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Staff photo Johannes Hanson

Johannes Hanson

We investigate how plants modify their translation and metabolism to optimize growth in the ever changing environment.

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Professor at Department of Plant Physiology Section: Umeå Plant Science Centre - UmU Role: Head of department

The goal of the group is to understand how the highly dynamic network of metabolites, enzymes and regulatory molecules affect plant performance and yield under stress. We primary study translational regulation of gene expression and metabolic changes with the goal to describle regulatory mechanisms in molecular detail.

For more detailed information, Johannes Hanson@UPSC

ORCID: 0000-0002-5605-7984

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2024, Vol. 121, (7)
Kreisz, Philipp; Hellens, Alicia M.; Fröschel, Christian; et al.
Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 74, (7) : 2416-2432
Bai, Bing; Schiffthaler, Bastian; van der Horst, Sjors; et al.
The Plant Cell, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 35, (9) : 3363-3382
Hoffmann, Gesa; López-González, Silvia; Mahboubi, Amir; et al.
The Plant Cell, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 34, (8) : 3128-3147
Hoffmann, Gesa; Mahboubi, Amir; Bente, Heinrich; et al.
Plant Methods, BioMed Central (BMC) 2021, Vol. 17, (1)
Mahboubi, Amir; Delhomme, Nicolas; Häggström, Sara; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 118, (37)
Muralidhara, Prathibha; Weiste, Christoph; Collani, Silvio; et al.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, American Phytopathological Society 2021, Vol. 34, (4) : 439-447
Prior, Matthew J.; Selvanayagam, Jebasingh; Kim, Jung-Gun; et al.
Plant Physiology, Rockville: American Society for Plant Biologists 2020, Vol. 182, (1) : 378-392
Bai, Bing; van der Horst, Sjors; Cordewener, Jan H. G.; et al.
Plant Physiology, Rockville: American Society for Plant Biologists 2020, Vol. 182, (1) : 110-122
van der Horst, Sjors; Filipovska, Teodora; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
RNA: A publication of the RNA Society, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHL) 2019, Vol. 25, (3) : 292-304
van der Horst, Sjors; Snel, Berend; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2019, Vol. 9
Westman, Sara; Kloth, Karen J.; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
New Phytologist, WILEY 2018, Vol. 217, (3) : 1077-1085
Bai, Bing; Novák, Ondrej; Ljung, Karin; et al.
Plant Physiology, American Society of Plant Biologists 2018, Vol. 176, (2) : 1199-1214
Dubreuil, Carole; Jin, Xu; Barajas-López, Juan de Dios; et al.
Current opinion in plant biology, Vol. 35 : 152-157
Baena-González, Elena; Hanson, Johannes
New Phytologist, Vol. 214, (1) : 233-244
Bai, Bing; Peviani, Alessia; van der Horst, Sjors; et al.
Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers Media S.A. 2017, Vol. 8
Ferrando, Alejandro; Mar Castellano, M.; Lison, Purificacion; et al.
PLOS Genetics, Vol. 13, (2)
Weiste, Christoph; Pedrotti, Lorenzo; Selvanayagam, Jebasingh; et al.
BMC Plant Biology, Vol. 17, (1)
Yazdanpanah, Farzaneh; Hanson, Johannes; Hilhorst, Henk W. M.; et al.
The Plant Journal, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 85, (4) : 451-465
Dekkers, Bas J W; He, Hanzi; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
Annual Review of Plant Biology, Vol. 67 : 261-285
Dobrenel, Thomas; Caldana, Camila; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
Plant and Cell Physiology, Oxford University Press 2016, Vol. 57, (3) : 473-487
He, Hanzi; Willems, Leo; Batushansky, Albert; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2016, Vol. 6
Nukarinen, Ella; Nägele, Thomas; Pedrotti, Lorenzo; et al.
The Plant Cell, American Society of Plant Biologists 2015, Vol. 27, (8) : 2244-2260
Hartmann, Laura; Pedrotti, Lorenzo; Weiste, Christoph; et al.
Journal of Proteomics, Vol. 128 : 436-449
Hummel, Maureen; Dobrenel, Thomas; Cordewener, Jan (J. H. G); et al.
eLIFE, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd 2015, Vol. 4
Mair, Andrea; Pedrotti, Lorenzo; Wurzinger, Bernhard; et al.
BMC Plant Biology, Vol. 14
Gamm, Magdalena; Peviani, Alessia; Honsel, Anne; et al.
Journal of Experimental Botany, Oxford University Press 2014, Vol. 65, (3) : 799-807
Lastdrager, Jeroen; Hanson, Johannes; Smeekens, Sjef
Trends in Plant Science, Vol. 18, (3) : 125-132
Wind, Julia J.; Peviani, Alessia; Snel, Berend; et al.
Proteomics, Vol. 12, (7) : 1024-1038
Hummel, Maureen; Cordewener, Jan H. G.; de Groot, Joost C. M.; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 108, (8) : 3436-3441
Li, Ping; Wind, Julia J; Shi, Xiaoliang; et al.
New Phytologist, Vol. 191, (3) : 733-745
Ma, Jingkun; Hanssen, Micha; Lundgren, Krister; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PNAS 2010, Vol. 107, (9) : 4264-4269
Bentsink, Leónie; Hanson, Johannes; Hanhart, Corrie J; et al.
Current opinion in plant biology, Elsevier 2010, Vol. 13, (3) : 274-279
Smeekens, Sjef; Ma, Jingkun; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
Phytochemistry, Elsevier 2010, Vol. 71, (14-15) : 1610-1614
Wind, Julia; Smeekens, Sjef; Hanson, Johannes
Current opinion in plant biology, Elsevier 2009, Vol. 12, (5) : 562-567
Hanson, Johannes; Smeekens, Sjef
Annals of Botany, Oxford University Press 2009, Vol. 104, (1) : 1-7
Hummel, Maureen; Rahmani, Fatima; Smeekens, Sjef; et al.
Plant Physiology, ASPB PUBLICATIONS 2009, Vol. 150, (3) : 1356-1367
Rahmani, Fatemeh; Hummel, Maureen; Schuurmans, Jolanda; et al.
Plant Molecular Biology, Springer 2009, Vol. 69, (1-2) : 107-119
Weltmeier, Fridtjof; Rahmani, Fatima; Ehlert, Andrea; et al.
The Plant Journal, John Wiley & Sons 2008, Vol. 53, (6) : 935-949
Hanson, Johannes; Hanssen, Micha; Wiese, Anika; et al.
Plant Physiology, American Society of Plant Biologists 2005, Vol. 139, (1) : 509-518
Henriksson, Eva; Olsson, Anna S B; Johannesson, Henrik; et al.
Plant Molecular Biology, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, Vol. 51, (5) : 719-729
Johannesson, Henrik; Wang, Yan; Hanson, Johannes; et al.
Plant Cell Reports, SPRINGER-VERLAG 2002, Vol. 21, (1) : 81-89
Hanson, Johannes; Regan, S.; Engström, P.
Plant Molecular Biology, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001, Vol. 45, (3) : 247-262
Hanson, Johannes; Johannesson, Henrik; Engström, Peter