I work as a professor at UCGS, and I have my background in political science. My research interests concern feminist theory, gendered violence, women's reproductive work and Swedish gender equality.
I work as a professor at UCGS, and I teach at the master program Gender, Justice and Society. I am currently involved in two interdisciplinary research projects: Daring to ask about violence? An analysis and proposal for the improvement of social services' question-centred approach to gender-related violence (2021-2025) and the VR project Professional authority under reconsideration (2019-2024), where I have analyzed the status of gender studies in a time of anti-gender movements, populism and polarized knowledge ideals.
My interest in feminist theory has meant that I have devoted my research efforts to analyzing how the concept of intersectionality has gained such success, but also that I have examined feminist, anti-racist movements from a post-colonial perspective.
Further, my research interests concern how Swedish gender equality policy has dealt with issues of reproduction and women's unpaid labour. I have studied how come paid work and the right to full-time work have come to occupy a central place in gender equality policy projects. Through a feminist critique of labour, I analyze how care work and women's unpaid work, is constantly devalued, including in gender equality policy.