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Johan Rydberg
+46 90 786 96 83
Works at
Associate professor at
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
KBC-huset, Linnaeus väg 6, Umeå, 5 02 081
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Biogeochemical cycling in a periglacial environment: a multi-element mass-balance budget for a catchment in West Greenland
Catena (Cremlingen. Print)
, Vol. 231
Rydberg, Johan; Lindborg, Tobias; Lidman, Fredrik; et al.
Lake sedimentary dna research on past terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity: Overview and recommendations
, MDPI 2021, Vol. 4, (1)
Capo, Eric; Giguet-Covex, Charline; Rouillard, Alexandra; et al.
Landscape setting drives the microbial eukaryotic community structure in four Swedish mountain lakes over the holocene
, MDPI 2021, Vol. 9, (2)
Capo, Eric; Ninnes, Sofia; Domaizon, Isabelle; et al.
It's in your glass: a history of sea level and storminess from the Laphroaig bog, Islay (southwestern Scotland)
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 49, (1) : 152-167
Kylander, Malin E.; Soderlindh, Jenny; Schenk, Frederik; et al.
A carbon mass-balance budget for a periglacial catchment in West Greenland: Linking the terrestrial and aquatic systems
Science of the Total Environment
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 711
Lindborg, Tobias; Rydberg, Johan; Andersson, Eva; et al.
An assessment of chlorophyll preservation in lake sediments using multiple analytical techniques applied to the annually laminated lake sediments of Nylandssjön
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Springer 2020, Vol. 64, (4) : 379-388
Rydberg, Johan; Cooke, Colin A.; Tolu, Julie; et al.
Paleodust deposition and peat accumulation rates: bog size matters
Chemical Geology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 554
Sjöström, Jenny K.; Martínez Cortizas, Antonio; Hansson, Sophia, V; et al.
How Does Environmental Inter-annual Variability Shape Aquatic Microbial Communities?: A 40-Year Annual Record of Sedimentary DNA From a Boreal Lake (Nylandssjon, Sweden)
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2019, Vol. 7
Capo, Eric; Rydberg, Johan; Tolu, Julie; et al.
Environmental footprint of small-scale, historical mining and metallurgy in the Swedish boreal forest landscape: The Moshyttan blast furnace as microcosm
The Holocene
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 29, (4) : 578-591
Myrstener, Erik; Biester, Harald; Bigler, Christian; et al.
Mineral dust as a driver of carbon accumulation in northern latitudes
Scientific Reports
, Nature Publishing Group 2018, Vol. 8
Kylander, Malin E.; Martínez-Cortizas, A.; Bindler, Richard; et al.
New insights from XRF core scanning data into boreal lake ontogeny during the Eemian (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) at Sokli, northeast Finland
Quaternary Research
, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS 2018, Vol. 89, (1) : 352-364
Kylander, Malin E.; Plikk, Anna; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
Late-Holocene climate and vegetation dynamics in eastern Lesotho highlands
The Holocene
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 28, (9) : 1483-1494
Norström, Elin; Bringensparr, Caroline; Fitchett, Jennifer M.; et al.
Estimating species colonization dates using DNA in lake sediment
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
, British Ecological Society 2018, Vol. 9, (3) : 535-543
Olajos, Fredrik; Bokma, Folmer; Bartels, Pia; et al.
Copper-ore mining in Sweden since the pre-Roman Iron Age: lake-sediment evidence of human activities at the Garpenberg ore field since 375 BCE
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 12 : 99-108
Bindler, Richard; Karlsson, Jon; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
Spatial variability of organic matter molecular composition and elemental geochemistry in surface sediments of a small boreal Swedish lake
, COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH 2017, Vol. 14, (7) : 1773-1792
Tolu, Julie; Rydberg, Johan; Meyer-Jacob, Carsten; et al.
Revisiting Key Sedimentary Archives Yields Evidence Of A Rapid Onset Of Mining In The Mid-13th Century At The Great Copper Mountain, Falun, Sweden
, Vol. 58, (4) : 642-658
Bindler, Richard; Rydberg, Johan
Tracing a bog-iron bloomery furnace in an adjacent lake-sediment record in Ängersjö, central Sweden, using pollen and geochemical signals
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
, Vol. 25, (6) : 569-581
Karlsson, Jon; Rydberg, Johan; Segerström, Ulf; et al.
Biogeochemical data from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in a periglacial catchment, West Greenland
Earth System Science Data
, Vol. 8, (2) : 439-459
Lindborg, Tobias; Rydberg, Johan; Trojbom, Mats; et al.
Is mercury from small-scale gold mining prevalent in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon?
Environmental Pollution
, Vol. 218 : 150-159
Moreno-Brush, Monica; Rydberg, Johan; Gamboa, Nadia; et al.
Seasonal changes in molecular composition of organic matter in lake sediment trap material from Nylandssjon, Sweden
Organic Geochemistry
, Vol. 83-84 : 253-262
Kaal, Joeri; Martinez Cortizas, Antonio; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive and cost-effective analytical method for determining the geochemical composition of small loose-powder sediment samples
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Springer Netherlands 2014, Vol. 52, (3) : 265-276
Rydberg, Johan
Geochemical assessment of an annually laminated lake sediment record from northern Sweden: a multi-core, multi-element approach
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Vol. 51, (4) : 499-514
Rydberg, Johan; Martinez-Cortizas, A.
