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Lars-Eric Thornell
+46 73 620 50 80
Works at
Affiliated as professor emeritus at
Department of Medical and Translational Biology
Section: Group Per Stål, Teachers A-wing, Teachers D1-wing
hus H, Johan Bures väg 12, Biologihuset
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Unique fiber phenotype composition and metabolic properties of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles in the human middle ear
Journal of Anatomy
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 243, (1) : 39-50
Rönnblom, Anton; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Shah, Farhan; et al.
Skeletal muscle morphology, satellite cells, and oxidative profile in relation to physical function and lifelong endurance training in very old men
Journal of applied physiology
, American Physiological Society 2023, Vol. 134, (2) : 264-275
Skoglund, Elisabeth; Stål, Per; Lundberg, Tommy R.; et al.
Longitudinal Muscle and Myocellular Changes in Community-Dwelling Men Over Two Decades of Successful Aging: The ULSAM Cohort Revisited
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
, Oxford University Press 2020, Vol. 75, (4) : 654-663
Skoglund, Elisabeth; Gronholdt-Klein, Max; Rullman, Eric; et al.
Fibre typing of intrafusal fibres
Journal of Anatomy
, John Wiley & Sons 2015, Vol. 227, (2) : 136-156
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Carlsson, Lena; Eriksson, Per-Olof; et al.
Re-evaluation of sarcolemma injury and muscle swelling in human skeletal muscles after eccentric exercise
, Vol. 8, (4)
Yu, Ji-Guo; Liu, Jing-Xia; Carlsson, Lena; et al.
Intrafusal myosin heavy chain expression of human masseter and biceps muscles at young age shows fundamental similarities but also marked differences
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Springer 2013, Vol. 139, (6) : 895-907
Österlund, Catharina; Liu, Jing-Xia; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Commentaries on Viewpoint: Muscle atrophy is not always sarcopenia: "Sarcopenia" has earned its living
Journal of applied physiology
, American Physiological Society 2012, Vol. 113, (4) : 683-684
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Gustafsson, Thomas; Cederholm, Tommy; et al.
"Sarcopenia" has earned its living
Journal of applied physiology
, American Physiological Society 2012, Vol. 113, (4) : 683-684
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Gustafsson, Thomas; Cederholm, Tommy; et al.
Remarkable heterogeneity in myosin heavy-chain composition of the human young masseter compared with young biceps brachii
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 138, (4) : 669-682
Österlund, Catharina; Lindström, Mona; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Tissue-specific splicing of ISCU results in a skeletal muscle phenotype in myopathy with lactic acidosis, while complete loss of ISCU results in early embryonic death in mice
Human Genetics
, Vol. 129, (4) : 371-378
Nordin, Angelica; Larsson, Elin; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Sarcopenic obesity: satellite cells in the aging muscle
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care
, Vol. 14, (1) : 22-27
Thornell, Lars-Eric
Muscle spindle composition and distribution in human young masseter and biceps brachii muscles reveal early growth and maturation
Anatomical Record
, Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2011, Vol. 294, (4) : 683-693
Österlund, Catharina; Liu, Jing-Xia; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Differences in fibre type composition between human masseter and biceps muscles in young and adults reveal unique masseter fibre type growth pattern
Anatomical Record
, Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2011, Vol. 294, (7) : 1158-1169
Österlund, Catharina; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Eriksson, Per-Olof
Evidence for low muscle capillary supply as a pathogenic factor in chronic compartment syndrome
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, Copenhagen: Munksgaard 2010, Vol. 20, (6) : 805-813
Edmundsson, David; Toolanen, Göran; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Satellite cell heterogeneity with respect to expression of MyoD, myogenin, Dlk1 and c-Met in human skeletal muscle: application to a cohort of power lifters and sedentary men
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 134, (4) : 371-385
Lindström, Mona; Pedrosa-Domellöf, Fatima; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Skeletal muscle telomere length in healthy, experienced, endurance runners.
