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Kerstin Edin
Research qualifications:
Works at
Affiliated as other position at Department of Epidemiology and Global Health
5B, Målpunkt P, Försörjningsvägen 7 B, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet, 90185 Umeå
‘Important, but difficult’: Swedish primary care professionals’ perceptions and experiences of dealing with violence against women: an interview study
BMC Primary Care
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 25, (1)
Öhman, Ann; Vives -Cases, Carmen; Edin, Kerstin
“Overcrowded but lonely”: exploring mental health and well-being among young prisoners in Cambodia
International Journal of Prisoner Health
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2023, Vol. 19, (4) : 628-640
Pat, Puthy; Edin, Kerstin; Jegannathan, Bhoomikumar; et al.
"It has seldom been so difficult to try to dress up a sound experience in words": Technology and the Rhetoric of Sound and Music Reproduction in Hi-Fi Magazines
Puls: Journal for Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology
, Svenskt visarkiv 2022, Vol. 7 : 121-140
Nilsson, Bo; Edin, Kerstin
Men and sexual and reproductive healthcare in the Nordic countries: a scoping review
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2021, Vol. 11, (9)
Baroudi, Mazen; Stoor, Jon Petter; Blåhed, Hanna; et al.
Mental health problems and suicidal expressions among young male prisoners in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 14, (1)
Pat, Puthy; Richter-Sundberg, Linda; Jegannathan, Bhoomikumar; et al.
Reproducing normative femininity: Women's evaluations of their birth experiences analysed by means of word frequency and thematic analysis
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Westergren, Agneta; Edin, Kerstin; Christianson, Monica
Exploring the medicalisation of childbirth through women's preferences for and use of pain relief
Women and Birth
, Elsevier 2021 : e118-e127
Westergren, Agneta; Edin, Kerstin; Lindkvist, Marie; et al.
The ability to benefit from an intervention to encourage use of treadmill workstations: Experiences of office workers with overweight or obesity
, PLOS 2020, Vol. 15, (1)
Bergman, Frida; Edin, Kerstin; Renklint, Rebecka; et al.
Development and validation of a clinical assessment tool for postgraduate nursing education: A consensus-group study
Nurse Education in Practice
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 44
Mårtensson, Gunilla; Lindh, Viveca; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Obstacles to intergenerational communication in caregivers' narratives regarding young people's sexual and reproductive health and lifestyle in rural South Africa
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Nilsson, Bo; Edin, Kerstin; Kinsman, John; et al.
'The public health turn on violence against women': Analysing Swedish healthcare law, public health and gender-equality policies
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Öhman, Ann; Burman, Monica; Carbin, Maria; et al.
Autonomous and dependent–The dichotomy of birth: a feminist analysis of birth plans in Sweden
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 68 : 56-64
Westergren, Agneta; Edin, Kerstin; Walsh, Denis; et al.
Is there an association between pregnant women's experience of violence and their partner's drinking?: A Swedish population-based study
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 69 : 84-91
Wilson, Ingrid M.; Eurenius, Eva; Lindkvist, Marie; et al.
Women suffer more from disrespectful and abusive care than from the labour pain itself: a qualitative study from Women's perspective
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 18
Gebremichael, Mengistu Welday; Worku, Alemayehu; Medhanyie, Araya Abrha; et al.
Prevalence and correlates of gender inequitable norms among young, church-going women and men in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 18
Lusey, Hendrew; San Sebastian, Miguel; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Factors associated with gender equality among church-going young men in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: a cross-sectional study
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BIOMED CENTRAL LTD 2017, Vol. 16
Lusey, Hendrew; Sebastian, Miguel San; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Perspectives on intimate relationships among young people in rural South Africa: the logic of risk
Culture, Health and Sexuality
, Vol. 18, (9) : 1010-1024
Edin, Kerstin; Nilsson, Bo; Ivarsson, Anneli; et al.
Community perspectives on HIV, violence and health surveillance in rural South Africa: a participatory pilot study
Journal of Global Health
, Vol. 6, (1)
Hullur, Nitya; D'Ambruoso, Lucia; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Church representatives' perspectives on masculinities in the context of HIV: the case of the Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiative in Africa
African Journal of AIDS Research
, NISC - National Inquiry Services Centre 2016, Vol. 15, (3) : 273-281
Lusey, Hendrew G.; Christianson, Monica; San Sebastian, Miguel; et al.
Volatile and violent relationships among women sentenced for homicide in Sweden between 1986 and 2005
Victims & Offenders
, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 11, (3) : 373-391
Moen, Elisabeth; Nygren, Lennart; Edin, Kerstin
The Health Extension Program and Its Association with Change in Utilization of Selected Maternal Health Services in Tigray Region, Ethiopia: A Segmented Linear Regression Analysis
, (7)
Gebrehiwot, Tesfay Gebregzabher; San Sebastian Chasco, Miguel; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Healing the health system after civil unrest
Global Health Action
, Vol. 8 : 1-4
Ivarsson, Anneli; Kinsman, John; Johansson, Karin; et al.
A model for promoting physical activity among rural South African adolescent girls
Global Health Action
, Co-Action Publishing 2015, Vol. 8
Kinsman, John; Norris, Shane A; Kahn, Kathleen; et al.
