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Staff photo Johanna Arnesson

Johanna Arnesson

Johanna Arnesson is an assistant professor in Media and Communication Studies. Her research includes critical perspectives on promotion, political communication, and digital media.

Works as

Assistant professor at Department of Culture and Media Studies Section: -
Humanisthuset, Biblioteksgränd 3 (huvudentré) Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research focuses on various intersections where politics and marketing meet, with a focus on socio-cultural perspectives on digital media, consumer culture and organisational communication.

The current research project deals with different forms of "influencer politics" and how this phenomenon is expressed in digital media in different ways. It includes influencers who engage in politics, commercial collaborations that are criticized and politicized by the audience, as well as how strategies and tactics from influencer marketing are adopted within political communication.

Influencer politics: at the intersection of personal, political, and promotional, Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2024 : 15-33
Arnesson, Johanna
Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
Arnesson, Johanna; Grandien, Christina
De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences, 23
Arnesson, Johanna; Reinikainen, Hanna
Influencer politics: at the intersection of personal, political, and promotional, Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2024 : 1-13
Arnesson, Johanna; Reinikainen, Hanna
European Journal of Cultural Studies
Vikøren Andersen, Ida; Eriksson Krutrök, Moa; Arnesson, Johanna
Media Culture and Society, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 45, (3) : 528-544
Arnesson, Johanna
Everyday life in the culture of surveillance, Gothenburg: Nordicom 2023 : 67-88
Arnesson, Johanna; Carlsson, Eric
Snabbtänkt 2.0 22: reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare, Sundsvall: Mittuniversitetet 2022 : 43-
Arnesson, Johanna; Grandien, Christina
Organisationer och kommunikation, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2021 : 259-286
Arnesson, Johanna

I teach at the undergraduate education in Media and Communication Studies, Strategic Communication, and Journalism.