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Staff photo Katrin Jonsson

Katrin Jonsson

Head of department and docent in Informatics. Conducts research on digitalisation of society with a focus on digital transformation and innovation, the Internet of Things and smart services.

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Informatics Role: Head of department
MIT-huset, Campustorget 5 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am an associate professor (docent) in Informatics and since 2018 head of the department. I am also a member of the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation. My research interest is the digitalisation of society with a focus on digital transformation and innovation, the Internet of Things and smart services. In collaboration with industrial companies and the public sector, I explore how digitized products affect work, organization and create opportunities for innovative value-creating processes. I defended my dissertation in 2010 which focused on digitized products in the process industry and over the years I have been a project manager for many projects with a focus on how new technology such as the Internet of Things enables new services in the industry. In recent years, I have also collaborated with the public sector where we have explored smart real estate services based on different types of sensor solutions. I have been the editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems since 2019 and during 2022 I am the editor in chief.

My research has received awards such as the AIS senior scholars award for best IS journal paper 2009, paper of the year award in Information & Organization and best paper award at the IRIS 27 conference. I have published in journals as research has been published in journals such as European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Organization, Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, International Journal of Operation & Production Management, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Journal of Information Technology Research and Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems.

As head of department, I lead the department's management team and am responsible for, among other things, personnel issues, work environment, finances, business planning, employment, quality work and more. The tasks are very varied and include, among other things, employee interviews, salary interviews, rehabilitation matters, leading workplace meetings, budget planning, financial follow-up, job interviews, etc. People from the management team and a number of administrators also participate in this work.

JIT. Journal of information technology (Print), Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 38, (3) : 334-350
Mathiassen, Lars; Jonsson, Katrin; Holmstrom, Jonny
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Association for Information Systems 2023, Vol. 35, (1) : 3-40
Müller, Sune Dueholm; Jonsson, Katrin; Pirkkalainen, Henri; et al.
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2023: högskolepedagogiska pärlor - 30 år av utveckling och erfarenheter, Umeå: Umeå University 2023 : 59-60
Westergren, Ulrika H.; Jonsson, Katrin
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 33, (1) : 17-64
Velsberg, Ott; Jonsson, Katrin; Westergren, Ulrika H.; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, IRIS Association 2021, Vol. 33, (1) : 17-64
Velsberg, Ott; Jonsson, Katrin; Westergren, Ulrika H.; et al.
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2020: Digital Government > Digital Government and the Internet of Things (IoT), IEEE Computer Society 2020 : 2030-2039
Saarikko, Ted; Westergren, Ulrika H.; Jonsson, Katrin
European Journal of Information Systems, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 29, (4) : 350-368
Velsberg, Ott; Westergren, Ulrika H.; Jonsson, Katrin
Information Technology and People, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019, Vol. 32, (3) : 579-602
Saarikko, Ted; Jonsson, Katrin; Burström, Thommie
Research reports in informatics, RR 19.02
Westergren, Ulrika H.; Jonsson, Katrin; Velsberg, Ott
JIT. Journal of information technology (Print), Springer 2018, Vol. 33, (3) : 216-232
Jonsson, Katrin; Mathiassen, Lars; Holmström, Jonny
Association for Information Systems 2016
Jonsson, Katrin; Mathiassen, Lars; Holmström, Jonny
22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, June 9-11,  2014
Saarikko, Ted; Jonsson, Katrin; Burström, Thommie
A Pre-ECIS and AIS SIG Prag Workshop onIT Artefact Design & Workpractice Intervention, June 10, Barcelona
Jonsson, Katrin; Levén, Per
Systems, Signs & Actions: An International Journal on Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Linköping University Electronic Press 2012, Vol. 6, (1) : 6-21
Jonsson, Katrin; Levén, Per
World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, October 2-5, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Al-Jumaili, Mustafa; Rauhala, Ville; Jonsson, Katrin; et al.
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer 2011, Vol. 1, (3) : 210-218
Jonsson, Katrin; Holmström, Jonny; Levén, Per
Research reports in informatics, 02
Jonsson, Katrin
Industrial informatics design, use and innovation: perspectices and services, Hershey: IGI Global 2010 : 30-43
Jonsson, Katrin
International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation (IJANTTI), IGI Global 2010, Vol. 2, (3) : 40-55
Jonsson, Katrin; Holmström, Jonny; Lyytinen, Kalle; et al.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 29, (5) : 539-560
Brax, Saara A; Jonsson, Katrin
Journal of Information Technology Research, Vol. 2, (3) : 17-34
Jonsson, Katrin
Information and organization, Vol. 19, (4) : 233-252
Jonsson, Katrin; Holmström, Jonny; Lyytinen, Kalle
Information Systems Journal, Vol. 18, (3) : 227-245
Jonsson, Katrin; Westergren, Ulrika H; Holmström, Jonny
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 18, (2) : 7-28
Jonsson, Katrin
Designing ubiquitous information environments: Socio-technical issues and challenges, New York: Springer Verlag 2005 : 153-167
Jonsson, Katrin; Holmström, Jonny
Proceedings of the 27th Information systems research seminar in scandinavia (Iris 27)
Jonsson, Katrin; Westergren, Ulrika
Iris 27 Plenary Papers, Falkenberg: 2004 : 123-140
Jonsson, Katrin; Westergren, Ulrika; Holmström, Jonny
Service excellence in management: Interdisciplinary contributions
Westergren, Ulrika; Jonsson, Katrin
Proceedings of the QUIS9 conference on Service Excellence in Management: Interdisciplinary Constributions : -
Westergren, Ulrika; Jonsson, Katrin
Design and emotion: the experience of everyday things, London: Taylor & Francis 2004 : 200-204
Westergren, Ulrika; Jonsson, Katrin
Saarikko, Ted; Jonsson, Katrin; Burström, Thommie

Research groups

Head of research
Internet of Things
Group member

Research projects

1 November 2017 until 31 December 2018
1 September 2017 until 30 June 2020