, Padova: Il Poligrafo casa editrice 2020 : 352-356
Nobile, Maria Luna
EURAU Alicante: retroactive research in architecture, Alicante University 2020 : 70-77
Sigollo, Bruna; Nobile, Maria Luna; Raho, Valeria; et al.
Netherlands: Kaap Producties 2019
Wilschut, Hans
Actas V Seminario Internacional AULA G+I PAI: Ciudad Industrial, Madrid: Edicion ETSAM Madrid 2018 : 19-22
Nobile, Maria Luna
EURAU18 Alicante: Retroactive Research: Congress Proceedings, Alicante: Escuela Politécnica Superior Alicante University 2018 : 193-199
Nobile, Maria Luna
Detritus, Cisa Publisher 2018, Vol. 2, (1) : 163-169
Nobile, Maria Luna
EURAU18 Alicante: Retroactive research: congress proceedings, Alicante: Alicante University 2018 : 130-135
Sigillo, Bruna; Nobile, Maria Luna; Amore, Maria Pia; et al.
Sardinia 2017: 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Proceedings
Nobile, Maria Luna
Forme della città contemporanea: frammenti di visioni urbane, Melfi: Libria 2017 : 34-47
Nobile, Maria Luna
Rethinking, reinterpreting and restructuring composite cities, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017 : 34-49
Nobile, Maria Luna
EURAU 2016. In Between Scales: Proceedings, Bucharest: Ion Mincu Publishing House 2016 : 617-625
Nobile, Maria Luna
Atti della XIX Conferenza Nazionale SIU − Società degli Urbanisti: Workshop 5.A, Planum Publisher 2016 : 774-778
Nobile, Maria Luna
Progetti per l’Europa. Architetture e ricerche in ambito internazionale di giovani ricercatori, Formia: Graficart D’Arco 2016 : 84-91
Nobile, Maria Luna
La bellezza per il rospo: venustas / architettura / mercato / democrazia: [Beauty according to the toad: venustas, architecture, market, democracy], Napoli: CLEAN edizioni 2016 : 189-190
Nobile, Maria Luna
La bellezza per il rospo: venustas / architettura / mercato / democrazia: [Beauty according to the toad: venustas, architecture, market, democracy], Napoli: CLEAN edizioni 2016 : 254-255
Nobile, Maria Luna
La bellezza per il rospo: venustas / architettura / mercato / democrazia: [Beauty according to the toad: venustas, architecture, market, democracy], Napoli: CLEAN edizioni 2016 : 194-195
Nobile, Maria Luna
Heritage of Water. Patrimonio e Paesaggi di Bonifica, Reggio Emilia: Istituto Alcide Cervi 2015 : 210-211
Nobile, Maria Luna; piscopo, carmine
Bloom, Napoli: University of Naples Federico II 2014, (20) : 34-40
Nobile, Maria Luna
Urban hub_naples: [kentsel hub_napoli], Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University 2013 : 64-67
Nobile, Maria Luna
Urban hub_naples: [kentsel hub_napoli], Instanbul: Istanbul Technical University 2013 : 32-35
Nobile, Maria Luna
IUAV, Venezia: Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia 2012, (119) : 13-13
Nobile, Maria Luna
BDC. Bulletin of the Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Assets, Napoli: University of Naples Federico II 2012, Vol. 12, (1) : 179-191
Nobile, Maria Luna
Racconti in-disciplina-ti, Roma: Officina 2012 : 97-108
Nobile, Maria Luna
Do.co.mo.mo. Italia Giornale, Roma: Docomomo italia 2012, (31) : 21-22
Nobile, Maria Luna; piscopo, carmine

Research groups

Research projects

Studio 3 A Laboratory in the City. Architectural Explorations at diverse Latitudes

  • Architectural Project 2.1 5AR210 15 credits
  • Architectural Project 3.1 5AR300 15 credits
  • Architectural Project 2.2 5AR211 15 credits
  • Architectural Project 3.2 5AR314 5 credits
  • Degree Project, Bachelor in architecture 5AR306 15 credits