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Staff photo Jessika Wide

Jessika Wide

Jessika Wide is Associate Professor and appointed as Qualified Teacher. Her research interests mainly deal with politics and administration in Swedish municipalities and regions.

Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher



Works at

Associate professor at Department of Political Science
Samhällsvetarhuset, plan 5, Umeå universitet, A5 58 25 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå


My research interests deal with politics and administration in Swedish municipalities and regions, especially marketization, elderly care, local self-government, crimes against elected representatives, and female political representation.

Local democracy: I have a great interest in research on democracy in Swedish municipalities and regions, with a particular focus on political parties, politicians, social representativity, voter turnout, gender equality, and citizen participation. I was a member of the SNS Democracy Council 2022, which dealt with Swedish local democracy at a crossroads. I conduct research in a new project that investigates crimes against elected representatives - violence, threats, and harassment - in the Swedish democracy and how this is handled legally and institutionally (financed by the Crime Victim Fund).

Marketization in elderly care: I conduct research on the public home-care provider in municipalities that have introduced a system of freedom of choice (LOV) in home-care services (financed by Forte), as well as on the opportunities of pensioners' organizations or participation and influence on issues related to a marketized elderly care in the municipalities (financed by MUCF).

Health care and local self-government: I am part of a research group investigating so-called national agreements concluded between the central government and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) and their consequences for the regions' self-government in health care (financed by Forte).

Women's political representation: My dissertation dealt with women’s political representation from a comparative perspective. Later, I have mainly been interested in female representation at the municipal level in Sweden and more specifically the parties' gender quotas and candidate selection in both general elections and indirectly elected political appointments.

Regional & Federal Studies
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
International Journal of Public Sector Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2024, Vol. 37, (2) : 141-158
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Nordic Social Work Research
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, 2024:3
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Lund: Fahlbeckska stiftelsen 2024, Vol. 126, (3) : 577-600
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Public Management Review, Routledge 2023, Vol. 25, (1) : 63-83
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Stockholm: SNS förlag 2022
Erlingsson, Gissur Ó.; Karlsson, David; Wide, Jessika; et al.
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, Universitetsbiblioteket OsloMet 2022, Vol. 99, (3)
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Kommunala bolag, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2020 : 87-110
Wide, Jessika
Journal of Civil Society, Routledge 2019, Vol. 15, (3) : 230-248
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Partier och partisystem, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2019 : 67-83
Wide, Jessika
Snabbtänkt: reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare, Sundsvall: DEMICOM, Mittuniversitetet 2018 : 62-62
Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Lund: Fahlbeckska stiftelsen 2017, Vol. 119, (3) : 521-498
Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, 1/2016
Wide, Jessika; Feltenius, David
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Fahlbeckska stiftelsen 2015, Vol. 117, (4) : 95-123
Feltenius, David; Wide, Jessika
Partier och partisystem, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2015 : 49-62
Wide, Jessika
Låt fler forma framtiden!: forskarantologi : Bilaga till betänkande av 2014 års demokratiutredning - delaktighet och jämlikt inflytande, Stockholm: Wolters Kluwer 2015 : 111-162
Wide, Jessika
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, Universitetsforlaget 2012, Vol. 53, (3) : 317-347
Wide, Jessika
Nordisk kommunforskning: En forskningsöversikt med 113 projekt, Göteborg: Förvaltningshögskolan, Göteborgs universitet 2011 : 30-35
Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Lund: Fahlbeckska stiftelsen 2011, Vol. 113, (3) : 313-330
Wide, Jessika
Umeå: Umeå kommun 2008
Wide, Jessika; Hudson, Christine
Skrift från Jämställdhetsrådet vid Umeå universitet, 2008:01
Wide, Jessika
Skrift från Jämställdhetsrådet vid Umeå universitet, 2007:1
Wide, Jessika
Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, 0349-0831
Wide, Jessika
Sverige och EU: ett sammanlänkat statsskick, Liber, Malmö 2005 : 35-45
Ersson, Svante; Wide, Jessika
Àjour - En serie kunskapsöversikter från Svenska Kommunförbundet, 6
Wide, Jessika; Gustafsson, Gunnel
Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, 2001:1
Eckerberg, Katarina; Wide, Jessika
Rösträtten 80 år: Forskarantologi, Stockholm: Justitiedepartementet 2001 : 149-168
Ersson, Svante; Wide, Jessika

Since 2016, I have been placed as a Qualified Teacher at Umeå University.

I teach at courses in public administration at the Programme for International Crisis and Conflict Management, the Programme in Health Care Administration, the Programme in Healthcare Counselling, and the Programme for Social Work. In addition, I supervise and examine student theses and examination projects in political science at all levels.