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Jennifer Stewart Williams
Works at
Affiliated as other position at Department of Epidemiology and Global Health
5B, Målpunkt P, Försörjningsvägen 7 B, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet, 90185 Umeå
Global Health Action at 15 – revisiting its rationale
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 14, (1)
Wall, Stig; Emmelin, Maria; Krantz, Ingela; et al.
Factors contributing to the uptake of childhood vaccination in Galkayo District, Puntland, Somalia
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 13, (1)
Abdullahi, Mohamed Farah; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Sahlen, Klas-Göran; et al.
Rural community perceptions of antibiotic access and understanding of antimicrobial resistance: qualitative evidence from the Health and Demographic Surveillance System site in Matlab, Bangladesh
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 12, (sup1)
Chowdhury, Moyukh; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Wertheim, Heiman; et al.
Substance Use Disorders and COVID-19: Multi-Faceted Problems Which Require Multi-Pronged Solutions
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2020, Vol. 11
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Eriksson, Malin; et al.
[BRIEF REPORT] Physical activity during COVID-19 quarantine
Acta Paediatrica
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 109, (10) : 2147-2148
Shahidi, Seyed Houtan; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Hassani, Fahimeh
From a Thesis to a Paper: Report of the 2020 Summer Course
Umeå: Umeå University 2020
Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Health systems responsiveness among older adults: Findings from the World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health
Global Public Health
, Routledge 2020, Vol. 15, (7) : 999-1015
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Myléus, Anna; Chatterji, Somnath; et al.
Health economic assessment of a scenario to promote bicycling as active transport in Stockholm, Sweden
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2019, Vol. 9, (9)
Kriit, Hedi Katre; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Lindholm, Lars; et al.
Inequalities in early childhood mortality in Myanmar: association between parents' socioeconomic status and early childhood mortality
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis Group 2019, Vol. 12, (1)
Lu, Sai San Moon; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Nilsson Sommar, Johan
From a Thesis to a Paper: Report of the 2019 Summer Course
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2019
Stewart Williams, Jennifer
The AMR emergency: multi-sector collaboration and collective global policy action is needed now
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 12, (sup1)
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Wall, Stig
Socioeconomic inequality in self-reported unmet need for oral health services in adults aged 50 years and over in China, Ghana, and India
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 17
Kailembo, Alexander; Preet, Raman; Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Income and wealth as correlates of socioeconomic disparity in dentist visits among adults aged 20 years and over in the United States, 2011–2014
BMC Oral Health
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 18, (1)
Kailembo, Alexander; Quiñonez, Carlos; Lopez Mitnik, Gabriela V.; et al.
Sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics associated with self-reported diagnosed diabetes mellitus in adults aged 50+ years in Ghana and South Africa: results from the WHO-SAGE wave 1
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2018, Vol. 6, (1)
Tarekegne, Fitsum Eyayu; Padyab, Mojgan; Schröders, Julia; et al.
Diabetes mellitus medication use and catastrophic healthcare expenditure among adults aged 50+ years in China and India: results from the WHO study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
BMC Geriatrics
, Vol. 17
Gwatidzo, Shingai Douglas; Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Measurement and decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in single and multimorbidity in older adults in China and Ghana: results from the WHO study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2017, Vol. 16, (1)
Kunna, Rasha; San Sebastian, Miguel; Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Disability and ageing in China and India – decomposing the effects of gender and residence: Results from the WHO study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE)
BMC Geriatrics
, BioMed Central 2017, Vol. 17
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Norström, Fredrik; Ng, Nawi
Pain and alcohol consumption among older adults: findings from the World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health, Wave 1
Tropical medicine & international health
, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 21, (10) : 1282-1292
Ahangari, Alebtekin; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Myléus, Anna
Common risk factors and edentulism in adults, aged 50 years and over, in China, Ghana, India and South Africa: results from the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
BMC Oral Health
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 17
Kailembo, Alexander; Preet, Raman; Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Identification of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and stroke in mid- and older-aged women: Comparing self-report and administrative hospital data records
Geriatrics & Gerontology International
, Vol. 16, (1) : 95-102
Navin Cristina, Tina J; Stewart Williams, Jennifer A; Parkinson, Lynne; et al.
Assessing dental professionals' understanding of tobacco prevention and control: a qualitative study in Västerbotten County, Sweden
BDJ Open
, (2) : 1-6
Preet, Raman; Khan, Nausheen; Blomstedt, Yulia; et al.
Identification of higher hospital costs and more frequent admissions among mid-aged Australian women who self-report diabetes mellitus
, Elsevier 2016, Vol. 90 : 58-63
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Ling, Rod; Searles, Andrew M; et al.
Millennium Development Goals in Vietnam: Taking Multi-sectoral Action to Improve Health and Address the Social Determinants
Global Health Action
, Co-Action Publishing 2016, Vol. 9
Van Minh, Hoang; Oh, Juhwan; Hoat, Luu Ngoc; et al.
Prevalence, circumstances and consequences of non-fatal road traffic injuries and other bodily injuries among older people in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia and South Africa
African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention
, Tygerberg, South Africa: SA Medical Research Council 2015, Vol. 13, (2) : 59-77
Peltzer, Karl; Phaswana-Mafuya, Nancy; Arokiasamy, Perianayagam; et al.
