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Lena Håglin
+46 90 785 23 32
Works at
Affiliated as other position at
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine
Section: Family Medicine
5B, NUS Försörjningsvägen 7E
Allmänmedicin, NUS, 90185 Umeå
Handgrip Strength and Anthropometry in Parkinson's Disease at Diagnosis
Parkinson's Disease
, Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2022, Vol. 2022
Håglin, Lena; Törnkvist, Birgitta; Edström, Mona; et al.
Low plasma thiamine and phosphate in male patients with Parkinson's disease is associated with mild cognitive impairment
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 37 : 93-99
Håglin, Lena; Domellöf, Magdalena E.; Bäckman, L; et al.
Low level of phosphate in male patients reporting swallowing disturbances in early Parkinson's disease
Clinical Nutrition Experimental
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 29 : 18-29
Håglin, Lena; Edström, Mona; Bäckman, L.; et al.
Obesity, smoking habits, and serum phosphate levels predicts mortality after life-style intervention
, Public Library of Science (PLOS) 2020, Vol. 15, (1)
Håglin, Lena; Törnkvist, Birgitta; Bäckman, Lennart
Energy expenditure in women and men with COPD
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 28 : 171-178
Farooqi, Nighat; Carlsson, Maine; Håglin, Lena; et al.
Early Recognition of Cognitive Ability and Nutritional Markers for Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease
Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice
, Auzeville-Tolosane: SERDI 2018, Vol. 7 : 156-162
Håglin, Lena; Bäckman, L; Linder, Jan; et al.
Intake of vitamin B before onset of Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonism and olfactory function at the time of diagnosis
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
, Vol. 71 : 97-102
Håglin, Lena; Johansson, Ingegerd; Forsgren, Lars; et al.
Using phosphate supplementation to reverse hypophosphatemia and phosphate depletion in neurological disease and disturbance
Nutritional neuroscience
, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 19, (5) : 213-223
Håglin, Lena
Covariation between plasma phosphate and daytime cortisol in early Parkinson's disease
Brain and Behavior
, Vol. 6, (12)
Håglin, Lena; Bäckman, Lennart
Assessment of energy intake in women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A doubly labeled water method study
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 19, (5) : 518-524
Farooqi, Nighat; Slinde, F.; Håglin, Lena; et al.
Predicting energy requirement with pedometer-determined physical-activity level in women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
, Vol. 10 : 1129-1137
Farooqi, Nighat; Slinde, Frode; Carlsson, Maine; et al.
High serum phosphate concentration as the result of smoking might underlie the lower risk of Parkinson's disease
Medical Hypotheses
, Vol. 85, (3) : 287-290
Håglin, Lena
Cardiovascular risk factors and the risk of Parkinson's disease
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
, Vol. 69, (6) : 729-733
Vikdahl, M.; Backman, L.; Johansson, Ingegerd; et al.
Olfactory function, eating ability, and visceral obesity associated with MMSE three years after Parkinson's disease diagnosis
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 19, (9) : 894-900
Vikdahl, Magdalena; Domellöf, Magdalena E.; Forsgren, Lars; et al.
High serum phosphate and triglyceride levels in smoking women and men with CVD risk and type 2 diabetes
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2014, Vol. 6 : 39-
Håglin, Lena M.; Törnkvist, Birgitta; Bäckman, Lennart O.
Weight gain and increased central obesity in the early phase of Parkinson's disease
Clinical Nutrition
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 33, (6) : 1132-1139
Vikdahl, Magdalena; Carlsson, Maine; Linder, Jan; et al.
Poor nutritional status is associated with urinary tract infection among older people living in residential care facilities
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 17, (2) : 186-191
Carlsson, Maine; Haglin, Lena; Rosendahl, Erik; et al.
Validation of SenseWear Armband and ActiHeart monitors for assessments of daily energy expenditure in free-living women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Physiological Reports
, The American Physiological Society 2013, Vol. 1, (6)
Farooqi, Nighat; Slinde, Frode; Håglin, Lena; et al.