Men's violence: narratives of men attending anti-violence programmes in Sweden
Women's Studies: International Forum
, Vol. 46 : 96-106
Edin, Kerstin; Nilsson, Bo
Health workers' perceptions of facilitators of and barriers to institutional delivery in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central 2014, Vol. 14
Gebrehiwot, Tesfay; San Sebastian, Miguel; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Conflicting discourses of church youths on masculinity and sexuality in the context of HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
, Vol. 11, (1) : 84-93
Lusey, Hendrew; San Sebastian, Miguel; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Qualitative study exploring healthy eating practices and physical activity among adolescent girls in rural South Africa
BMC Pediatrics
, BioMed Central 2014, Vol. 14
Sedibe, Heather M.; Kahn, Kathleen; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Between desire and rape: narratives about being intimate partners and becoming pregnant in a violent relationship
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2013, Vol. 6, (1)
Edin, Kerstin; Nilsson, Bo
Mapping and exploring health systems' response to intimate partner violence in Spain
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 13, (1)
Goicolea, Isabel; Briones-Vozmediano, Erica; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Poor quality of antenatal care services: is lack of competence and support the reason? An observational and interview study in rural areas of Lao PDR
, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 29, (3) : 195-202
Manithip, Chanthanom; Edin, Kerstin; Sihavong, Amphoy; et al.
Determinants of antenatal and delivery care utilization in Tigray region, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 12, (30)
Tsegay, Yalem; Gebrehiwot, Tesfay; Goicolea, Isabel; et al.
Making pragmatic choices: women's experiences of delivery care in Northern Ethiopia
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central Ltd. 2012, Vol. 12, (113)
Gebrehiwot, Tesfay; Goicolea, Isabel; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
When sex is hardly about mutual pleasure: Dominant and resistant discourses on sexuality and its consequences for young people's sexual health
International Journal of Sexual Health
, Vol. 24, (4) : 303-317
Goicolea, Isabel; Salazar Torres, Mariano; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Condemning violence without rejecting sexism?: exploring how young men understand intimate partner violence in Ecuador
Global Health Action
, CoAction Publishing 2012, Vol. 5, (1)
Goicolea, Isabel; Öhman, Ann; Salazar Torres, Mariano; et al.
'Expanding your mind': the process of constructing gender-equitable masculinities in young Nicaraguan men participating in reproductive health or gender training programs
Global Health Action
, CoAction Publishing 2012, Vol. 5, (1)
Torres, Virgilio Mariano Salazar; Goicolea, Isabel; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Factors associated with antenatal care utilization among rural women in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Maternal and Child Health Journal
, Springer 2011, Vol. 15, (8) : 1356-1362
Manithip, C; Sihavong, A; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Voices from the frontline: counsellors’ perspectives on TB/HIV collaborative activities in the Northwest Region, Cameroon
BMC Health Services Research
, Vol. 11 : 328-
Njozing, Barnabas N; Edin, Kerstin E; San Sebastián, Miguel; et al.
“If the patients decide not to tell what can we do?”: TB/HIV counsellors’ dilemma on partner notification for HIV
BMC International Health and Human Rights
, Vol. 11
Njozing, Barnabas N; Edin, Kerstin E; San Sebástian, Miguel; et al.
"Keeping up a front": narratives about intimate partner violence, pregnancy, and antenatal care
Violence against Women
, Sage Publications 2010, Vol. 16, (2) : 189-206
Edin, Kerstin; Dahlgren, Lars; Lalos, Ann; et al.
"When I get better I will do the test": facilitators and barriers to HIV testing in Northwest region of Cameroon with implications for TB and HIV/AIDS control programmes
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
, Taylor & Francis 2010, Vol. 7, (4) : 24-32
Njozing, Nwarbébé Barnabas; Edin, Kerstin; Hurtig, Anna-Karin
The pregnancy put the screws on: discourses of professionals working with men inclined to violence
Men and Masculinities
, Vol. 11, (3) : 307-324
Edin, Kerstin; Dahlgren, Lars; Högberg, Ulf; et al.
Violent men: ordinary and deviant.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
, Vol. 23, (2) : 225-244
Edin, Kerstin; Lalos, Ann; Högberg, Ulf; et al.
[The violence issue in maternal health services--not either or]
, Vol. 105, (20) : 1505-6; discussion 1506
Högberg, Ulf; Edin, Kerstin
[How do we ask when identifying abused women?]
, Vol. 105, (22) : 1694-
Stenson, Kristina; Oberg, Mariella; Witkowski, Asa; et al.
Violent men: ordinary and deviant. Discourses of professionals working with men inclined to violence.
Present challenges in gender research
, Umeå University, Umeå 2007 : -
Edin, Kerstin
Perspectives on intimate partner violence, focusing on the period of pregnancy
Umeå University medical dissertations
, New series No 1041
Edin, Kerstin E
Mäns makt och vanmakt: Intervjuer med terapeuter som möter våldsbenägna män
Nationellt seminarium om mansforskning: 11-12 mars 2003/2004
: 25-73
Edin, Kerstin
Violence against pregnant women will remain hidden as long as no direct questions are asked.
, Vol. 18, (4) : 268-278
Edin, Kerstin; Högberg, Ulf
"Highly committed but overwhelmed by constraints": a qualitative study of officials’ and health staff’s perspectives on the prison mental health system in Cambodia
Pat, Puthy; Edin, Kerstin; Jegannathan, Bhoomikumar; et al.
Challenges and benefits during long-term use of treadmill workstations to decrease sedentary behavior at work
Sörlin, Ann; Bergman, Frida; Renklint, Rebecka; et al.
View publications in DiVA
Research projects
1 January 2020 until 31 December 2021
Men’s sexual and reproductive health: healthcare experiences, resources and organisation
1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021
Capability-adjusted life-years (CALYs)
1 January 2016 until 31 December 2018
The Public Health Turn on Violence against Women – Swedish Healthcare’s readiness and governance
1 May 2012 until 30 April 2015
What moves health providers to incorporate intimate partner violence management within their daily practice?
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