European journal of applied physiology
, Vol. 109, (2) : 323-330
Rae, Dale E; Vignaud, Alban; Butler-Browne, Gillian S; et al.
Intragenic deletion of TRIM32 in compound heterozygotes with sarcotubular myopathy/LGMD2H
Human Mutation
, Vol. 30, (9) : E831-E844
Borg, Kristian; Stucka, Rolf; Locke, Matthew; et al.
New multiple labelling method for improved satellite cell identification in human muscle: application to a cohort of power-lifters and sedentary men.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Springer-Verlag 2009, Vol. 132, (2) : 141-57
Lindström, Mona; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Satellite cell dysfunction contributes to the progressive muscle atrophy in myotonic dystrophy type 1
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology
, Vol. 35, (6) : 529-633
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Lindstöm, Mona; Renault, Valerie; et al.
New aspects of obscurin in human striated muscles.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 130, (1) : 91-103
Carlsson, Lena; Yu, Ji-Guo; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Myopathy with lactic acidosis is linked to chromosome 12q23.3-24.11 and caused by an intron mutation in the ISCU gene resulting in a splicing defect
Human Molecular Genetics
, Vol. 17, (11) : 1666-1672
Olsson, Angelica; Lind, Lisbet; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Unique basement membrane structure of human pancreatic islets: implications for beta-cell growth and differentiation.
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
, Vol. 10 Suppl 4 : 119-27
Otonkoski, T; Banerjee, M; Korsgren, O; et al.
Blood vessels of human islets of Langerhans are surrounded by a double basement membrane.
, Vol. 51, (7) : 1181-91
Virtanen, Ismo; Banerjee, M; Palgi, J; et al.
Myotilin: a prominent marker of myofibrillar remodelling
Neuromuscular Disorders
, Elsevier 2007, Vol. 17, (1) : 61-68
Carlsson, Lena; Yu, Ji-Guo; Moza, Monica; et al.
Spastic wrist flexors are more severely affected than wrist extensors in children with cerebral palsy
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
, John Wiley & Sons 2007, Vol. 47, (6) : 384-389
Pontén, Eva; Fridén, Jan; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Hypertrophic muscle fibers with fissures in power-lifters; fiber splitting or defect regeneration?
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 126, (4) : 409-417
Eriksson, Anders; Lindström, Mona; Carlsson, Lena; et al.
Premature proliferative arrest of cricopharyngeal myoblasts in oculo-pharyngeal muscular dystrophy: Therapeutic perspectives of autologous myoblast transplantation.
Neuromuscular Disorders
, Vol. 16, (11) : 770-81
Périé, Sophie; Mamchaoui, Kamel; Mouly, Vincent; et al.
Skeletal muscle morphology in power-lifters with and without anabolic steroids.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 124, (2) : 167-175
Eriksson, Anders; Kadi, Fawzi; Malm, Christer; et al.
Fiber content and myosin heavy chain composition of muscle spindles in aged human biceps brachii
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co. 2005, Vol. 53, (4) : 445-454
Liu, Jing-Xia; Eriksson, Per-Olof; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Mutation of the slow myosin heavy chain rod domain underlies hyaline body myopathy.
, Vol. 64, (3) : 580-1; author reply 580
Oldfors, Anders; Tajsharghi, H; Thornell, Lars-Eric
The molecular composition of the sarcomeric M-band correlates with muscle fiber type
European Journal of Cell Biology
, Vol. 83, (5) : 193-204
Agarkova, Irina; Schoenauer, Roman; Ehler, Elisabeth; et al.
Laminin isoforms in human extraocular muscles
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2004, Vol. 45, (12) : 4233-4239
Kjellgren, Daniel; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Virtanen, Ismo; et al.
Hand muscle pathology after long-term vibration exposure.
Journal of Hand Surgery-British and European volume
, Vol. 29, (5) : 431-7
Necking, Lars E; Lundborg, Göran; Lundström, Ronnie; et al.
