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Staff photo Julia Kuhlin

Julia Kuhlin



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Postdoctoral fellow at Humlab
Samhällsvetarhuset, Humlab är beläget under UB Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Julia Kuhlin is a postdoctoral fellow in digital humanities at Umeå University. She leads the project "And Jesus Said, Please Like, Share, and Follow: Swedish Free Churches on Instagram," which focuses on the visual communication and identity formation of the Swedish Free Churches on social media. As part of the project, she also explores the roles of so-called religious digital creatives within Free Churches in Sweden today.

Kuhlin has a background within religious studies, specialized in the field of world Christianity. She defended her dissertation “Lived Pentecostalism in India: Middle Class Women and Their Everyday Religion” at Uppsala University in 2022. Her publications cover topics ranging from digital religion to lived religion, interreligious relations to gender and religion. Kuhlin is one of the editors of the journal Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context and the host of the podcast “Digital Religion”.

Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2025, Vol. 100, (4) : 327-347
Jannok Björnström, Laila; Kuhlin, Julia
Pneuma, Brill Academic Publishers 2024, Vol. 46, (1) : 25-46
Kuhlin, Julia
Australasian Pentecostal Studies, Vol. 23, (2) : 122-140
Kuhlin, Julia
Studia Missionalia Svecana, 125
Kuhlin, Julia
PentecoStudies, Equinox Publishing 2021, Vol. 20, (2) : 152-172
Kuhlin, Julia
PentecoStudies, Equinox Publishing 2021, Vol. 20, (2) : 121-129
Kuhlin, Julia; Gez, Yonatan N.
Pneuma, Brill Academic Publishers 2017, Vol. 39, (4) : 482-503
Kuhlin, Julia
Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies, Butler University, Irwin Library 2015, Vol. 28, (1)
Kuhlin, Julia
Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies, Butler University 2014, Vol. 27, (1)
Cavallin, Clemens; Kuhlin, Julia