Effects of high-intensity exercise and protein supplement on muscle mass in ADL dependent older people with and without malnutrition: a randomized controlled trial
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 15, (7) : 554-560
Carlsson, Maine; Littbrand, Håkan; Gustafson, Yngve; et al.
Changes in body weight and physical performance after receiving dietary advice in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): 1-year follow-up.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
, Elsevier 2011, Vol. 53, (1) : 70-75
Farooqi, Nighat; Nordström, Lisbeth; Lundgren, Rune; et al.
A structural equation model for assessment of links between changes in serum triglycerides, -urate, and -glucose and changes in serum Calcium, -magnesium and -phosphate in Type 2 diabetes and non-diabetes metabolism
Cardiovascular Diabetology
, BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 10, (1) : 116-
Håglin, Lena; Bäckman, Lennart; Törnkvist, Birgitta
All-cause mortality of patients with dyslipidemia up to 19 years after a multidisciplinary lifestyle modification programme: a randomized trial
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
, Vol. 18, (1) : 79-85
Håglin, Lena; Lundström, Sara; Kaati, Gunnar; et al.
Effect of a high-intensity functional exercise program on functional balance: preplanned subgroup analyses of a randomized controlled trial in residential care facilities
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
, John Wiley & Sons 2011, Vol. 59, (7) : 1274-1282
Littbrand, Håkan; Carlsson, Maine; Lundin-Olsson, Lillemor; et al.
Dietary intake and olfactory function in patients with newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease: a case-control study.
Nutritional neuroscience
, Vol. 14, (1) : 25-31
Ådén, Emma; Carlsson, Maine; Poortvliet, Eric; et al.
Predisposing chronic diseases and hypophosphatemia in patients with influenza.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
, Vol. 51, (1) : 26-30
Håglin, Lena M; Burman, Lars Ake; Nilsson, Mats
Body composition in Swedish old people aged 65-99 years, living in residential care facilities
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
, Elsevier 2009, Vol. 49, (1) : 98-107
Carlsson, Maine; Gustafson, Yngve; Eriksson, Sture; et al.
The feasibility of serving liquid yoghurt supplemented with probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LB 21, and Lactococcus lactis L1A: a pilot study among old people with dementia in a residential care facility
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Paris: Serdi 2009, Vol. 13, (9) : 813-819
Carlsson, Maine; Gustafson, Yngve; Håglin, Lena; et al.
Socioeconomic and gender differences in adolescents´ nutritional status in urban Cameroon, Africa
Nutrition Research
, New York: Pergamon Press 2009, Vol. 29, (5) : 313-319
Dapi N., Léonie; Janlert, Urban; Nouedoui, Christophe; et al.
"I eat to be happy, to be strong, and to live": perceptions of rural and urban adolescents in Cameroon, Africa
Journal of nutrition education and behavior
, US: SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION EDUCATION 2007, Vol. 39, (6) : 320-326
Dapi N., Léonie; Janlert, Urban; Omoloko, Cécile; et al.
Prediction of all-cause mortality in a patient population with hypertension and type 2 DM by using traditional risk factors and serum-phosphate, -calcium and -magnesium.
Acta Biabetologica
, Vol. 44, (3)
Håglin, Lena; Törnkvist, Birgitta; Backman, Lennart
Diet before and during pregnancy.
Scandinavian Journal of Food and Nutrition
, Vol. 51 : 67-73
Ådén, Emma; Johansson, I; Håglin, Lena
High-intensity functional exercise program and protein-enriched energy supplement for older persons dependent in activities of daily living: a randomised controlled trial
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
, Vol. 52, (2) : 105-113
Rosendahl, Erik; Lindelöf, Nina; Littbrand, Håkan; et al.
Adolescents´ food habits and nutritional status in urban and rural areas in Cameroon, Africa
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Næringsforskning
, Vol. 49, (4) : 151-158
Dapi N., Léonie; Janlert, Urban; Nouedoui, Christophe; et al.
Malnutrition and infections among elderly people
Carlsson, Maine; Håglin, Lena; Rosendahl, Erik; et al.
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