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Staff photo Magnus Österholm

Magnus Österholm

Professor of Mathematics Education. Primary research area: The role of language and communication in the learning and teaching of mathematics.

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher


Works at

Naturvetarhuset, huskropp A, plan 5, Johan Bures väg 16 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as research fellow at Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre (UMERC)

My main research interest is the role of language and communication in the learning and teaching of mathematics, but I have also studied issues in relation to belief-research and teachers' professional development. My main expertise is mathematics education at secondary and tertiary levels, but I have also studied primary level.

Most of my research is conducted in collaboration with Ewa Bergqvist, and together we lead the research group "Language and communication" within Umeå Mathematics Education Research Centre (UMERC).

You can find more information about me and my research on my webpage: http://osterholm.nu/

European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Bastas Publications 2025, Vol. 13, (1) : 1-15
Hellgren, Jenny M.; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the internationalgroup for the psychology ofmathematics education, Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2024 : 156-
Johansson, Helena; Norberg, Malin; Österholm, Magnus
Mediating mathematics: Proceedings of MADIF 14, Örebro: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF 2024 : 149-149
Johansson, Helena; Norberg, Malin; Österholm, Magnus
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis Group 2024, Vol. 55, (7) : 1567-1596
Johansson, Helena; Österholm, Magnus; Flodén, Liselott; et al.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
Morgan, Candia; Bergqvist, Ewa; Adler, Jill; et al.
Studies in Educational Evaluation, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 83
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Tomas; Liljekvist, Yvonne; et al.
Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Volume 2, Haifa: University of Haifa 2023 : 107-114
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedingsof the 46th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education: vol 1, Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2023 : 262-262
Johansson, Helena; Norberg, Malin; Österholm, Magnus
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
Johansson, Helena; Österholm, Magnus
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], Göteborgs universitet 2023, Vol. 28, (1-2) : 7-29
Theens, Frithjof; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 72
Wikström Hultdin, Ulrika; Bergqvist, Ewa; Bergqvist, Tomas; et al.
Proceedings of the 45th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, Alicante: Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2022 : 178-
Bergqvist, Ewa; Vingsle, Lotta; Österholm, Magnus; et al.
Proceedings of the 45th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME 2022 : 241-
Johansson, Helena; Norberg, Malin; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 45th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, Alicante: Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2022 : 241-
Johansson, Helena; Norberg, Malin; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2021 : 149-149
Johansson, Helena; Österholm, Magnus
Working Papers in Mathematics Education, 2021:1
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Tomas; Liljekvist, Yvonne; et al.
MADIF-12, The twelfth Research Seminar in Mathematics Education by SMDF, Växjö, Sweden, January 14-15, 2020.
Bergqvist, Ewa; Bergqvist, Tomas; Vingsle, Lotta; et al.
MADIF-12, The twelfth Research Seminar in Mathematics Education by SMDF, Växjö, Sweden, January 14-15, 2020.
Bergqvist, Ewa; Bergqvist, Tomas; Vingsle, Lotta; et al.
MADIF-12, The twelfth Research Seminar in Mathematics Education by SMDF, Växjö, Sweden, January 14-15, 2020
Bergqvist, Ewa; Jonsson, Bert; Österholm, Magnus
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 56
Johansson, Helena; Österholm, Magnus
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 51 : 41-55
Bergqvist, Ewa; Theens, Frithjof; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 42
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus; Granberg, Carina; et al.
Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 42
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus; Granberg, Carina; et al.
Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 42
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus; Granberg, Carina; et al.
Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 42
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus; Granberg, Carina; et al.
Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 42
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus; Granberg, Carina; et al.
Perspectives on professional development of mathematics teachers: Proceedings of MADIF 11, The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, January 23–24, 2018, Göteborg: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF 2018 : 226-226
Theens, Frithjof; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Perspectives on professional development of mathematics teachers: Proceedings of MADIF 11, The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, January 23–24, 2018, Karlstad: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF 2018 : 131-140
Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : 170-170
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Singapore: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 2017 : 153-160
Bergqvist, Tomas; Liljekvist, Yvonne; van Bommel, Jorryt; et al.
NFSUN 2017: Abstracts : 55-55
Sullivan Hellgren, Jenny; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
The Eighth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 17, Stockholm, Sweden, May 30 – June 2, 2017
Theens, Frithjof; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary: PME 2016 : 125-125
Bergqvist, Ewa; Theens, Frithjof; Österholm, Magnus
ICT in mathematics education: the future and the realities: Proceedings of MADIF 10: the tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Karlstad, January 26–27, 2016, Göteborg: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF 2016 : 147-147
Bergqvist, Ewa; Theens, Frithjof; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Szeged, Hungary: PME 2016 : 151-151
Edmonds-Wathen, Cris; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
ICT in mathematics education: the future and the realities: Proceedings of MADIF 10 The tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Karlstad, January 26–27, 2016, Göteborgs universitet 2016 : 146-146
Edmonds-Wathen, Cris; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2016
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Tomas; Liljekvist, Yvonne; et al.
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NMC Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning 2015, Vol. 20, (1) : 5-31
Dyrvold, Anneli; Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Skrifter från Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning, 10
Helenius, Ola; Engström, Arne; Meaney, Tamsin; et al.
Reading Psychology, Routledge 2015, Vol. 36, (8) : 673-699
Österholm, Magnus
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning, Vol. 2014, (1) : 27-31
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education, Springer 2013, Vol. 45, (5) : 751-763
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Ewa
Evaluation and comparison of mathematical achievement: Dimensions and perspectives: Proceedings of MADIF 8, The Eighth Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Linköping: Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning 2012 : 61-70
Bergqvist, Ewa; Dyrvold, Anneli; Österholm, Magnus
Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Vol. 2: opportunities to learn in mathematics education : 67-74
Bergqvist, Ewa; Österholm, Magnus
Mathematics Education: Expanding Horizons. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Singapore: MERGA 2012 : 578-585
Österholm, Magnus
The Mathematics Enthusiast, Information Age Publishing 2012, Vol. 9, (3) : 431-464
Österholm, Magnus
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, Mölndal: Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2012, Vol. 17, (1) : 5-30
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Ewa
Proceedings of Norma 11, The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education in Reykjavík, May 11-14, 2011, Reykjavík, Iceland: University of Iceland Press 2012 : 661-670
Österholm, Magnus; Bergqvist, Ewa
Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol 1: Developing mathematical thinking : 367-367
Österholm, Magnus
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, Mölndal: Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2011, Vol. 16, (1-2) : 57-76
Österholm, Magnus