Prevalence, risk factors and disability associated with fall-related injury in older adults in low- and middle-income countries: results from the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
BMC Medicine
, Vol. 13
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Kowal, Paul; Hestekin, Heather; et al.
Risk Factors and Disability Associated with Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Results from the WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE)
, Vol. 10, (6) : e0127880-
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Ng, Nawi; Peltzer, Karl; et al.
Health and ageing in Nairobi's informal settlements-evidence from the International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health (INDEPTH): a cross sectional study
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 15
Wilunda, Boniface; Ng, Nawi; Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Universal health coverage in emerging economies: findings on health care utilization by older adults in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and South Africa
Global Health Action
, Järfälla: Co-Action publishing 2014, Vol. 7
Peltzer, Karl; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Kowal, Paul; et al.
Risk factors for maternal mortality in a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya: a case control study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, Vol. 14
Yego, Faith; D'Este, Catherine; Byles, Julie; et al.
A case-control study of risk factors for fetal and early neonatal deaths in a tertiary hospital in Kenya
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, Vol. 14 : 389-
Yego, Faith H; D Este, Catherine; Byles, Julie; et al.
Socioeconomic inequality in disability among adults: a multicountry study using the World Health Survey
American Journal of Public Health
, American Public Health Association 2013, Vol. 103, (7) : 1278-1286
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad R; Stewart Williams, Jennifer A; Gautam, Jeny; et al.
Assessing patterns of use of cardio-protective polypill component medicines in Australian women
Drugs & Aging
, Springer 2013, Vol. 30, (3) : 193-203
Stewart Williams, Jennifer A; Wallick, Christopher J; Byles, Julie E; et al.
The impact of socioeconomic status on changes in the general and mental health of women over time: evidence from a longitudinal study of Australian women
International Journal for Equity in Health
, Vol. 12
Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Cunich, Michelle; Byles, Julie
A retrospective analysis of maternal and neonatal mortality at a teaching and referral hospital in Kenya
Reproductive Health
, Springer 2013, Vol. 10 : 13-
Yego, Faith; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Byles, Julie; et al.
Social determinants of self-reported health in women and men: understanding the role of gender in population health
, Public library of science 2012, Vol. 7, (4) : e34799-
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Amin, Avni; et al.
Socioeconomic inequality in domains of health: results from the World Health Surveys
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 12 : 198-
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza; Stewart Williams, Jennifer Anne; Itani, Lynn; et al.
Social determinants of sex differences in disability among older adults: a multi-country decomposition analysis using the World Health Survey
International journal for equity in health
, Vol. 11 : 52-
Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Jann, Ben; et al.
Women's uptake of Medicare Benefits Schedule mental health items for general practitioners, psychologists and other allied mental health professionals.
The Medical journal of Australia
, Vol. 194, (4) : 175-179
Byles, Julie E; Dolja-Gore, Xenia; Loxton, Deborah J; et al.
An observational study of the discrediting of COX-2 NSAIDs in Australia: Vioxx or class effect?
BMC Public Health
, Springer 2011, Vol. 11 : 892-
Parkinson, Lynne; Doljagore, Xenia; Gibson, Richard; et al.
Assessing the suitability of fractional polynomial methods in health services research: a perspective on the categorization epidemic
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy
, Vol. 16, (3) : 147-52
Stewart Williams, Jennifer
Active living--the perception of older people with chronic conditions
Chronic Illness
, Sage Publications 2010, Vol. 6, (4) : 294-305
Fuller, Beth G; Stewart Williams, Jennifer A; Byles, Julie E
Equity of access to cardiac rehabilitation: the role of system factors.
International journal for equity in health
, Vol. 9 : 2-
Williams, Jennifer A Stewart; Byles, Julie E; Inder, Kerry J
Using non-linear decomposition to explain the discriminatory effects of male-female differentials in access to care: a cardiac rehabilitation case study
Social Science and Medicine
, Elsevier 2009, Vol. 69, (7) : 1072-1079
Stewart Williams, Jennifer Anne
Building an equity focus in health impact assessment
New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
, New South Wales Department of Health 2005, Vol. 16, (7-8) : 118-119
Aldrich, Rosemary; Mahoney, Mary; Harris, Elizabeth; et al.
Equity-focused health impact assessment: A tool to assist policy makers in addressing health inequalities
Environmental impact assessment review
, Vol. 25 : 772-782
Simpson, Sarah; Mahoney, Mary; Harris, Elisabeth; et al.
Using pilot studies to inform health services
Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association
, The Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association 2005, Vol. 29, (4) : 478-481
Stewart Williams, Jenny A; Lowe, Julia M; Candlish, Paula M
Achieving equity in the Australian healthcare system.
Medical Journal of Australia
, Vol. 180, (6) : 308-
Harris, Elizabeth; Simpson, Sarah J; Aldrich, Rosemary; et al.
Using socioeconomic evidence in clinical practice guidelines.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
, Vol. 327, (7426) : 1283-5
Aldrich, Rosemary; Kemp, Lynn; Williams, Jenny Stewart; et al.
Combining quantitative and qualitative research to engage stakeholders in developing quality indicators in general practice.
Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association
, Vol. 25, (4) : 12-8
Jeacocke, David; Heller, Richard; Smith, Justine; et al.
Understanding rural and remote divisions under a workforce framework.
The Australian journal of rural health
, Vol. 6, (3) : 156-60
Williams, Jennifer
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