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Staff photo Johan von Boer

Johan von Boer

I design and implement digital solutions for research projects while also maintaining and advancing Humlab's IT infrastructure.

Works at

System developer at Humlab Role: IT Co-ordinator
Samhällsvetarhuset, Humlab är beläget under UB Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a lead developer for SEAD (https://browser.sead.se), a system for digital archaeology currently developed within the SweDigArch project (http://swedigarch.se).

Additionally, I play a key role in developing a secure infrastructure for speech data analysis and management as part of the VISP project (https://visp.humlab.umu.se/about).

I also contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of Humlab's IT infrastructure.

DHNB 2025: 9th Conference on Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries
Nylén, Fredrik; Skotare, Tomas; von Boer, Johan
EGU General Assebly 2024: Programme
Gholamrezaie, Ershad; Buckland, Philip I.; Mähler, Roger; et al.
International Journal of Wood Culture, Brill Academic Publishers 2023, Vol. 3, (1-3) : 442-463
Edvardsson, Johannes; Hansson, Anton; Sjölander, Mattias; et al.
ArcheoLogica Data, Sesto Fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio 2022, Vol. 2 : 15-29
Buckland, Philip I.; Sjölander, Mattias; von Boer, Johan; et al.