Evidence for myofibril remodeling as opposed to myofibril damage in human muscles with DOMS: an ultrastructural and immunoelectron microscopic study.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 121, (3) : 219-227
Yu, Ji-Guo; Carlsson, Lena; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum ca2+ATPases (SERCA1 and 2) in human extraocular muscles
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2003, Vol. 44, (12) : 5057-5062
Kjellgren, Daniel; Ryan, Michelle; Ohlendieck, Kay; et al.
Myosin heavy chain isoforms in human extraocular muscle
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2003, Vol. 44, (4) : 1419-1425
Kjellgren, Daniel; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Andersen, Jesper; et al.
Muscle spindles in the deep muscles of the human neck: a morphological and immunocytochemical study
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
, Sage Publications 2003, Vol. 51, (2) : 175-186
Liu, Jing-Xia; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Pedrosa-Domellöf, Fatima
Distribution of SERCA isoforms in human intrafusal fibers
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Springer 2003, Vol. 120, (4) : 299-306
Liu, Jing-Xia; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Pedrosa-Domellöf, Fatima
Persistent expression of the alpha(1S)-dihydropyridine receptor in aged human skeletal muscle: Implications for the excitation-contraction uncoupling hypothesis of sarcopenia
International Journal of Molecular Medicine
, Vol. 11, (4) : 425-434
Ryan, Michelle; Butler-Browne, Gillian; Erzen, Ida; et al.
Intrafusal fiber type composition of muscle spindles in the first human lumbrical muscle
Acta Neuropathologica
, Springer-Verlag New York 2003, Vol. 105, (1) : 18-24
Soukup, T; Pedrosa-Domellöf, Fatima; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Fibre composition of human intrinsic tongue muscles.
Cells Tissues Organs
, Vol. 173, (3) : 147-161
Stål, Per; Marklund, Susanna; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Myosin storage myopathy associated with a heterozygous missense mutation in MYH7
Annals of Neurology
, American Neurological Association 2003, Vol. 54, (4) : 494-500
Tajsharghi, Homa; Thornell, Lars-Eric; Lindberg, Christopher; et al.
Morphological features related to muscle pain and muscle overload
Chronic work-related Myalgia: Neuromuscular mechanisms behind work-related chronic muscle pain syndromes
, Gävle: Gävle University Press 2003 : 95-109
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Kadi, Fawsi; Lindman, Rolf; et al.
Satellite cells and training in the elderly.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
, Blackwell Munksgaard 2003, Vol. 13, (1) : 48-55
Thornell, Lars-Eric; Lindström, Mona; Renault, V; et al.
Laminin isoforms in fetal and adult human adrenal cortex
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
, The Endocrine Society 2003, Vol. 88, (10) : 4960-4966
Virtanen, Ismo; Korhonen, Matti; Petäjäniemi, Noora; et al.
The mode of myofibril remodelling in human skeletal muscle affected by DOMS induced by eccentric contractions.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Vol. 119, (5) : 383-393
Yu, J-G; Fürst, D. O.; Thornell, Lars-Eric
The mode of myofibril remodelling in human skeletal muscle affected by DOMS induced by eccentric contractions.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology
, Springer-Verlag New York 2003, Vol. 119, (5) : 383-93
Yu, Ji-Guo; Fürst, Dieter O; Thornell, Lars-Eric
Cytoskeletal derangements in hereditary myopathy with a desmin L345P mutation
Acta Neuropathologica
, Springer 2002, Vol. 104, (5) : 493-504
Carlsson, Lena; Fischer, Christine; Sjöberg, Gunnnar; et al.
Myosin heavy chain composition of muscle spindles in human biceps brachii
Histochem Cell Biol
, Vol. 50, (2) : 171-184
Liu, Jing-Xia; Eriksson, Per-Olof; Thornell, Lars-Eric; et al.
Localization of laminin alpha4-chain in developing and adult human tissues
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
, Vol. 50, (8) : 1113-1130
Petäjäniemi, Noora; Korhonen, Matti; Kortesmaa, Jarkko; et al.
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