Evaluating paleoproxies for peat decomposition and their relationship to peat geochemistry
The Holocene
, Sage Publications 2013, Vol. 23, (12) : 1666-1667
Hansson, Sophia V.; Rydberg, Johan; Kylander, Malin; et al.
Compaction of recent varved lake sediments
, Taylor & Francis 2013, Vol. 135, (3-4) : 231-236
Maier, Dominique B.; Rydberg, Johan; Bigler, Christian; et al.
Assessment of the spatial distributions of total- and methyl-mercury and their relationship to sediment geochemistry from a whole-lake perspective
Journal of Geophysical Research
, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2012, Vol. 117 : G04005-
Rydberg, Johan; Rosen, Peter; Lambertsson, Lars; et al.
Establishing natural sediment reference conditions for metals and the legacy of long-range and local pollution on lakes in Europe
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Dordrecht: Springer 2011, Vol. 45, (4) : 519-531
Bindler, Richard; Rydberg, Johan; Renberg, Ingemar
Evaluation of conservative lithogenic elements (Ti, Zr, Al, and Rb) to study anthropogenic element enrichments in lake sediments
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Dordrecht: Springer 2011, Vol. 46, (1) : 75-87
Boes, Xavier; Rydberg, Johan; Martinez-Cortizas, A.; et al.
Studies of an elusive element: processes that influence the net retention of mercury in lake sediments and peatlands
Umeå: Umeå universitet, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap 2010
Rydberg, Johan
Importance of vegetation type for mercury sequestration in the northern Swedish mire, Rödmossamyran:
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
, Elsevier Ltd 2010, Vol. 74, (24) : 7116-7126
Rydberg, Johan; Karlsson, Jon; Nyman, Roger; et al.
Climate driven release of carbon and mercury from permafrost mires increases mercury loading to sub-arctic lakes
Science of the Total Environment
, Vol. 408, (20) : 4778-4783
Rydberg, Johan; Klaminder, Jonatan; Rosén, Peter; et al.
Widespread waterborne pollution in central Swedish lakes and the Baltic Sea from pre-industrial mining and metallurgy
Bindler , Richard; Renberg , Ingemar; Rydberg , Johan; et al.
Decadal diagenetic effects on δ13C and δ15N studied in varved lake sediment
Limnology and Oceanography
, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2009, Vol. 54, (3) : 905-916
Gälman, Veronika; Rydberg, Johan; Bigler, Christian
Decadal diagenetic effects on d13C and d15N studied in varved lake sediment
Limnology and Oceanography
, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2009, Vol. 54, (3) : 917-924
Gälman, Veronika; Rydberg, Johan; Bigler, Christian
The role of iron and sulfur in the visual appearance of lake sediment varves
Journal of Paleolimnology
, Springer Netherlands 2009, Vol. 42, (1) : 141-153
Gälman, Veronika; Rydberg, Johan; Shchukarev, Andrey; et al.
Environmental history: A piece in the puzzle for establishing plans for environmental management
Journal of Environmental Management
, Elsevier 2009, Vol. 90, (8) : 2794-2800
Renberg, Ingemar; Bigler, Christian; Bindler, Richard; et al.
Carbon and nitrogen loss rates during aging of lake sediment: Changes over 27 years studied in varved lake sediment
Limnology and Oceanography
, Waco, Tex.: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 2008, Vol. 53, (3) : 1076-1082
Gälman, Veronika; Rydberg, Johan; Sjöstedt-de Luna, Sara; et al.
Is there a chronological record of atmospheric mercury and lead deposition preserved in the mor layer (O-horizon) of boreal forest soils
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
, Vol. 72 : 703-712
Klaminder, Jonatan; Bindler, Richard; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
An explorative study of mercury export from a thawing palsa mire
Journal of Geophysical Research
, Vol. 113 : G04034-
Klaminder, Jonatan; Yoo, K.; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
Assessing the stability of mercury and methylmercury in a varved lake sediment deposit
Environmental Science & Technology
, American Chemical Society 2008, Vol. 42, (12) : 4391-4396
Rydberg, Johan; Gälman, Veronika; Renberg, Ingemar; et al.
Speciation of iron and sulphur in seasonal layers of varved lake sediment: an XPS study
Surface and Interface Analysis
, John Wiley & Sons 2008, Vol. 40, (3-4) : 354-357
Shchukarev, Andrey; Gälman, Veronika; Rydberg, Johan; et al.
Reshaping the landscape: mining, metallurgy and a millennium of environmental changes in south-central Sweden
Bindler, Richard; Myrstener, Erik; Liu, Enfeng; et al.
A whole-lake basin analysis of the spatial distribution of total- and methylmercury in relation to the sediment matrix using WD-XRF and FT-IRS
Rydberg, Johan; Rosén, Peter; Lambertsson, Lars; et al.
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