I teach exercise physiology at the bachelor and master's levels and I am also responsible for our master's programme.
Sex/gender in exercise physiology is my main area of interest in research.
I teach exercise physisology, often with focus on health, where I find my previous experience as a registerated Physiotherapist is an asset. I am responsible for two of the three courses on our one-year master's programme as well. My main area of interest in research involves sex/gender aspects in exercise physiology
I teach exercise physiology usually with a focus on health, where my experience as a Registered Physiotherapist (RPT) is an important asset. I am also resposible for two of the three courses of our one-year master's programme. I really enjoy teaching and I have been appointed as a distinguished university teacher by the pedagogical qualification board. To improve and delevop courses and programmes is really something I enjoy, and right now my colleagues and I are developing our "Exercise Physiology Programme".